Policy and plan updates

The San Francisco Bay Plan guides BCDC’s regulatory and planning activities. BCDC cannot approve a permit for a project that is not consistent with the Bay Plan. BCDC also has other plans that help supplement the Bay Plan. For example, Special Area Plans provide more specific rules for discrete geographical areas and are considered part of the Bay Plan, although they are separate documents. In addition, in the Suisun Marsh, BCDC uses the Suisun Marsh Protection Plan to evaluate projects in the permitting process. BCDC also uses policy guidance in its permitting or planning, and this guidance is updated periodically.

BCDC may amend the Bay Plan and other BCDC plans over time to address regional needs. Amendments can be started by the Commission, BCDC staff, or the public. If you are interested in learning about amending BCDC plans, please contact the Long-Range Planning Team at info@bcdc.ca.gov.   

Current projects to update the Bay Plan, other plans, policies, or guidance are listed below. If you are interested in learning more about BCDC’s planning for climate change and sea level rise, click to the Adapting to Rising Tides and Bay Adapt webpages

San Francisco Waterfront Special Area Plan Update (BPA 3-17)

The Port of San Francisco applied to amend the San Francisco Waterfront Special Area Plan. The San Francisco Waterfront Special Area Plan governs BCDC’s permitting activities along the San Francisco Waterfront. 

Contract for the Amendment (BPA 3-17)

Presentation on Contract (BPA 3-17)

Sediment for Wetland Adaptation Project (SWAP)

BCDC is leading a project help increase the use of sediment and soil in habitat adaptation. The project includes creating an action plan for beneficial reuse of sediment, a potential Bay Plan amendment, and development of a financing strategy. 

Sediment for Wetland Adaptation Project