Seaport Planning Advisory Committee

The Seaport Planning Advisory Committee, or SPAC, provides technical expertise to BCDC on port planning. Members are appointed by MTC/ABAG, the five Bay Area Ports, Caltrans, the San Francisco Marine Exchange, Save San Francisco Bay Association, and BCDC.


Advisory Committee Members

Rebecca Eisen, Chair

BCDC Representative

Bryan Brandes, Maritime Director

Port of Oakland

Lizeht Zepeda, Nannette Beacham, or Jessie Filbert

Port of Richmond

David Lewis, Executive Director, Save the Bay

Bay Area Environmental Interest Group (jointly appointed by chairs of BCDC and MTC)

Karl Hasz

BCDC Representative

Vacant (3)

MTC/ABAG Representative

Jean Finney, Deputy District Director, Transportation Planning and Local Assistance


Andre Coleman, Maritime Director

Port of San Francisco

Jim Triplett, Sr Vice President W Coast Ops

Port of San Francisco

Kristine Zortman, Executive Director

Port of Redwood City

Scott Humphrey, Executive Director, San Francisco Marine Exchange

Bay Area Economic Development Interest Group (jointly appointed by chairs of BCDC and MTC)

MTC/ABAG Planning Director

MTC/ABAG Planning Director

N/A (discontinued regional office)

U.S. Maritime Administration


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The Seaport Planning Advisory Committee was formed by the Commission to advise on updates the BCDC Seaport Plan.  All communication to the members should be sent to