Present your project to the Commission

Major permit applications and requests for material permit amendments require a public hearing and vote by BCDC. Here’s what you need to know to prepare. 

Before the Commission meeting

Your BCDC staff contact will schedule the meeting date 

Your BCDC staff contact will let you know what date your project is scheduled to appear before the Commission. The applicant(s) need to be present, along with any project team members who will make the presentation. 

Commission meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of the month 

Commission meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of the month. The meetings start at 1 pm and typically end by 5 pm. You should plan to be there at the start of the meeting even if your item is late in the agenda, as items are occasionally heard out of order. Meetings typically are held on the ground floor of the Bay Area Metro Center in San Francisco.  

Find directions, public transportation, and parking options (which are very limited) to the Bay Area Metro Center. 

Prepare a brief presentation on the project 

You are responsible for preparing a brief presentation for the Commission outlining your project. This presentation should be limited to 10 to 15 minutes. 

A PDF copy of your presentation will be posted on BCDC’s website prior to the meeting. Submit your final presentation at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. 

The presentation must be in an accessible format. BCDC has templates and guidance on how to prepare an accessible presentation file. 

At the Commission meeting 

Present your project 

When your item is called by the Commission’s chairperson, your BCDC staff contact will make brief remarks introducing your project. Following these remarks, you will make your 10- to 15-minute presentation. Be ready to answer questions from Commissioners. It’s recommended you bring members of your project team with expert knowledge on relevant issues, such as your engineer or landscape architect. 

Listen to public comments 

After the Commission has heard your presentation and asked questions, it will invite members of the public to provide input. Following this public comment period, the Commission will close its public hearing. 

What to expect when the Commission votes on your application 

In most cases, the Commission will vote on your application directly following the public hearing. However, your project may be voted upon at a subsequent Commission meeting. If the vote is held at a second meeting, the Commission’s chairperson will indicate when you should return. 

Prior to the Commission’s vote, you will be asked if you agree with the BCDC staff recommendation. This recommendation can be to approve, deny, or modify the project through conditions it has drafted. Sometimes the Commission will draft conditions to address issues it identifies at the public hearing as well. Please be prepared to respond as to whether you agree with the recommendation and any proposed modifications to the project.  

For detailed and official instructions about this process, see Chapter 4 through Chapter 5 of BCDC’s administrative regulations.