Maps and data

Map image of the central san francisco bay showing critical infrastructure.

Access maps and spatial data about the Bay, shoreline communities, and risks from sea level rise and flooding.

Open Data Portal

For GIS users, download all publicly available data. Topic areas include boundaries, flood hazards, community vulnerability, and habitats that are related to BCDC’s regulatory and planning areas.

Priority Use Areas

Access boundaries and information about Commission designated Bay Plan priority use area jurisdiction.

Shoreline Adaptation Project Map (SAPMap)

Inventory of planned and existing climate adaptation and habitat restoration projects in the SF Bay.

Community Vulnerability and CBO Directory Mapping

Maps of socioeconomic and contamination vulnerability and CBO stewardship areas to support Environmental Justice and Social Equity Bay Plan policies.

Bay Shoreline Flood Explorer

Current and future flooding risks due to sea level rise and storms.

SF Bay Tidal Datums

Daily and extreme tide elevation information for the entirety of the Bay shoreline.

SF Bay Eelgrass Assessment Tool

Supports dredging projects participating in the Long Term Management Strategy (LTMS) for the Placement of Dredged Material in the Bay Region.

Bay Resource Assessment Tool (Internal Use Only)

 For BCDC staff to explore relevant issued permits, enforcement cases, and select jurisdictional records.

GIS Specialist Lead

Todd Hallenbeck

GIS Specialist

Viktoria Kuehn

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

Data and applications made available by BCDC are for planning purposes only. While the data may be helpful for preliminary regional research and general planning purposes, boundaries may not be as depicted. BCDC makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the data nor assumes any liability for its use – the user assumes all risk of use.