As part of the implementation of the LTMS, the agencies coordinate with NOAA Fisheries, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife, for maintenance dredging and disposal projects. This coordination reduced the need for individual consultation for maintenance dredging projects through the establishment of programmatic work windows. Based on the project location and potential species presence, each dredging project has a “work window” each year, during which individual consultations are not needed.
Dredging and Disposal without Consultation
San Francisco Bay Dredging Environmental Work Windows (PDF)
The work windows are those times when dredging and disposal may occur without consultation.
Informal Consultation
Environmental Work Windows Informal Consultation Packet
Any project proposing to conduct dredging activities outside of the work windows is required to undertake either informal for formal consultation with the appropriate resource agencies (NOAA Fisheries, USFWS, and CDFW). This packet is an overview of when the informal consultation process can be used.