Federal and state regulations require an analysis of disposal alternatives with respect to dredged material prior to the authorization of a dredging and disposal project. The Alternatives Analysis provided by the dredger must demonstrate that the proposed aquatic discharge will not have unacceptable adverse impacts on the ecosystem and that there is no practicable alternative available.
Integrated Disposal Site Alternatives Analysis
Large dredgers with multiple dredge sites can submit an Integrated Disposal Site Alternatives Analysis, that evaluates an applicant’s overall dredging program over a multi-year (typically three to five) period. IAAs are intended to streamline the permitting and approval process for larger dredgers by removing the need to prepare facility-by-facility and episode-by-episode alternatives analyses, while documenting how their overall program meets the LTMS Goals of reduced in-Bay disposal and maximizes beneficial reuse of sediment.
Programmatic Alternative Disposal Site
Small Dredger Programmatic Alternatives Analysis. Due to the constraints of most small dredger projects, the LTMS regulatory agencies developed this programmatic alternative disposal site analysis. The purpose of the document is to provide those members of the small dredger class with the necessary analysis to obtain authorization for disposal or reuse of dredged material. Qualifying small dredgers may use this form instead of preparing an alternative disposal site analysis.
Small Dredger Programmatic Alternatives Analysis Form
Qualifying small dredgers may use this form instead of preparing an alternatives analysis.