
After you receive a permit from BCDC, you are responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of your permit. Find resources here to help.

How it works

Each BCDC permit contains specific terms and conditions that you must follow. Make sure you have a plan in place to meet your obligations under the permit.


  1. Review the requirements of your permit
    Before signing your permit, read the terms and conditions to ensure you fully understand your obligations under the permit and the deadlines for completing work on your project.
  2. Develop a plan and timeline to comply with your permit
    Create a plan to ensure you will fulfill the requirements of your permit. Permits often require you to submit certain documents to BCDC to review and approve before you can start work on your project. This might include construction plans, legal documents, monitoring and mitigation plans, or specialized reports. Develop a work plan and schedule to ensure these are submitted on-time.
  3. Work with your BCDC contact
    If you have questions about how to comply with any requirement of your permit, or to get help developing a work plan, reach out early to your staff contact on BCDC’s compliance team.
  4. Ensure ongoing compliance with your permit
    Many permits have conditions that require you to monitor and maintain your project over time. For example you might need to monitor for flood events along the shoreline or conduct regular maintenance of a shoreline public access area. Make sure you have a plan in place to monitor your progress and regularly check back to ensure you are in compliance with the terms of your permit.

Forms and instructions

These forms and instructions are provided to help you comply with common conditions in BCDC permits.

Certificate of contractor review

Complete this form if required by your permit. It needs to be returned to BCDC before you can start any grading work, demolition, or construction.

Notice of completion and declaration of compliance

Complete this form upon project completion. This applies to all permits, including each amendment, except regionwide permits.

Agreement imposing restrictions on the use of real property
These documents can be used to prepare agreements to permanently restrict real property for use as public access, open space, or a view corridor.
Assignment of a permit

To assign a permit, the permittee-assignor and assignee shall execute and submit for review and approval by BCDC's counsel a permit assignment document that contains all the information specified in section 10830(a) of the Commission’s regulations and complies with sections 10830(b) or 10830(c), if applicable.

Instructions for uploading project information into the regional project database

Certain permits include a condition requiring them to upload project details into a regional project database and online mapping system.

Consequences of not complying with your permit

There are serious consequences if you do not comply with the terms and conditions of your permit, including:

  • Invalidation of the permit
  • Fines and civil penalties
  • Referral to the California Attorney General for prosecution

For less serious violations of permit terms, work with BCDC compliance staff to develop a plan to get back into compliance to avoid these outcomes.