Permit application tracker

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This table shows applications received since January 1, 2022.

Last updated:
December 19, 2024


Permit numberPermit typeLocal jurisdictionProject descriptionApplicantLocationStatusDate application receivedDate issuedBCDC staff assigned
1999.014.03Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoExtend the completion date through November 5, 2026.San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, across Islais Creek, from Tennessee Street to Quint Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewDec. 09, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1977.056.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of Palo AltoRetrofit and rehabilitate the existing 113-foot-long aging reinforced concrete tide gate structure to address seismic vulnerabilities and extend the structure's service life.Santa Clara Valley Water DistrictIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, within a Bay Plan-designated Waterfront Park, Beach Priority Use Area, at 2380 Embarcadero Road, in the City of Palo Alto, San Mateo County.Under reviewDec. 05, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2024.035.00AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoDemolish above-ground buildings and structures, and abandon utilities in place, and remove 105,000 square feet of overwater structures.Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Pier 90, at 3305 Third Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewNov. 27, 2024Alyssa Plese
M2024.034.00AdministrativeCity of BeniciaConstruct new shoreline protection consisting of a riprap slope and concrete retaining wall to replace an existing failed concrete block wall.Linda MagnelliWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 628 John's Place, in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewNov. 25, 2024Lisa Herron
M2024.036.00AdministrativeCity of BerkeleyPlace a non-permanent 100-square-foot concession stand.City of BerkeleyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 124 University Avenue in the City of Berkeley, Alameda County.Under reviewNov. 22, 2024Alyssa Plese
NOI2024.024.00RegionwideCity of SausalitoInstall new sanitary sewer force main, new sewer lift ejector stations, replace pumps and electrical systems, and abandon existing sanitary sewer serving five residences.City of SausalitoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 14, 18, 18UA, 20, and 22 Alexander Avenue, in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.Under reviewNov. 22, 2024Lisa Herron
E2024.006.00EmergencyCity of Emeryville Channel marker pile to be installed is 12” x 48’ concrete pile. The pile will be installed using vibratory equipment (not impact), and installation should be accomplished in one day.  

Lind Marine and Pacific EcoriskIn the Bay in the City of Emeryville and the County of Alameda at hte Emeryville Entrance Channel.

IssuedNov. 20, 2024Nov. 22, 2024Julie Garren
ANOI2024.007.00Abbreviated RegionwideAlameda CountyRepair 2 wooden pilings with fiberglass jackets.Ballena Bay Townhouse AssociationIn the Bay, at 352 Tidewater Drive, City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedNov. 14, 2024Dec. 06, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2024.033.00AdministrativeSonoma CountyVulcan is proposing to dredge the berth to -8 ft Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) to accommodate a safer approach and docking for current vessel calls. The project site consists of the existing berth area. This depth will match the adjacent federal channel and since it has not been dredged previously would be considered “new” work under current guidance from the Dredge Material Management Office (DMMO).Vulcan Materials - Western Region and Christine Boudreau - repIn the Bay in the County of Sonoma with the nearest city of Petaluma at latitude 38d13'27.43"N, longitude 122d36'24.41"WUnder reviewNov. 13, 2024Jaime Lopez
C2024.012.00Federal Consistency ReviewThis is a one year dredging program to maintain navigation in the Bay.USACEIn the Bay in seven locations:i ncluding the Main Ship Channel, Oakland Harbor, Richmond Inner Harbor, Pinole Shoal, Suisun Bay Channel and New York Slough, Redwood City Harbor, and Petaluma River.
Under reviewNov. 12, 2024Jaime Lopez
M1975.054.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of SunnyvaleThe purpose of the project is to authorize permanent retention of the existing facilities that were
installed as part of the Secondary Effluent Pipeline Emergency Replacement Project (2020
Emergency Project) to support continued wastewater treatment services that reliably meet health
and safety and water quality standards, consistent with the existing WPCP wastewater treatment
City of SunnyvaleIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the City of Sunnyvale and the County of Santa Clara in and adjacent the Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant at 1444 Borregas Avenue.Under reviewNov. 12, 2024Rowan Yelton
2024.006.00MajorIncorporate a public trail and plaza adjacent to the shoreline at mIlls CreekKing1499 Bayshore Owner LLC and Peter BanzhafUnder reviewNov. 11, 2024Lisa Herron
1999.016.04Non-Material AmendmentCity of Menlo ParkImplement a part time bus only lane on SR84 bewteen Marsh Rd and Dumbarton Bridge by converting existing right shoulder into the bus lane in both eastbound and westbound directions.CaltransIn the Shoreline Band, Bay, and/or Salt Pond jurisdiction in the City of Menlo Park in the County of San Mateo on State Route 84 brom the west end of the Dumbarton Bridge and Marsh Rd.Under reviewNov. 08, 2024Lisa Herron
C2019.004.05Non-Material AmendmentAlameda CountyMaintenance dredgingUSACEIn the Bay in Alameda County.Under reviewNov. 08, 2024Brenda Goeden
NOI2024.023.00RegionwideCity of San LeandroAfter the fact ADU deck permit for pre-existing deck built between 2006 and 2012 by previous property owners.John WittIn the City of San Leandro in the county of Alameda at the residence of 12975 Neptune Drive.Under reviewNov. 07, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.022.00RegionwideCity of Beniciaconstruction of an elevated rear deck and hot tub in rear yard.Gary and Carole Arneson and Brandon MarshallIn the Shoreline Band in the City of Benicia and the County of Marin at the residednce of 737 West H st.Under reviewNov. 06, 2024Alyssa Plese
NOI2024.021.00RegionwideCity of BeniciaRemove a failed streambank protection retaining wall and place clean new riprap to stop erosion of the bank.Mary and Ted YeeIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the City of Benecia and the County of Marin at 716 WEst I street.Under reviewNov. 05, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2021.005.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of Corte MaderaAmendment No. One involves an extension of construction commencement time, until December 31, 2025 and an extension of construction completion time, until December 31, 2028, and you are hereby granted an extension of vegetation restoration and monitoring commencement time, until December 31, 2026 and an extension of vegetation restoration and monitoring completion time, until December 31, 2031 for the Corte Madera Creek Lower College of Marin Restoration Project, of permission previously granted in BCDC Permit No. M2021.005.00.Marin County Flood Control And Water Conservation DistrictIssuedNov. 04, 2024Nov. 20, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2019.004.00AdministrativeCity of RichmondAfter-the-fact authorization of a eight-acre solar farm.Joe ShekouWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Elmar Court in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa CountyIssuedNov. 04, 2024Dec. 05, 2024Katharine Pan
M2024.032.00AdministrativeCity of TiburonRestoratin and expansion of beach and backshore habitat to arrest progressive shoreline erosion and improve habitat and public access values.Town of Tiburon and Dan GillenwaterIn the Bay and the Shoreline Band in the City of Tiburon and the County of Marin at Greenwood Beach which is partially in the Tiburon Boulevard Shoreline Priority Use Area on Greenwood Beach Rd.Under reviewNov. 04, 2024Schuyler Olsson
M2000.015.03Non-Material AmendmentMarin CountyReplace existing deteriorated boat dock. Remove existing creosote-treated piles, install new piles and dock structures. Landing apparatus will be retained.California State ParksIn the bay and shoreline band in the County of Marin in the Prioritiy Use Area of Angel Island in Ayala Cove.Under reviewNov. 01, 2024Sam Fielding
M1977.017.21Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoFive-year time extension for the Port of San Francisco's general maintenance program, including minor routine repairs and maintenance on existing piers, decks, sidewalks, buildings, and utilities.Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, along the San Francisco Waterfront from Aquatic Park to Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard at Port-controlled properties in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewNov. 01, 2024Alyssa Plese
Federal Consistency ReviewCity of AlamedaRelocate and consolidate existing highsecurity units into a single Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) at USCG Base Alameda, California. The current infrastructure is insufficient to accommodate the Maritime Intelligence Fusion Center Pacific and four tenant intelligence entities. The proposed alternative sites were assessed with each site proposing a total consolidated area of
approximately 35,000 square feet, and either two or three stories in height. No additional parking spaces are proposed and the facility would utilize existing parking spaces.
United States Coast GuardIn the Shoreline Band in the City and County of Alameda on the northwest end of Base Alameda.Under reviewNov. 01, 2024Alyssa Plese
Non-Material AmendmentCity of VallejoInstall and maintain four groundwater moniotirng wells.PG&E and City of VallejoIn the Shoreline Band in the City of Vallejo in the County of Solano at the former Vallejo Manufactured Gas Plan south of Curtola Parkway and west of Sonoma Boulevard.Under reviewOct. 29, 2024Alyssa Plese
NOI2024.020.00RegionwideCity of Marin CityReplace exisiting discharge structure and slide gate with improved system and repair cracks and separations in concreete box culvert under Hwy 101Marin County and Robert PerreraIn the Bay jurisdiction in the City of Marin City and the County of Marin at the tidegate on the Marin City Lagoon.Under reviewOct. 29, 2024Rowan Yelton
C2024.005.01Federal Consistency ReviewContra Costa County
This amended letter of agreement authorizes a revision to Special Condition II.C.1, allowing for an extension of the in-water work window from November 30, to December 15.

Defense Logistics AgencyAt the Defense Fuel Support Point (DFSP) Ozol, located at 700 Carquinez Scenic Drive, Martinez, Contra Costa County.IssuedOct. 29, 2024Nov. 22, 2024Sam Fielding
C2024.010.00Federal Consistency ReviewCity of OaklandThe purpose of the Airport Perimeter Dike Seismic Improvements Project (Phase 2, or the Project) at OAK is to reduce the susceptibility of the APD to overtopping or deformation as a result of seismic events, which could
lead to flooding of OAK runways and interruption of airport operations.
Federal Aviation Administration and Port of OaklandIn the Shoreline Band in the City of Oakland the County of Marin in the Oakland Airport Priority Use Area at 1 Airport Derive, Oakland. Project area is located in Township 2 South, Range 3 West,Sections 20 and 30-31 and is situated along OAK’s south field adjacent to Runway 12-30Under reviewOct. 25, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.019.00RegionwideCity of AlamedaAfter the fact dock and gangway construction.2009 Darryl Browman Trust and Aaron ZuzackIn the City and County of Alameda at the residence of 3315 Fernside Blvd.Under reviewOct. 22, 2024Julie Garren
1973.008.05Non-Material AmendmentCity of MartinezDemolition of Docks E and F, repairs to northern breakwater, construction of new eastern breakwater and demolition of the existing eastern breakwater.City of Martinez and Blair JenetIn the Bay in the City of Martinez and the County of Marin at the Martinez Marina.Under reviewOct. 17, 2024Sam Fielding
C1999.006.03Federal Consistency ReviewSan Francisco CountyDredging of approximately 18,900 cy (60,000 cy over a 10-year period) from the Sector San Francisco Boat Basin and Pier dredge area in San Francisco, CA. The dredging is comprised of boat basin area (-10 ft MLLW), transition area (-10 to -14 ft MLLW), and pier area (-14 ft MLLW) with a 2-foot overdredge.United States Coast Guard and Brianne ZornIn the Bay in the City and County of San Francisco at the SF Boat Basin 37.810983,-122.360764Under reviewOct. 16, 2024Jaime Lopez
M2024.031.00AdministrativeCity of BurlingameInstall 1,242 linear feet of boardwalks at Millbrae-San Mateo #1 115kV Burlingame Lagoon project location.PG&EIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the City of Burlingame and the County of San Mateo in the Burlingame Lagoon.Under reviewOct. 15, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2024.029.00AdministrativeAlameda CountyPacific Gas and Electric CompanyIn the Bay County of Alameda in the Cities of Oakland and NewarkUnder reviewOct. 15, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2024.030.00AdministrativeMarin CountyInstall 3,775 linear feet of boardwalks at Lakeville-Ignacio #1 230kV Petaluma River and Lakeville-Ignacio #2 230kV Novato project locations.PG&E and PGEIn the Bay and Certain Waterway jurisdiction near the City of Novato in the County of Marin along the Lakeville-Ignacio line.Under reviewOct. 15, 2024Rowan Yelton
E2024.004.00EmergencyCity of NovatoThe bridge’s center dolphin was damaged by a recent allision event with a barge. In order to restore full fendering capability to protect the structural integrity of the bridge, several timber elements and timber piles need to be removed and replaced.
Sonoma Marin Rail Transit and Katie ChamberlinIn the Bay near the city of Novato and the County of Marin at the Black Point Bridge that crosses the Petaluma River.IssuedOct. 11, 2024Oct. 14, 2024Julie Garren
M2017.025.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of Mill ValleyCaltrans proposes to remove and upgrade existing bridge rails at Coyote Creek Bridge on SR 1 in Marin County, CA.CaltransIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the Cily of Mill Valley and the County of Marin on the Coyote Creek Bridge at Post Mile 0.42 of State Route 1.Under reviewOct. 09, 2024Alyssa Plese
M2024.028.00AdministrativeSanta Clara CountyRepairing the existing asphalt trail.City of Santa Clara and Daniel LearyIn the Bay and Shoreline band in the city and county of Santa Clara on the San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail North of Baylands Park Trail.Under reviewOct. 04, 2024Alyssa Plese
M2002.045.04Non-Material AmendmentCity of South San FranciscoAn extension of completion time, until September 19, 2025 for the minor 2023 SFO shoreline repairs project, of permission previously granted to the San Francisco International Airport in BCDC Permit No. M2002.045.03San Francisco International AirportSan Francisco International AirportIssuedOct. 04, 2024Oct. 25, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1993.016.05Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San Francisco
Extend the installation of a temporary public space activation project at Fisherman’s Wharf that offers new amenities to enhance the enjoyment of the area’s public spaces. The project is directly connected to the Port’s ongoing efforts to catalyze economic recovery and provide alternatives to unpermitted vending, which has created challenges for area businesses and at times hindered public access to sidewalk pathways and waterfront views.
Port of San FranciscoIn the Shoreline Band in the City and County of San Francisco at Fishermans Wharf.Under reviewOct. 04, 2024Alyssa Plese
M1992.055.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaRepair and replace two retaining walls with single retaining wate and redo patio and path.Kristin Precoda and David HuronIn the Shoreline Band in the City of Benicia and the County of Solano at the residence of 1324 West K St.Under reviewSep. 23, 2024Lisa Herron
M2024.026.00AdministrativeCity of TiburonRenovation and addition to the existing residence. Installation of new additional dwelling unit. repair concrete patio, replace and repair existing deck and replace old railing.Russell Keil III and Myka KeilIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the City of Tiburon in the County of Marin at the residence of 2246 Mar East St.Under reviewSep. 23, 2024Alyssa Plese
NOI2024.018.00RegionwideCity of SausalitoInstall sanitary sewer infrastructure, including pump stations and sewer laterals, at 7 residences.City of SausalitoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 26, 28, 30, 36, 38, 40, and 64 Alexander Avenue, in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.IssuedSep. 23, 2024Nov. 05, 2024Lisa Herron
M2024.009.00AdministrativeMarin CountyUpdate and consolidate signage to benefit public use of the path by improving wayfinding, orientation, and safety.Marin CountyIn the 100 foot Shoreline Band in multiple cities in Marin County.IssuedSep. 23, 2024Oct. 22, 2024Alyssa Plese
M2024.027.00AdministrativeCity of BelvedereInstall a four post boat lift adjacent to the existing floating dock off the shorelineNick Ahmadi and Sean AventIn the Bay in the city of Belvedere and the County of Marin at the residence of 12 West Shore Rd.Under reviewSep. 18, 2024Rowan Yelton
ANOI2024.006.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of VallejoInstall shore posts to prevent further damage to existing deck.Anthony Cosgrove and Kim CosgroveIn the Bay in the City of Vallejo in the county of Solano at the residence of 14 Sandy Beach rd.Under reviewSep. 17, 2024Sam Fielding
M1979.088.04Non-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoRenovation of the first floor from a cafe to a restaurant and improvement of the accompanying public access walkway and deck.Bayview 1 LLC and Darien KeyIn the Shoreline Band in the City of Sausalito and the County of Marin at 660 Bridgeway.Under reviewSep. 17, 2024Alyssa Plese
1973.015.05Non-Material AmendmentCity of BelvedereAmendment No. Five involves an extension of commencement time, until November 30, 2025, and an extension of completion time, until November 30, 2027, for retaining wall repairs.Greenwood Bay Condominium Homeowners AssociationAlong Greenwood Bay Drive in Tiburon, Marin County.IssuedSep. 12, 2024Nov. 08, 2024Sam Fielding
M2024.025.00AdministrativeCity of BeniciaConstruct approximately 105 linear feet of riprap along protection along shoreline.Dan Keenan and Rod SherryIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 720 West I Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewSep. 05, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.013.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereRepairs to stabilize hillside and replace stairs to re-establish dock access.Lilian Murray and Roger HartleyIn the Shoreline Band in the City of Belvedere and the County of Marin at the residence of 228 Beach Rd.Under reviewSep. 04, 2024Lisa Herron
M1987.015.27Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondReplace an ageing onshore fire water pump and a nearshore intake with a new pump and intake located nearly one mile offshore on the Long Wharf.Kris Battleson and Bill MartinIn the Bay in the City of Richmond and the County of Contra Costa at Chevron's Long Wharf.Under reviewSep. 04, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.017.00RegionwideCity of OaklandDemolition of existing slab-on-grade and construction of pile-supported concrete slab.Martin Marietta Materials and Simpson Gumpertz & Heger - applicant repIn the 100 foot Shoreline Band in the city of Oakland in the County of Alameda at Martin Marietta Materials, 4501 Tidewater Avenue.Under reviewAug. 31, 2024Lisa Herron
NOI2024.016.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereReplace residential dock and gangway.Sara Griffith and Jeffrey Cotsifas - repIn the Bay in the City of Belvedere in the County of Marin at 79 Bellevue Avenue.IssuedAug. 28, 2024Oct. 02, 2024Sam Fielding
C2024.007.00Federal Consistency ReviewCity of Alameda
Enhance its infrastructure at the USCG Base Alameda, California, by installing new electric vehicle support equipment (EVSE) and renewable energy systems.

No Effect Letter was issued on 10/15/24
United States Coast GuardIn the City and County of Alameda on the USCG Base on the northwest end of Coast Guard Island and surrounded by Brooklyn Basin.IssuedAug. 27, 2024Oct. 15, 2024Rowan Yelton
ANOI2024.005.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of VallejoHangers on deck joints will be replaced with stainless stel hangers rated for marine exposure.Richard Bullock and Anthony CosgroveIn the Bay jurisdiction in the City of Vallejo and the County of Solano at the residence of 12 Sandy Beach Rd.IssuedAug. 23, 2024Sep. 24, 2024Sam Fielding
M1995.045.02AdministrativeCity of BelvedereRemove single I-beam and install two aluminum boat lift.Brian Davis and Daniel MautnerIn the Bay in the City of Belvedere and the County of Marin at the residence of 37 West Shore Road.Under reviewAug. 19, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1971.033.01AdministrativeCity of BelvedereRemove existing boat lift and install new four-post lift.Stacy and Mathew Perry and DTM Construction - Daniel MautnerIn the Bay in the City of Belvedere and the County of Marin at the residence of 47 West Shore Road.Under reviewAug. 19, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.015.00RegionwideCity of SausalitoInstalling two new mooring buoys to demarcate the no wake zone for the marina.Sausalito Yacht ClubIn the Bay in the City of Sausalito in the County of Marin marking the no wake zone of the Sausalito Yacht Club at 100 Humbolt Ave.IssuedAug. 16, 2024Sep. 11, 2024Rowan Yelton
2024.005.00MajorCity of HaywardEast Bay Regional Park DistrictInUnder reviewAug. 16, 2024Schuyler Olsson
M2005.017.02AdministrativeCity of BelvedereRelocate boat lift, installation of one pile, two beams, and a new aluminum gangway.David WelchIn the Bay in the City of Belvedere in the County of Marin at 27 Bellevue Ave.IssuedAug. 15, 2024Oct. 25, 2024Sam Fielding
M2019.028.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of San LeandroTime extension only.City of San LeandroIn the 100 foot Shoreline Band and Bay jurisdiction at Neptune Drive in the City of San Leandro and the County of Alameda.Under reviewAug. 14, 2024Alyssa Plese
M2024.024.00AdministrativeCity of LarkspurReducing the size of a floating dock and after the fact coverage for installation of the dock.Camden HicksIn the Certain Waterway jurisdiction at 17 Boardwalk One in the City of Larkspur and the County of Marin.Under reviewAug. 13, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2020.016.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondInstall additional reef balls and associated additional quarry rock to the Terminal Four site enhanced rock slope protection.California State Coastal Conservancy and City of RichmondIn the Bay at the Terminal Four site in the City of Richmond and the County of Contra Costa.IssuedAug. 09, 2024Sep. 27, 2024Schuyler Olsson
ANOI2024.001.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of Redwood CityRemoval and disposal of decommissioned rampVillas at Bair Island, LLC and The GB Group, IncIn the Bay at 700 Bair Island in the City of Redwood City and County of San Mateo.Under reviewAug. 07, 2024Sam Fielding
M2012.014.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaConstruct new roof and glazed enclosure at existing outdoor dining.Elizabeth Kurt, Kurt Family Restaurant and Brandon MarshallIn the 100-foot shoreline band at 127 First in the city of Benicia in the County of Solano.Under reviewAug. 05, 2024Lisa Herron
2003.002.03Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoPark improvements include tree removal, new landscaping area, new benches, and a new sign.Port of San FranciscoIn the 100 foot shoreline band at Tulare Park in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewAug. 01, 2024Alyssa Plese
1997.001.06Material AmendmentCity of Richmond, San Rafael, CityCaltransIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County, and the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.Under reviewJul. 29, 2024Katharine Pan
2024.004.00MajorCity of RichmondBuild 70 single-family homes and 30 junior additional dwelling units.Glen Powles and Michael VidraWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Marina Point near 1414 Harbour Way South, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.Under reviewJul. 26, 2024Lisa Herron
M2022.024.01mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyWork must commence from October 31, 2024 to October 31, 2025. This also entails shifting the latest date by which work for these sections must be completed from October 31, 2026 to October 31, 2027, for restoration of the managed wetland at Simmons Island.Port of Stockton and Rich Island Duck ClubWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh and within a managed wetland or salt pond, at the southern portion of Simmons Island, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJul. 24, 2024Aug. 27, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.011.00RegionwideCity and County of San FranciscoInstall an approximately 6-foot-high and 5.5-foot-long stainless steel and aluminum battery powered davit to an existing dock’s concrete piles.South End Rowing ClubIn the Bay, at the South End Rowing Club, located at 500 Jefferson St, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJul. 18, 2024Sep. 04, 2024Sam Fielding
M1981.089.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of Mountain ViewRaise a portion of the Bay Trail and install on-way culverts beneath the Bay Trail.City of Mountain View and Sam MooseIn the 100 foot Shoreline Band in the City of Mountain View and the County of Santa Clara.Under reviewJul. 17, 2024Alyssa Plese
2002.006.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of MartinezOperations and maintenance of the Peyton Slough Remediation projetEco ServicesIn the Bay and Shoreline Band i the City of Martinez and the County of Contra Costa.Under reviewJul. 12, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2024.021.00AdministrativeCity of San LeandroConversion of an existing emergency wastewater retention basin to a multi-benefit treatment wetland, including a nitrification facility, and the continuous use of an existing outfall.City of San Leandro and Ian Wren (rep)In the 100-foot Shoreline Band in the City of San Leandro in the County of Alameda.Under reviewJul. 11, 2024Schuyler Olsson
M1985.006.08Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoReplace the West Pier and the jib crane in-kindSaint Francis Yacht Club and Sean AventIn the Bay in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewJul. 10, 2024Sam Fielding
M2002.071.08Non-Material AmendmentSan Francisco CountyPeriodic dredging to provide navigable and safe operations at Port maritime Facilities.Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewJul. 09, 2024Pascale Soumoy
C2024.009.00Federal Consistency ReviewSan Francisco CountyThe U. S. Coast Guard (USCG) proposes to conduct repairs to waterfront facilities at USCG Station San Francisco, on Yerba Buena Island, San Francisco, California. The work would involve replacing damaged sections of the wave screen mounted on the patrol cutter pier (WPB pier); replacing or repairing floating docks attached to the WPB pier; and replacing or repairing the floating docks where the station’s small boats are berthed (small boat docks).

No effect letter was issued on 10/15/24
US Coast GuardIn the Bay in the City and County of San Francisco on east side of Yerba Buena Island at te USCG Station.IssuedJul. 08, 2024Oct. 15, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2024.023.00AdministrativeCity of Tiburon
New boat shed with landing and wooden boardwalk

Jacqueline Bos and Eric McCrath Rev'ble Living TrustIn the Bay in the City of Tiburon and County of Marin.Under reviewJul. 05, 2024Sam Fielding
1977.005.37Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaRehabilitate a breakwater for the Benicia Marina.City of BeniciaIn the Bay in the City of Benicia and the County of Solano.IssuedJul. 03, 2024Oct. 31, 2024Sam Fielding
1993.009.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of San MateoRiprap repair project (within existing footprint) at Seal Point Park, 1901 J Hart Clinton Drive, in the City of San Mateo.City of San MateoIssuedJun. 28, 2024Nov. 06, 2024Alyssa Plese
M2003.017.04Non-Material AmendmentSanta Clara CountyImprove recreational access to south San Francisco Bay by repairing the marina boat launch facility.Santa Clara county Parks and recreation DepartmentIn the Bay and the 100 foot shoreline band in the City and County of Santa Clara.Under reviewJun. 28, 2024Lisa Herron
C2024.005.00Federal Consistency ReviewContra Costa CountyThe removal of a deteriorated timber pier, consisting of 157 timber pilings, decking, and associated infrastructure.Defense Logistics AgencyAt the Defense Fuel Support Point (DFSP) Ozol, located at 700 Carquinez Scenic Drive, Martinez, Contra Costa County.IssuedJun. 27, 2024Oct. 16, 2024Sam Fielding
M2009.009.01mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyInstall 20-foot bulkhead structure to prevent levee erosion.Suisun Resource Conservation DistrictIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, in the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at 424 Lower Joice Island, in unincorporated Solano County.Under reviewJun. 21, 2024Julie Garren
M2024.020.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyInstall 825 linear feet of steel sheet piles to stabilize 24 exterior levee erosion sites.Department of Water ResourcesIn the Commission’s Managed Wetland and Bay jurisdictions, at Property 631 Meins Landing on Montezuma Slough, 5404 Birds Landing Road, Birds Landing, in Solano County.IssuedJun. 18, 2024Nov. 18, 2024Sam Fielding
M2024.015.00AdministrativeCity of San MateoRepair a small landslide on the slope north of the CuriOdyssey building, including construction of a retaining wall.San Mateo County Parks DepartmentWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Coyote Point Recreation Area at 1701 Coyote Point Drive, in the City of San Mateo, San Mateo County.IssuedJun. 14, 2024Sep. 26, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
E2024.003.00EmergencyCity of San LeandroDemolish the former Harbor Master's Office, a pile-supported structure at the marina, that was damaged by a fire.City of San LeandroIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the San Leandro Marina, at 40 Mulford Point in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County.IssuedJun. 13, 2024Jun. 14, 2024Katharine Pan
M2024.018.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyDredging in Suisun Marsh waterways to obtain material for managed wetland exterior levee maintenance.Suisun Resource Conservation DistrictIn the Bay and in managed wetlands, in the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at 128 Mrs. Murphy's Gun Club, 404 Cordelia Gun Club, 405 Sunrise Island Duck Club, 420 Antioch Goldeneye, 219 Volanti Duck Club, 220 Joice Island Mallard Farms, 424 Lower Joice Island, and 425 Cal Farms, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJun. 10, 2024Aug. 28, 2024Jaime Lopez
M2018.013.03mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyDredge 1,600 linear feet and 1,428 cubic yards for exterior levee maintenance.Suisun Resource Conservation DistrictIn the Bay and in managed wetlands, within the Primary Managment Area of the Suisun Marsh, at 503 Montezuma Club, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJun. 10, 2024Sep. 19, 2024Brenda Goeden
M2024.003.00AdministrativeSolano CountyAfter-the-fact authorization for a new storage shed, soldier pile wall, and catwalk deck.Shannon E. ClemenceIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 46 Sandy Beach Road in unincorporated Solano County.Under reviewJun. 10, 2024Lisa Herron
ANOI2024.004.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of RichmondRepair the existing barge and tanker wharfs.Phillips 66 Piipeline, LLCIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the City of Richmond in the County of Contra Costa.IssuedJun. 04, 2024Nov. 08, 2024Sam Fielding
M2024.016.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyDredging along Montezuma and Suisun Sloughs to obtain material for Suisun Marsh managed wetland exterior levee maintenance on Grizzly Island Wildlife Area's Joice Island Unit.California Department of Fish and Wildlife and California Waterfowl AssociationIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, in the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, and within a Bay Plan-designated Wildlife Priority Use Area, along Montezuma Slough and at Grizzly Island Wildlife Area Joice Island Unit, in unincorporated Solano County.
IssuedJun. 03, 2024Aug. 30, 2024Pascale Soumoy
M2024.017.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyYearly dredging in Suisun Marsh waterways to clean silt buildup out of 12 Fish Screen basis over three years.Suisun Resource Conservation DistrictIn the Bay and in managed wetlands, within the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at 424 Lower Joice Island, 425 Cal Farms Duck Club, 426 Tip End Duck Club, 501 The Island Club, 502 Grizzly Club, 503 Montezuma Duck Club, 506 Four Winds Duck Club, 525 Balboa Farms Duck Club, 527 Delta King Duck Club, 625 Pintail Ranch Duck Club, and 634 Grizzly Hilton Duck Club, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJun. 03, 2024Aug. 29, 2024Brenda Goeden
M2024.019.00AdministrativeCity of CrockettTo conduct necessary repairs to the seawall to protect the electrical generation plant.Ethos EnergyIn the Bay and the 100 foot Shoreline Band in the City of Crockett in the County of Contra Costa.Under reviewJun. 03, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.014.00RegionwideSan Francisco CountyThe Float Lab is a prototype for a floating ecological habitat to use for educational purposes.California College of the Arts, Architectural Ecologies Lab and Treasure Island Sailing Center (TISC)In the Bay in Clipper Cove Marina in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJun. 01, 2024Jul. 17, 2024Sam Fielding
M1994.045.04AdministrativeCity of BelvedereInstall two new retaining walls.Sharon FengWithin the 100 foot shoreline band, at 88 West Shore Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.Under reviewMay. 28, 2024Alyssa Plese
M2002.016.01Non-Material AmendmentNapa CountyRepair existing dock decking surfaceDale DavisIn Certain Waterway jurisdiction in the City and County of Napa.Under reviewMay. 28, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1990.096.04Non-Material AmendmentCity of AlamedaImprovements to the existing stadium including new track and field facilities, stadium bleachers, and stadium lights.Alameda Unifed School DistrictWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Encinal Junior and Senior High School at 210 Central Avenue, in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedMay. 23, 2024Nov. 04, 2024Katharine Pan
M2002.058.09Non-Material AmendmentCity of MartinezConduct repairs to the marine terminal and modify the structure to comply with MOTEMSMarathon PetroleumIn the Bay at the Amorco Marine terminal (38.035480, -122.123268) in the City of Martinez in the County of Contra Costa.IssuedMay. 21, 2024Nov. 08, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2024.014.00AdministrativeCity of AlamedaRemove 1,562 cubic feet of mixed rock and concrete debris and a 692-square-foot dock.Giang Thanh NguyenIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 502 and 500 Central Avenue in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.Under reviewMay. 20, 2024Sam Fielding
E2024.002.00EmergencyCity of Redwood CityEmergency repair plans for a failed section of levee. The tentative plan is to isolate the repair area with water-filled cofferdams, dewater as necessary to perform the repair work, and backfill the eroded section to restore the levee structure. The adjacent levee slopes are vegetated, and the work area will be restored in-kind.City of Redwood CityOn the Belmont Slough, along the northwest side of the Redwood Shores community, City of Redwood City, San Mateo County.Under reviewMay. 16, 2024Julie Garren
1974.010.08Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoRemoval of damaged docks and floating/severed portions of piles within the San Francisco East Harbor MarinaSan Francisco recreation and Park Department and Christine BoudreauIn the Bay in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewMay. 15, 2024Brenda Goeden
1998.014.09mdMajorImprovements to a portion of the previously authorized Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Project to enable the rehandling of sediments with elevated levels of contaminants beyond foundation quality sediment at Montezuma Wetlands​Montezuma Wetlands, LLCAt 1285 Collinsville Road, Solano CountyIssuedMay. 15, 2024Sep. 25, 2024Pascale Soumoy
M2024.012.00Non-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoInstall and operate a vessel-based recreational experience in Marina Plaza HarborBuckwheat LLC Marina Plaza HarborIn the Bay in the City of Sausalito in the County of Marin.Under reviewMay. 13, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1984.071.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of BelvedereReplace broken pile and damaged dock.Bradley BernheimIn the Bay in the City of Belvedere and the County of Marin.IssuedMay. 13, 2024Jul. 01, 2024Sam Fielding
2024.003.00MajorCity of VallejoUpgrade existing pier and trestle infrastructure by building a larger pier with support piles and expanding boat basin which will entail dredging within the existing dredge maintenance area and adding a new dredge area.Cal maritime and Justin Semion - repIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the City of Vallejo in the County of Solano.Under reviewMay. 10, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2014.016.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoUpgrade the Seacliff 2 Pump Station.SFPUCIn the 100 foot Shoreline Band in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedMay. 10, 2024Aug. 30, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
M2024.013.00AdministrativeCity of Redwood CityRemoval and replacement of soil within the site0bank and off-site drainage channel per February 2024 Remedial Action Plan.Alan Forrest and Adeline Forrest Revocable TrustIn the Bay and 100 foot shoreline band in the City of Redwood City and the County of San Mateo.Under reviewMay. 08, 2024Pascale Soumoy
1979.005.16Non-Material AmendmentCity of BerkeleyRemove and replace the existing aging and deteriorating Docks D and E, and associated infrastructure including upgrades to improve safety and security and provide ADA access.City of BerkeleyIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the City of Berkeley and the County of Alameda.IssuedMay. 07, 2024Sep. 12, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2005.023.04Non-Material AmendmentTime ExtensionCalifornia Coastal ConservancyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, complete previously-approved public access trail at the Hamilton Wetlands Restoration site in the City of Novato, Marin County.IssuedMay. 04, 2024Aug. 07, 2024Brenda Goeden
2006.009.08Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoTime extension for Exploratorium office use.Shani KrevskyIn the 100 foot Shoreline Band in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewMay. 03, 2024Katharine Pan
M2000.005.07Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelReplace and repair a total of 52 wood pilings in-kind with pre-cast 14-inch square concrete pilings.SHM Loch Lomond LLC and Sean Avent (rep)In the Bay in the City of San Rafael in the County of Marin.IssuedMay. 03, 2024Aug. 14, 2024Sam Fielding
NOI2024.007.00RegionwideCity of RichmondRepairs to the Richmond Yacht Club Marginal Wharf, including after-the-fact authorization for 11 piles, and replacement of wharf beam infrastructure.Richmond Yacht ClubRichmond Yacht Club, 351 Brickyard Cove,IssuedApr. 30, 2024Jun. 14, 2024Sam Fielding
M2024.011.00AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoRemove unpermitted oncrete walls and stairs at a single family residence and authorize ancillary structures after the fact.Edward DudensingWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 224 Sea Cliff Avenue in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedApr. 30, 2024Sep. 09, 2024Katharine Pan
1985.019.24ANon-Material AmendmentCity of OaklandUse the existing public dock at Jack London Square as a water shuttle landing as part of a two-year pilot program operating between Oakland and Alameda commencing in June of 2024.Port of OaklandIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the end of Broadway, in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.IssuedApr. 29, 2024Jun. 14, 2024Katharine Pan
M2024.010.00mdAdministrativeCity of Suisun CityInstallation of one new interior water control structure to increase circulation and drain capacity and improve water quality.California Waterfowl AssociationIn the Suisun Marsh and managed wetland jurisdiction in Suisun City in the County of Solano.Under reviewApr. 29, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1989.024.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoBicycle and pedestrian improvement and reconfiguration of the parking ara/circulation within the ferry terminal area. A sidewalk area will be expanded for bicycle racks.City of SausalitoIn the 100 foot Shoreline Band in the City of Tiburon and the County of Marin.IssuedApr. 26, 2024Jul. 30, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
NOI2024.012.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity and County of San FranciscoReplace roofing with like materials, repair and replace damaged or missing windows.Treasure Island Development AuthorityIn the 100 foot Shoreline Band in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedApr. 25, 2024May. 30, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
1997.001.05Non-Material AmendmentCity of Richmond, San RafaelAuthorize an extension of the pilot program which installed a bidirectional, universally accessible public pathway on the upper deck of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge (Bridge) and a part-time vehicular commuter lane on the lower deck of the Bridge.CaltransIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County, and the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedApr. 24, 2024Aug. 20, 2024Katharine Pan
M1974.032.01RegionwideCity of BelvedereReplace a dock. This is follow up work from an emergency permit, E2024.001.00.Jane von BothmnerIn the Bay in the City of Belvedere and County of Marin.Under reviewApr. 24, 2024Rowan Yelton
ANOI2024.003.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of TiburonRemove existing, unpermitted tiered wood retaining walls in rear yard and restore natural site grade, install two concrete retaining walls.Lewis Kaufman and Anna DavisIn the 100 foot shoreline band in the City of Tiburon in the County of Marin.IssuedApr. 23, 2024Jun. 11, 2024Julie Garren
M2023.010.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelInstall new lateral pipelines and individual pumps at five homes on Marine Drive and Beach Drive.San Rafael Sanitation District and Samantha ThomasIn the 100 foot shoreline band in the City of San Rafael in the county of Marin.IssuedApr. 19, 2024Oct. 07, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
1973.022.32Non-Material AmendmentCity of LarkspurUse of the Larkspur Ferry Terminal parking by the Muir Woods shuttle.Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation DistrictIn the Shoreline Band in the City of Larkspur and the County of Marin.IssuedApr. 18, 2024Jun. 28, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
M1989.045.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of BelvedereInstall a mooring buoy that consists of a helical anchor, midline float, and a stormsoft elastic downline 170 feet out from the floating dock.Kristine KlussmanIn the Bay in the City of Belevedre and the County of Marin.Under reviewApr. 17, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.009.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereInterior remodel of an existing residence with addition of dormer.Caroline Jett (owner)Within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 210 Beach Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedApr. 11, 2024Jun. 28, 2024Katharine Pan
M2024.008.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyInstallation of 4 new exterior drain structures with 15 ft wide steel bulkhead to each control structure. Installation will increase circulation, drain capacity and improve habitat quality.Wheeler Island Land CompanyIn the Suisun Marsh in the City of Suisun City and County of Solano.IssuedApr. 11, 2024Aug. 06, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.010.00RegionwideCity of San RafaelRemoval of 600 cubic yards of solids from interior of the 7" diameter marine outfall pipeline. A diving contractor will be hired to remove the solids and side-cast them on the bay floor.Central Marin Sanitation AgencyIn the Bay in the City of San Rafael in the County of Marin.IssuedApr. 11, 2024Aug. 26, 2024Pascale Soumoy
M2019.005.03Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoBetween June 19 and July 29, 2024, construct, use and maintain temporary spectator grandstands, offices, pop-up tents, portable restrooms, moorings, and other facilities for the SailGP San Francisco 2024 race. The race will take place July 13-14, with one practice day on July 12. It is a ticketed event.SailGP (c/o Julien DiBiase) and Scott AndersonIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band at 1 Yacht Road in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedApr. 09, 2024Jun. 28, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
1974.007.16AdministrativeSolano CountyBuild a fence.Kiewit Infrastructure West Company

and City of Vallejo
In the 100-foot shoreline band, at 96 Solano Avenue, in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedApr. 09, 2024Aug. 06, 2024Rowan Yelton
City of SausalitoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16U, 18, 18UA, 20, 22, 26, 28, 36, 38, 40, and 64 Alexander Avenue, in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.Under reviewApr. 08, 2024Lisa Herron
M2024.022.00mdAdministrativeCity of Suisun CityInstallation of one exterior water control structure to increase circulation and drain capacity. The installation will also improve water quality.Rich Island Gun ClubIn the Managed Wetlands and Bay, at Rich Island Gun Club - SRCD Parcel #802, in the City of Suisun, Solano County.IssuedApr. 05, 2024Aug. 16, 2024Sam Fielding
Non-Material AmendmentCity of NovatoTo add a portion of the Public Access.State Coastal ConservancyPartially within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the former Hamilton Army Airfield.Under reviewApr. 04, 2024Brenda Goeden
M2023.001.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoFrom June 17 to July 31, 2024, construct a temporary technical base and 11 moorings to support the SailGP San Francisco 2024 sailing competition.SailGP c/o Julien Dibiase and Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100 foot Shoreline Band at Pier 80 in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedMar. 25, 2024Jun. 12, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
C2024.003.00Federal Consistency ReviewSan Francisco CountyReplacement of gangway and floating dock at Sea Scout Base situated on west side of Aquatic Park Cove of San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park.National Park ServiceIssuedMar. 21, 2024May. 24, 2024Sam Fielding
NOI2024.002.00RegionwideMarin CountyIn the Bay, affix habitat protection signage to nine existing pilings; and deploy four new galvanized steel Helix anchors for demarcating anchorage areas that weight 7.7 pounds and measure 31.5 inches tall and 6 inches in diameter, or equivalent.Richardson Bay Regional AgencyIn the Bay jurisdiction in the Richardson Bay in Marin County.IssuedMar. 20, 2024Jun. 05, 2024Julie Garren
M2024.005.00AdministrativeCity of BurlingameMike Carp and Kelly Hardwicke, represenativeIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the City of Burlingame.Under reviewMar. 19, 2024Katharine Pan
M2024.007.00mdAdministrativeCity of FairfieldThe project will include the recountouring/shallowing of a exiting bass pond and removal of existing interior levees.Seecon Financial & Construction Co., Inc.In the Suisun Marsh jurisdiction in the City of Fairfield in the County of Solano.IssuedMar. 18, 2024Jun. 18, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2019.022.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of BelvedereInstall underpinnings to stabilize residence on steep slope.Ben JohnstonIn the 100 foot Shoreline Band, at 242 Beach Road, in the City of Belvedere, County of Marin.IssuedMar. 15, 2024Sep. 06, 2024Sam Fielding
M2001.006.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondAn extension of time for the five year authorization for the interim use of a San Francisco Bay Plan-designated port priority use area for mooring and vessel repair authorized by BCDC Permit No. M2001.006.00 for an additional five years, from May 31, 2024 until May 31, 2029.800 Wharf St LLC800 Wharf St, Richmond CAIssuedMar. 13, 2024May. 24, 2024Sam Fielding
C2024.002.00Federal Consistency ReviewContra Costa County
The USACE is proposing to install two temporary data logger monitoring platforms within Suisun Bay, California.
U.S. Army Corps of EngineersIn the Suisun Bay.IssuedMar. 13, 2024Mar. 28, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2024.006.00AdministrativeMarin CountyReplace a degraded electrical tower that is in danger of failure on the Ignacio-Alto-Sausalito circuit.PG&EIn the Bay and 100 foot Shoreline Band in the City of San Rafael in Marin County.IssuedMar. 12, 2024Aug. 19, 2024Rowan Yelton
2018.002.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of South San FranciscoMinor improvements in BCDC jurisdiction associated with an existing security fence and gates located adjacent to the original Fire Station 35 facility.San Francisco Fire DepartmentIn the Bay, at San Francisco Fire Station 35 at Pier 22 1/2, between Folsom Street and Harrison Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedMar. 12, 2024Sep. 24, 2024Katharine Pan
NOI2024.006.00RegionwideCity of AlamedaOutfall maintenance to restore gravity flow and outfall capacity.City of Alameda - Public Works DepartmentIssuedMar. 08, 2024May. 07, 2024Rose An
M2008.005.02mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyResurface existing roadway and shoulders, replace median barrier, replace and upgrade guardrail, drainage system, and culverts.CaltransIn the Suisun Marsh on State Route 12 in the County of Solano.IssuedMar. 07, 2024Aug. 19, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1985.083.09Non-Material AmendmentAlameda CountyAn extension and revision of the maintenance authorization in this amended permit. This authorization is issued to the East Bay Regional Park District to streamline authorizations for routine repair and maintenance work across approximately 12,110 acres and 49 miles of Bay-Delta shoreline inside Commission’s jurisdiction, within fifteen shoreline parkland units within Contra Costa and Alameda Counties (Bay Point Regional Shoreline, Brooks Island Regional Shoreline, Carquinez Straight Regional Shoreline, Coyote Hills Regional Shoreline, Crown Beach Memorial State Beach, Hayward Regional Shoreline, Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline, Martinez Regional Shoreline, McLaughlin Eastshore State Park, Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline, Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline, Point Isabel Regional Shoreline, Point Pinole Regional Shoreline, San Pablo Bay Regional Shoreline, and the Waterbird Regional Preserve).East Bay Regional Park DistrictI the Bay and Shoreline Band of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.IssuedMar. 04, 2024Jun. 17, 2024Sam Fielding
M2017.028.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of BelvedereRemoval of two berthing piles, installation one pile, and an addition to the existing floating dock of wood framed slip.270 Beach Road LLCIn the Bay at 270 Beach Road in the City of Belvedere and County of Marin.Under reviewMar. 02, 2024Sam Fielding
2024.002.00MajorCity of BelmontDemolition of the existing structure and construction oof a new office/R&D building, parking, and public access improvement along Belmont Creek.1 Shoreway Owner, LLCI the Shoreline Band in the City of Belmont in the County of San Mateo.Under reviewMar. 01, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
M1996.005.05Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondAmendment No. Five granted an extension of commencement time, until December 31, 2024 and an extension of completion time, until December 31, 2026, for the Ferry Point Pier Removal at Miller- Knox Regional Shoreline, in the City of Richmond, of permission previously granted to the East Bay Regional Park District in BCDC Permit No. M1996.005.04East Bay Regional Park DistrictAt Miller- Knox Regional Shoreline, in the City of RichmondIssuedMar. 01, 2024Apr. 05, 2024Julie Garren
M1994.049.01Non-Material AmendmentMarin CountyThe project will include rehabilitation of the bridge deck, upgrading the bridge railings, and replacment of the bridge fender system.California Department of Transportation, District 4In the Bay and the Shoreline Band near the City of Novato in the County of Marin.Under reviewFeb. 29, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1979.088.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoRenovation of dilapidated waterfront railing and deck along the bay.Bayview 1 LLCIn the 100ft Shoreline Band at 660 Bridgeway in the City of Sausalito and the County of Marin.Under reviewFeb. 28, 2024Sam Fielding
M2024.004.00AdministrativeCity of SausalitoInstall Sea Lion statue art installation in the Bay.City of SausalitoIn the Bay at 466 Bridgeway in Sausalito in Marin County.IssuedFeb. 26, 2024May. 17, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.005.00RegionwideCity of South San FranciscoRehabilitate portions of 6 sewer discharge pipelines.San Francisco Public Utilities CommissionIn the Shoreline Band in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedFeb. 24, 2024Jun. 20, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2024.004.00RegionwideSolano CountyMaintenance of an existing levee using soil, sheet piles, and an Aquadam, in preparation for a larger restoration project of Chipps Island.Department of Water ResourcesIn the Bay on Chipps Island in Suisun Marsh.IssuedFeb. 23, 2024May. 20, 2024Sam Fielding
M2020.023.01mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyInstallation of new 30" exterior water control structure.Pacific Flyway FundOccurs in the Bay and the Suisun Marsh in Solano County at 2989 Ramsey Rd Fairfield.IssuedFeb. 20, 2024Jun. 26, 2024Rowan Yelton
2016.005.02Non-Material AmendmentInstall buoys and signage for a recreational
water use area in Clipper Cove as an additional public access improvement.
Treasure Island Development Authority and Treasure Island Community Development, LLCIssuedFeb. 16, 2024May. 15, 2024Julie Garren
2009.003.10ANon-Material AmendmentCity of VallejoExpand dredging activitiesMare Island Dry Dock LLC and Foth & Van Dyke and Associates, IncIn the Bay and Shoreline Band in the City Vallejo and the County of Solano.Under reviewFeb. 15, 2024Pascale Soumoy
M2023.023.01Non-Material AmendmentPort of San Francisco and SkyStar Wheel, LLCIssuedFeb. 14, 2024May. 02, 2024Katharine Pan
M1994.068.10Non-Material AmendmentMarin CountyAmendments to the dredging program of Paradise Cay residential community.Marin County Department of Public Works and Marin County Service Area No. 29In the Bay at Paradise Cay residential development (Marin County Service Area No. 29), unincorporated Tiburon, Marin CountyIssuedFeb. 13, 2024Jun. 03, 2024Jaime Lopez
NOI2024.003.00RegionwideCity of AlamedaFloating dock repair.Roger StandridgeIn the Bay, at 3025 Marina Dr in the City and County of Alameda.Under reviewFeb. 13, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2019.035.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of AlamedaRenovations to existing hangar building and installation of a firewall.TC I 2421 Blanding, LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2421 Blanding Avenue in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedFeb. 12, 2024Sep. 19, 2024Katharine Pan
2020.001.01Non-Material AmendmentTime Extension:
a) commence construction, from January 1, 2023, to January 1, 2025, and b) complete construction, from January 1, 2033, to January 1, 2035, for the India Basin Open Space and 700 Innes Mixed-Use Development Project, at the terminus of Arelious Walker Street, in the City and County of San Francisco, for which work was previously authorized under BCDC Permit No. 2020.001.00.
India Basin Investment, LLC and Port of San FranciscoIssuedFeb. 09, 2024May. 28, 2024Schuyler Olsson
M2017.002.02AdministrativeCity of OaklandImprovements to the Airport Perimeter Dike at Oakland International Airport to be able to withstand a major seismic event.Port of Oakland and Brandon ReedIn the 100ft Shorline Band in the City of Oakland and County of Alameda.Under reviewFeb. 09, 2024Rowan Yelton
Non-Material AmendmentSolano CountyRoutine maintenance dredging over a 10-year period from 2024 to 2034.Vallejo Yacht ClubIssuedFeb. 08, 2024Sep. 27, 2024Pascale Soumoy
C2024.004.00Federal Consistency ReviewNegative determination for the repair and upgrade of seven aids to navigation (ATON) in Oakland and one ATON in San Rafael Creek.US Coast GuardIn the Bay in the Cities of Oakland and San Rafael and Counties of Alameda and Marin.IssuedFeb. 07, 2024Apr. 12, 2024Julie Garren
2003.002.02Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoTime Extension for public access improvementsPort of San FranciscoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Tulare Park at Third Street and Illinois Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJan. 31, 2024Jul. 24, 2024Katharine Pan
C2019.004.05WFederal Consistency ReviewSolano CountyIncrease the depth and footprint of advanced maintenance dredging for the Suisun Bay Channel.U.S Army Corps of Engineers, SF DistrictIn the Bay in the Suisun Bay Channel in Solano and Contra Costa Counties.Under reviewJan. 25, 2024Brenda Goeden
M1975.108.03Non-Material AmendmentMarin CountyReconstruction of existing deck or dock.Zachary and Kimberly Hyman Revocable TrustIn the Bay and the shoreline band at 35 W Shore Drive in the City of Belvedere and County of Marin.IssuedJan. 24, 2024Jun. 04, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1989.055.06mdNon-Material AmendmentTime extension, until May 31, 2024, to conduct routine repairs and maintenance at various Pacific Gas and Electric Company-owned facilities as previously authorized under BCDC Permit No. M1989.055.02mdPG&EIn the Bay and within the 100 fot shoreline band throughout the Bay Area nine countiesIssuedJan. 22, 2024Feb. 29, 2024Rowan Yelton
1979.042.10Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoIncrease the site's capacity from 3 to 4 berths which involves installing new steel piles and increasing the length of the gangways.Red and White Fleet and Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within 100 ft shoreline band at Pier 43 1/2 in the Town and County of San Francisco.Under reviewJan. 22, 2024Sam Fielding
2024.001.00mdMajorSolano County910-acre tidal marsh restoration to provide nutrients to the marsh and habitat for sensistive and special-status speciesDan RiordanIn the Suisun Marsh on Chipps Island in unincorporated Solano CountyUnder reviewJan. 16, 2024Sam Fielding
ANOI2024.002.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of BeniciaRepair approximately 30 damaged piles with fiberglass sleeves; remove 10 damaged piles and approximately 175 truck tires from the around the piles.Beverley BorelliIn the Bay, at 716 West H Street, Benicia, in Solano CountyIssuedJan. 09, 2024Jul. 17, 2024Sam Fielding
2003.007.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of Union CityTime extension to conduct operations and maintenance activities.California Department of Fish and WildlifeAt Eden Landing Ecological Reserve, in Union City, Alameda County.IssuedJan. 05, 2024Feb. 16, 2024Brenda Goeden
M2024.001.00AdministrativeCity of PetalumaThis is an after the fact permit for enforcement case ER2023.033.00. Remove soil material that was placed in the bay as well as removing structures and remnants in the bay
Esperanza Avalos
In the Certain Waterway jurisdiction of the Petaluma River, in the city of Petaluma in the County of Sonoma.Under reviewJan. 04, 2024Sam Fielding
NOI2024.001.00RegionwideSan Mateo CountyImprove existing stormwater drainage structures as a part of the Taxiway L Drainage Improvement Project.
San Francisco International AirportIn the 100 foot shoreline band, at San Francisco International Airport, in San Mateo County.IssuedJan. 03, 2024Sep. 25, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
M2024.002.00AdministrativeSan Francisco CountyInstallation of small metal cages that hang from docks within the water column, that contain recycled, cured oyster shells for studying oyster restoration.Linda HunterIn the Bay, in multiple counties.Under reviewJan. 03, 2024Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.026.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of BrisbaneThe project entails like-for-like replacement of one damaged channel marker pile in the entrance channel of Brisbane Marina.City of BrisbaneIn the Bay at 400 Sierra Point Pkwy in the City of Brisbane and the County of San Mateo.IssuedDec. 28, 2023Mar. 12, 2024Julie Garren
M2023.031.00AdministrativeMarin CountyBalcony and guardrail safety improvements, renovation of interior units, exterior improvements.Sausalito Evergreen SPE, LLCIn the Bay and 100 foot Shoreline Band at 215 Main Street in the town of Sausalito in the County of Marin.IssuedDec. 21, 2023Nov. 04, 2024Alyssa Plese
2000.005.09Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoTime extension for public access improvements at Bayfront Park P22.


and Port of San Francisco
Within the Bay and 100-foot shoreline band, at Mission Bay Redevelopment Project in the City and County of San Francisco.

IssuedDec. 21, 2023Feb. 02, 2024Katharine Pan
1984.009.14ANon-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoBellingham Marine Industries requests to amend the construction commencement dates to June 1, 2024 with project completion through November 30, 2027Clipper Yacht HarborIn the Bay, at Richardson Bay, Clipper Yacht Harbor, at 310 Harbor Drive, in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.IssuedDec. 20, 2023Feb. 29, 2024Rowan Yelton
AdministrativeMarin County10 year permit authorizing Maintenance dredging of the Corinthian Yacht Club harbor to allow navigable ingress and egress to the Club.Corinthian Yacht ClubIn the Bay at 43 Main St in the town of Tiburon in the County of Marin.IssuedDec. 18, 2023Jul. 02, 2024Pascale Soumoy
NOI2023.027.00RegionwideSolano CountyInstalled 26 new 12-inch concrete piers and repaired 3 existing 12-inch piers into 24" diameter concrete piers. Need to install 2 new piers.Micheal Thompson and Johanna ThompsonIn the Bay and the 100 foot Shoreline Band at 16 Sandy Beach Road in the town of Vallejo in Solano County.IssuedDec. 18, 2023Jul. 26, 2024Rowan Yelton
2023.008.00MajorCity and County of San FranciscoRestoration and enhancement of the India Basin Shoreline Park into an integrated park network for public access.San Francisco Recreation and Park DepartmentIn the Bay and within the 100 foot shoreline band at 401 Hunters Point Boulevard in the town and county of San Francisco.Under reviewDec. 15, 2023Schuyler Olsson
M1990.031.05Non-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoInstall a new gangway for the Jr Sailing Dock to facilitate trailering of sailing dinghies.Sausalito Yacht ClubIn the Bay at 100 Humboldt in the town of Sausalito in the Coutny of Marin.IssuedDec. 13, 2023Nov. 19, 2024Sam Fielding
1980.012.12Non-Material AmendmentCity of EmeryvilleTime extension to complete installation of public art sculpture.Emery Cove Marina Condominium Association IncWithin a Bay Plan-designated Waterfront Park, Beach Priority Use Area, in the Bay, at 3300 Powell Street, in the City of Emeryville, Alameda County.

IssuedDec. 13, 2023Feb. 16, 2024Jessica Finkel
1979.005.15Non-Material AmendmentCity of BerkeleyA 10-year multi-episode permit to conduct new work and maintenance dredging at the Berkeley Marina. Approximately 200,000 cubic yards (cy) of dredged sediment will be considered new work and 150,000 cy is maintenance dredging. The entrance channel will be dredged to an authorized depth of minus 8 ft Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) and certain areas of the harbor will be dredged to minus 8 ft, 10 ft, and 12 ft MLLW. The project is also looking to take a volume equivalency of 62% from Episode 1 to beneficial reuse to comply with their mitigation requirement.City of BerkeleyBerkeley MarinaIssuedDec. 11, 2023Jun. 19, 2024Jaime Lopez
M1987.042.07Non-Material AmendmentTime extension and amendment of the existing maintenance and operations authorization until June 30, 2025, as previously granted in BCDC Permit No. M1987.042.06CaltransIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band and certain waterway jurisdictions, along state highways and at toll bridges including SF-Oakland Bay Bridge, Benicia-Martinez, Carquinez, Dumbarton, Richmond-San Rafael, Bay Farm Island, San Mateo-Hayward, Hwy 37
IssuedDec. 08, 2023Apr. 23, 2024Rowan Yelton
2017.008.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoMission Bay Ferry Landing Time Extension.Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Terry A. Francois Boulevard and 16th Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewDec. 07, 2023Katharine Pan
ANOI2023.025.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity and County of San FranciscoDemolition of AT&T repeater hut in preparation for Caltrans parking lot improvement project.AT&TWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, and within a Bay Plan-designated Waterfront, Beach Priority Use Area, on Army Road at the northeast end of the island, in the City and County of San Francsisco.Under reviewDec. 07, 2023Katharine Pan
NOI2023.024.00RegionwideCity of SausalitoExtend existing deck on a houseboat.Mimi TowleIn the Bay, at 5 Gate 6 1/2 Road in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.Under reviewDec. 04, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2023.032.00 (W)
AdministrativeCity of South San FranciscoConstruct approximately 696,343 gross square feet of R&D uses and amenities within two six-story buildings along with a seven-story parking garage and additional surface parking.US Terminal Court Owner, LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 101 Terminal Court, in the City of South San Francisco, San Mateo County.Under reviewDec. 04, 2023Katharine Pan
E2023.007.00AdministrativeSonoma CountyInstall new connections and cathodic protection where the tower structure meets the foundations, and replace concrete foundation caps that would raise connections above high tide line.Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, northeast of 230 Sears Point Road, in unincorporated Sonoma County.IssuedDec. 01, 2023Mar. 14, 2024Rowan Yelton
C2023.007.00Federal Consistency ReviewContra Costa CountyExpand the boundaries of the Military Ocean Terminal Concord restricted area.

The activity will have "no effect" on the coastal zone of San Francisco Bay or its resources and uses.
U.S. Army Corps of EngineersWithin the Coastal Zone, at the Military Ocean Terminal Concord in unincorporated Contra Costa County.IssuedNov. 29, 2023Feb. 12, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2023.028.00RegionwideCity of East Palo AltoReplace and upsize existing underground sewer pipes.City of East Palo AltoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at the end of Beech Street and the end of O'Connor Street, in the City of East Palo Alto, San Mateo County.IssuedNov. 29, 2023Feb. 14, 2024Katharine Pan
M1981.079.15Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaOne-year time extension for maintenance dredging.Valero Refining Company - CaliforniaIn the Bay, at the Valero Benicia Marine Terminal, at 3400 East Second Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedNov. 29, 2023Dec. 19, 2023Pascale Soumoy
2018.005.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of Foster CityRemove requirement for Access Point 3 due to engineering infeasibility.City of Foster CityIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 610 Foster City Boulevard, City of Foster City, San Mateo County.Under reviewNov. 23, 2023Katharine Pan
2019.001.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of BrisbaneRevisions to quantities of square footage for public access improvements.BP3-SF5 3000-3500 Marina LLC and BP3-SF4 1000 Marina LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1000 Marina Boulevard, in the City of Brisbane, San Mateo County.IssuedNov. 21, 2023Apr. 23, 2024Katharine Pan
M2023.028.00AdministrativeCity of BelmontWork related to the construction of a 27,000-square-foot building involving grading, paving, and utility relocation.Liliana Bottazzo AndradeWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 700 Island Parkway in the City of Belmont, San Mateo County.Under reviewNov. 21, 2023Katharine Pan
NOI2023.022.00RegionwideCity of VallejoAfter-the-fact authorization for house pilings.Gregg Doyle and Giselle ShepatinIn the Bay, at 31 Sandy Beach Road in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedNov. 20, 2023Mar. 13, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2023.025.00RegionwideMarin CountyAfter-the-fact authorization for improvements and repairs to piers and deck railing.Gerald RudickIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2550 Mar East Street, in unincorporated Marin County.Under reviewNov. 16, 2023Alyssa Plese
M2023.029.00AdministrativeCity of TiburonRemodel a multi-family residence, involving the installation of a new parking deck and driveway, construction of a new accessory dwelling unit with a deck, expansion of the first and second floors, expansion of the basement floor patio, replacement of the existing outdoor staircases and landings, and installation of a dock and gangway system.J&M Paradise Properties LLCIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2088 Paradise Drive in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County.IssuedNov. 16, 2023Jul. 05, 2024Sam Fielding
2021.002.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoMovement of bermed/shoaled sediment to allow barge access to pile driving location, construction activities to fill in areas that may be potentially depressed by the pile driving barge, and extension of the work window from November 30 to December 15, 2023.San Francisco Recreation and Parks DepartmentIn the Bay, at 900 Innes Avenue, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedNov. 10, 2023Nov. 22, 2023Pascale Soumoy
Abbreviated RegionwideSan Francisco CountyIn-kind replacement of 4 steel piles.Blue and Gold FleetIn the Bay, at the Pier 39 West Marina, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedNov. 09, 2023Jan. 16, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1999.018.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of MartinezRenovation of existing fishing pier to return it to usable condition, including installing fiberglass sleeves around damaged timber pilings, replacing pile caps and stringers, replacing damaged railings, replacing timber decking, and replacing a damaged existing aluminum sheetpile wall.City of MartinezIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, within a Bay Plan-designated Waterfront Park, Beach Priority Use Area, at the Martinez Municipal Fishing Pier at 7 North Court Street, in the City of Martinez, Contra Costa County.IssuedNov. 09, 2023Jun. 07, 2024Sam Fielding
NOI2015.006.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of OaklandTime extension to allow for replacement of vapor wells placed under the original authorization that may have groundwater intrusion.Shell Oil Products US and The Estuary Owners AssociationWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2901 to 2999 Glascock Street in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.IssuedNov. 07, 2023Jan. 08, 2024Katharine Pan
1976.011.15Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoSpecial events authorization for revised schedule of non-public uses in required public access areas.China Basin Holdings, LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band at the China Basin Building, on the north side of the Channel Street Channel (Mission Creek) between Third and Fourth Streets, adjacent to China Basin, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedNov. 07, 2023Jun. 26, 2024Katharine Pan
NOI2023.023.00RegionwideCity and County of San FranciscoAfter-the-fact resurfacing of existing parking lot and replacement of perimeter fence and gates.3240 Mindful LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 3240 Third Street in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewNov. 03, 2023Alyssa Plese
1993.004.22Non-Material AmendmentMultipleTime Extension until 12/31/24.

This extension of time is contingent upon Cargill receiving any necessary approvals from other regulatory agencies, including the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Cargill, Inc.Within salt ponds operated by Cargill throughout Alameda, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties.IssuedNov. 03, 2023Dec. 01, 2023Sam Fielding
NOI2023.020.00RegionwideCity of MartinezInstall two 36-inch pipelines underneath Walnut Creek to repair settling segment of existing pipeline.Contra Costa Water DistrictIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 5050 Imhoff Drive, in unincorporated Contra Costa Couny.IssuedNov. 02, 2023Apr. 05, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2023.021.00RegionwideCity of BeniciaReplace existing handrails and authorize after-the-fact expansion of existing deck.Clare and Joseph SchererWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1392 West K Street, in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewOct. 26, 2023Katharine Pan
M2018.001.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of BelvedereTime extension for 24 months from current expiration date of November 1, 2023.Rudolph G. Koppl TrustWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 46 Cliff Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedOct. 25, 2023Dec. 01, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.022.00Abbreviated RegionwideSan Mateo CountyRepair handrails on the guide lighting trestle walkway.San Francisco International AirportIn the Bay, at the San Francisco International Airport at 121 North Access Road, in unincorporated San Mateo County.IssuedOct. 23, 2023Dec. 13, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2023.019.00RegionwideCity of San MateoRemove sediment from outfall and sidecast sediment into the Bay, and repair existing stop gate.City of San MateoIn the Bay, approximately 3,700 feet from shore and 240 feet north of the San Mateo Bridge, in the City of San Mateo, San Mateo County.IssuedOct. 20, 2023Mar. 14, 2024Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.021.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace 2 existing creosote piles with 12-inch steel piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Micca R. WoottenIn the Bay, at 313 East Strawberry Drive, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedOct. 20, 2023Nov. 13, 2023Rowan Yelton
2018.006.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondTime extension.Terminal One Development LLC and City of RichmondIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1500 Dornan Drive in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.Under reviewOct. 19, 2023Katharine Pan
NOI2023.026.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereReplacement of railing on existing seawall.Sara G. GriffithWtihin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 79 Bellevue in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedOct. 19, 2023Dec. 22, 2023Jessica Finkel
2002.001.09Non-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoExtend authorization to operate a houseboat marina for an additional 20 years, until 2044.

Note: Amendment No. Nine granted an extension of the use of the houseboat marina through May 31, 2029, with the potential to be further extended, but not to exceed the 20-year authorization limit, May 31, 2044.
Pursuant to Special II.P of this amended permit, the houseboat marina authorized herein is allowed to remain in place through May 31, 2029.
Waldo Point HarborIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Waldo Point Harbor at 1C Gate Five Road, in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.IssuedOct. 19, 2023May. 28, 2024Sam Fielding
ANOI2023.023.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of Mill ValleyRemove existing staircase and concrete footing.Dirk IvoryIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 90 Century Drive in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedOct. 17, 2023Nov. 28, 2023Katharine Pan
M2016.010.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of Palo AltoRepair 157 boardwalk support piles, install grouted polymer sleeves to prevent future damage and stabilize boardwalk.City of Palo AltoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2775 Embarcadero Way, in the City of Palo Alto, Santa Clara County.IssuedOct. 13, 2023Jun. 26, 2024Sam Fielding
M2023.026.00AdministrativeCity of SunnyvaleBridge/culvert improvements, channel improvements, levee modifications, installation of floodwalls, and modifications to existing maintenance roads adjacent to the Sunnyvale East and West Channels.Santa Clara Valley Water DistrictIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, in the East and West Sunnyvale Channels, in the City of Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County.Under reviewOct. 13, 2023Sam Fielding
M2021.023.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelAdd a dock at 12 Aqua Vista Drive to existing maintenance dredging permit for residential and commercial docks and harbors (Lowries Marina and San Rafael Yacht Harbor)located on San Rafael Creek.City of San RafaelIn the Bay, in San Rafael Creek adjacent to San Rafael Creek federal navigation channel and the Loch Lomond Marina and access channel near the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedOct. 13, 2023Dec. 13, 2023Pascale Soumoy
M2023.027.00AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoOperate a market-style event held the last weekend of each month.Treasure Island Development Authority and Ansanelli Productions, Inc.Within the 100-foot shoreline band, on Treasure Island on Avenue N between California Avenue and 8th Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedOct. 13, 2023Feb. 23, 2024Katharine Pan
C2022.011.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of AlamedaExtension of completion date from November 30, 2023, to December 31, 2023.United States Army Corps of EngineersWithin the Coastal Zone, west of Eden Landing Ecological Reserve, near the City of Hayward, Alameda County.IssuedOct. 11, 2023Oct. 13, 2023Pascale Soumoy
M2023.025.00AdministrativeCity of BeniciaGrading, excavation, placement of riprap, and construction of a new access road to protect an existing sewer line.City of BeniciaIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 351 West H Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewOct. 10, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2023.023.00AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoTemporary installation of a148-foot-tall ferris wheel for a 6-month period, with the opportunity to extend the authorization for up to two years.Port of San Francisco and SkyStar Wheel, LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Seawall Lot 301 in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedOct. 04, 2023Nov. 03, 2023Katharine Pan
M2023.030.00AdministrativeCity of Mill ValleyReplace existing reclaimed water line on the Hauke Pedestrian Bridge with a new HDPE pipe.City of Mill ValleyIn the Bay, between Bayfront Field and Hauke Park, at 498 Sycamore Avenue, in the City of Mill Valley, Marin County.IssuedOct. 03, 2023Dec. 22, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2023.018.00RegionwideCity of AlamedaFill sinkhole and place rock gabions.City of AlamedaWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, in a drainage easement between 1250 and 1300 Eastshore Drive, in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedOct. 02, 2023Apr. 18, 2024Jessica Finkel
M2023.024.00AdministrativeCity of TiburonConduct concrete and steel beam repairs and install steel trench plates on landward side of bridge.Town of TiburonIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the junction of Main Street and Beach Road in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County.IssuedOct. 02, 2023Sep. 25, 2024Sam Fielding
E2023.006.00EmergencyCity of TiburonBuild a new concrete retaining wall on the land side of a filing rock seawall and repair piles and foundation at a single-family residence.James Wickett and Magdalena YesilIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2306 Mar East Street in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County.IssuedSep. 29, 2023Jan. 05, 2023Rowan Yelton
M1975.094.01Non-Material AmendmentMarin CountyReplace 5 existing creosote-treated wood navigational markers with concrete piles and remove one existing navigational marker.Marin County Department of Public WorksIn the Bay, at various locations in Strawberry Channel between Sausalito and the Cove at Tiburon, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedSep. 27, 2023Feb. 08, 2024Rowan Yelton
NOI2023.017.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereIn-kind replacement of a 200-square-foot floating dock.Laurence BekinsIn the Bay, at 85 Bellevue Avenue in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedSep. 26, 2023Oct. 02, 2024Sam Fielding
M2023.021.00AdministrativeCity of San LeandroDemolition of dilapidated vacant structures, including the former Harbormaster's Office, five restrooms, the Spinnaker Yacht Club, the San Leandro Yacht Club, two marina boat covers and docks, and gangways.City of San LeandroIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the San Leandro Marina at 40 Mulford Point Drive, in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County.Under reviewSep. 25, 2023Lisa Herron
M2023.022.00AdministrativeSan Mateo CountyMaintain and repair the existing shoreline protection system.San Francisco International AirportIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, within a Bay Plan-designated Airport Priority Use Area, at the San Francisco International Airport, in unincorporated San Mateo County.Under reviewSep. 22, 2023Rowan Yelton
C2019.004.04Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondAdjust the total volume to be dredged from 350,000 cubic yards to 750,000 cubic yards and extend the completion date to December 31, 2023.United States Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco DistrictWithin the Coastal Zone, at the Richmond Inner Harbor, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedSep. 21, 2023Oct. 27, 2023Brenda Goeden
NOI2023.016.00RegionwideCity of RichmondInstall an electrical conduit, air-cooled rectifiers, and cathode wells.Phillips 66Within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1300 Canal Boulevard in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedSep. 21, 2023Feb. 14, 2024Shruti Sinha
M1984.029.01Non-Material AmendmentSonoma CountyRepair four sections of a damaged levee with 242 cubic yards of riprap and 581 square feet of soil fill placed over 2,000 square feet of the levee.
Vallejo Flood and Wastewater DistrictIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, on the south and east sides of Tubbs Island, south of SR-37, in unincorporated Sonoma County.IssuedSep. 20, 2023Oct. 13, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2023.020.00AdministrativeCity of Redwood CityPlace 30 to 40 tideppol units, manufactured by ECOncrete, in the intertidal zone along 30 linear feet of shoreline.Port of Redwood CityIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, within a Bay Plan-designated Port Priority Use Area,, at the Port of Redwood City at 675 Seaport Boulevard, in the City of Redwood City, San Mateo County.Under reviewSep. 20, 2023Sam Fielding
NOI2023.015.00RegionwideMultipleInstall fiber optic cable and associated infrastructure.California Department of TransportationWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, along the I-80 corridor between the City of Emeryville, Alameda County, and the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedSep. 13, 2023Jul. 03, 2024Pierce Abrahamson
1997.003.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of BurlingameConduct exterior renovations, including facade improvements and upgrades to the hardscape and landscaping, and interior renovations, including the conversion of a conference room into a guest room.Bayside 765, LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 765 Airport Boulevard in the City of Burlingame, San Mateo County.IssuedAug. 29, 2023Sep. 06, 2023Shruti Sinha
1999.007.10Material AmendmentCity of OaklandRevise the permit to incorporate updates to the Middle Harbor Shoreline Park Master Plan, including public access improvements, a special events program, and remove the requirement for a Bay Trail segment from Middle Harbor Road.Port of OaklandWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, within a Bay Plan-designated Waterfront Park, Beach Priority Use Area, at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park at 2777 Middle Harbor Road, in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.Under reviewAug. 29, 2023Katharine Pan
M2023.019.00AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoRemove a portion of the dilapidated Wharf J9 at Pier 47 and replace it with a 12-foot by 270-foot temporary floating dock, access platforms, and gangway. The new floating dock will remain in plan for approximately 2-5 years until the Wharf J9 Redevelopment Project is implemented.Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay, at Wharf J9 at Pier 47, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedAug. 28, 2023Jun. 10, 2024Sam Fielding
ANOI2023.019.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of RichmondStockpile jetty stones and transport stones and load stones onto a barge over a period of 6 to 9 months.

Note to File: This project does not require a BCDC permit because the project does not involve fill or extraction of materials from the Bay. Therefore, we will consider the permit application (ANOI2023.019.00) to be withdrawn.
Trade West Construction Inc and Levin Richmond TerminalIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Levin Richmond Terminal at 402 Wright Avenue, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.Under reviewAug. 16, 2023Rowan Yelton
C2023.006.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleThe identification of coastal flood hazard areas on Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Insurance Studies (FISs), conducted in accordance with FEMA’s Risk MAP lifecycle for flood risk projects.
Issued No Effects determination.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region 9Within the Coastal Zone.IssuedAug. 15, 2023Aug. 29, 2023Sam Fielding
2023.007.00MajorCity of BurlingameDevelopment of two laboratory/office buildings with a 2.5-acre public access area.Boca Lake Office, Inc.Within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 620 Airport Boulevard in the City of Burlingame, San Mateo County.Under reviewAug. 15, 2023Pierce Abrahamson
M1983.016.08Non-Material AmendmentCity of SunnyvaleRemove and replace secondary effluent and pond return pipelines, rehabilitate the primary effluent pipeline, rehabilitate an existing steel header, and retain the utility bridge across Moffett Channel replaced during emergency repairs.City of SunnyvaleIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1444 Borregas Avenue in the City of Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County.Under reviewAug. 10, 2023Sam Fielding
NOI2023.014.00RegionwideMarin CountyUnderpin residence and stabilize existing retaining wall for vertical and lateral support.Jan ChiltonWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2396 Mar East Street in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedAug. 09, 2023Sep. 28, 2023Katharine Pan
2006.009.07Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoExtension of deadline for permit requirement to remove 108,310 square feet of Bay fill from August 2, 2023 to December 31, 2024, and extension of Special Events and Exhibit Zone special condition for an additional five years.Port of San Francisco and The ExploratoriumIn the Bay, at Pier 15 in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedAug. 04, 2023Mar. 18, 2024Katharine Pan
M1992.050.03Non-Material AmendmentMarin CountyDredge 21,230 cy over a one-year period with disposal at aquatic site SF-10.Larkspur Marina Financing AuthorityIn the Bay, at Larkspur Marina in the City of Larkspur, Marin County and at the state and federally-designated San Pablo Bay (SF-10) disposal sites, Alcatraz (SF-11), the San Francisco Deep Ocean disposal site, or an authorized upland locationIssuedAug. 03, 2023Jul. 11, 2024Jaime Lopez
E2023.005.00AdministrativeSolano CountyBreach, erosion, and damage repairs on Sacramento River and Honker Bay levees.Reclamation District No. 1607 - Van Sickle IslandWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, along the perimeter of Van Sickle Island, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJul. 28, 2023Oct. 30, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.018.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of SausalitoReplace two pier piles.Anne Lovise MillsIn the Bay, at 6 South Forty Dock in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.Under reviewJul. 28, 2023Sam Fielding
M2018.013.02mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyInstall 360 feet of sheetpile splash cap on the top edge of a levee.Mike TempsWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at the Montezuma Duck Club (#503), in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJul. 25, 2023Jan. 10, 2024Rowan Yelton
C2023.004.00Federal Consistency ReviewContra Costa CountyDemolition of an auxiliary building, antenna, concrete foundations, and fencing and restoration of the site to near pre-existing salt marsh conditions.United States Department of Transportation Federal Aviation AdministrationWithin the Coastal Zone, at the Military Ocean Terminal Concord in unincorporated Contra Costa County.IssuedJul. 18, 2023Nov. 20, 2023Sam Fielding
M2019.033.01Non-Material AmendmentExtension of completion time, from October 15, 2023, until June 30, 2025, for construction of a Bay Trail segment along the west end of Gilman Street and reconfiguration of parking areas and access at Golden Gate Fields in the City of Berkeley, Alameda County, previously authorized in BCDC Permit No. M2019.033.00.California Department of TransportationWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, adjacent to I-80 between post miles 6.38 and 6.95, in the Cities of Berkeley and Albany, Alameda County.IssuedJul. 17, 2023Mar. 29, 2024Jessica Finkel
1981.006.07Non-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoExtend maintenance dredging permit until December 31, 2023, to complete a recently-approved maintenance dredging episode.Richardson Bay MarinaIn the Bay, at the Richardson Bay Marina at Gate 6 Road, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJul. 14, 2023Jul. 27, 2023Jaime Lopez
M2023.018.00AdministrativeContra Costa CountyRemove (or break off two feet below the mudline) 436 creosote timber piles and deck debris, in an area approximately 750 feet long and within 250 feet of the shoreline,California State Lands CommissionIn the Bay, 750 ft west of Eckley Pier, in the Census-designated place of Crockett, in unincorporated Contra Costa County.IssuedJul. 13, 2023Oct. 20, 2023Sam Fielding
2018.008.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoExtend completion deadlines for Phase 1 public access improvements; adjust the square footage authorized for the plaza, picnic, and seating area; adjust the square footage authorized for the pavilion and decks; and adjust the described location of a planted area.

Amendment No. One authorizes an extension of time to complete Phase 1 of the project until December 31, 2028.
FC Pier 70 LLC and Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band at Pier 70, 20th Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJul. 13, 2023Apr. 26, 2024Katharine Pan
M2023.017.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyInstall four new interior water control structures to help control freshwater runoff.Beverly GartonIn the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at the Tule Belle Duck Club (Club #416) east of Goodyear Road, in unincorporated Solano County.Under reviewJul. 13, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2023.011.00RegionwideCity of AlamedaReplace existing stairs, landing, and handrails at townhome complex.Jeff FrankelIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1201 to 1237 Ballena Boulevard, 300 to 354 Tideway Drive, and 401 to 465 Cola Ballena, in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedJul. 07, 2023Apr. 18, 2024Jessica Finkel
M2019.015.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of San LeandroTime extension for the operation of a private ferry service (up to 8 times per weekday) through April 1, 2025.City of San LeandroIn the Bay, at the City of San Leandro Municipal Marina at 1 Pescador Point Drive, in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County.Under reviewJul. 06, 2023Jessica Finkel
M2023.015.00AdministrativeCity of VallejoRemove and dispose of approximately 10,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil and install up to three monitoring wells.City of VallejoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 50 Solano Avenue in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedJul. 05, 2023Nov. 12, 2024Lisa Herron
E2023.004.00EmergencyMarin CountyPlace rip rap at the eroded areas to provide bank stability and restore the levee crest. Emergency repairs would occur at four different segments of the levee, totaling approximately 410 linear feet.

This Emergency Permit No. E2023.004.00 was issued via email on July 7, 2023
City of Santa RosaIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, near the intersection of SR-37 and Sears Point Road, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJul. 05, 2023Oct. 23, 2023Rowan Yelton
M1987.018.14Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondGrading and pipeline construction.IMTT-Richmond-CAIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band and within a Bay Plan-designated Port Priority Use Area, at 100 Cutting Boulevard in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.Under reviewJul. 03, 2023Katharine Pan
NOI2023.013.00RegionwideCity and County of San FranciscoRemove and replace in-kind a deteriorated fender system on the south side of Pier 9 and repair a deteriorated fender system on the north side of Pier 9.San Francisco Bar PilotsIn the Bay, at Pier 9 in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJul. 03, 2023Nov. 03, 2023Sam Fielding
M2023.016.00AdministrativeCity of TiburonReplace a submarine cable within the central San Francisco Bay between the Tiburon Peninsula and Angel Island and install new junction boxes and conduits.Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2000 Paradise Drive, in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County and on Angel Island in unincorporated Marin County.Under reviewJun. 30, 2023Pierce Abrahamson
ANOI2023.013.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace 2 existing creosote piles with 12-inch steel piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Darell KrasnoffIn the Bay, at 431 East Strawberry Drive, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.011.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace 1 existing creosote pile with 12-inch steel pile in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Steve BowerIn the Bay, at 1 Strawberry Landing, in unincorporated Marin County.Under reviewJun. 29, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.010.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace two existing creosote piles with 12-inch steel piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Esben PedersenIn the Bay, at 365 East Strawberry Drive, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2002.045.03Non-Material AmendmentSan Mateo CountyRoutine maintenance and repair activities to the shoreline protection system at four locations including fallen tree removal riprap replacement, sheet pile wall replacement, backfilling eroded areas, and placing new riprap.San Francisco International AirportIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, near the Coast Guard Air Station, the end of Runway 1-19, the end of Runway 10L-28R, and the runway intersection at San Francisco International Airport, in unincorporated San Mateo County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Sep. 19, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.012.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace 1 existing creosote pile with 12-inch steel pile in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Nick HoppeIn the Bay, at 3 Strawberry Landing, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.009.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace two existing creosote piles with 12-inch steel piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Eric BrewerIn the Bay, at 317 East Strawberry Drive, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.017.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace 2 existing creosote piles with 12-inch steel piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Eileen PerkinsIn the Bay, at 283 East Strawberry Drive, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.015.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyWrap 2 to 4 existing creosote piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Leslie Ferguson-DietzIn the Bay, at 26 Egret Way, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.007.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace four existing creosote piles with 12-inch steel piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.David SchwartzIn the Bay, at 227 East Strawberry Drive, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.014.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyWrap 2 to 4 existing creosote piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Robert GreenIn the Bay, at 18 Egret Way, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.008.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace two existing creosote piles with 12-inch steel piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Jill and John TempletonIn the Bay, at 275 East Strawberry Drive, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.016.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace 2 existing creosote piles with 12-inch steel piles in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Paul Chapman and Daria PainterIn the Bay, at 30 Egret Way, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 29, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2023.014.00AdministrativeCity of TiburonReplace doors and windows and deck railings, renovate interior, add solar panels, and add maintenance access stairs to piers.Terry and Ron EpsteinIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2200 Mar East Street in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County.IssuedJun. 26, 2023Jan. 25, 2024Shruti Sinha
M2023.012.00AdministrativeCity of AlamedaRemoval and replacement of existing marina facilities. The proposed new marina will be a Structurmarine Dock system consisting of structural aluminum docks, recycled composite decking, and rotationally molded polyethylene filled with expanded virgin polystyrene floatation. The replacement will result in a reduction of dock area, pilings, and gangways, and a reduction in the number of boat slips from 198 to 183.Oakland Yacht ClubIn the Bay, at the Oakland Yacht Club at 1101 Pacific Marina, in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.Under reviewJun. 26, 2023Sam Fielding
1992.010.01mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyRecountour and shallow an existing ditch, remove interior levees, and remove a dilapidated pump platform.California Department of Fish and WildlifeIn the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh and within a Bay Plan-designated Wildlife Priority Use Area, at 2548 Grizzly Island Road, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJun. 23, 2023Sep. 11, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2023.011.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyInstall two new 24-inch High Density Polyethylene drain pipes with stainless steel flap gates.Lorenzo BavosoIn the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at Duck Club #510 (The Island), in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJun. 22, 2023Oct. 16, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.006.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of BeniciaMinor repairs to a single-family residence, including the replacement of 9 windows and the repair of, and installation of handrails on, the second story balcony (partially after-the-fact).Clare and Joseph SchererWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1392 West K Street, in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedJun. 14, 2023Nov. 14, 2023Jessica Finkel
M2023.010.00AdministrativeCity of San RafaelInstall new lateral pipelines and individual pumps at 4 homes on Oak Drive.San Rafael Sanitation DistrictWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 177, 179, 181, and 183 Oak Drive, in the City of San Rafael and unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 12, 2023Apr. 18, 2024Jessica Finkel
ANOI2023.005.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace 1 existing creosote pile with 12-inch steel pile in conjunction with ongoing dredging for Zone IV Channel in Richardson Bay.Steve BowerIn the Bay, at 1 Strawberry Landing, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJun. 06, 2023Aug. 03, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2023.013.00AdministrativeMarin CountyRemodel existing single-family residence, including constructing a new 58-square-foot entry landing/deck and replacing a landing and steps onto an existing deck.Susan DuryeeIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 6 Beach Drive in unincorporated Marin County.Under reviewJun. 06, 2023Jessica Finkel
M1989.090.11Non-Material AmendmentCity of MartinezReplace 40 timber piles, install fiberglass sleeves on three existing piles, and replace support sections of the wharf trestle.Martinez Refining Company LLCIn the Bay, at 3485 Pacheco Boulevard west of the Benicia-Martinez Bridge, in the City of Martinez, Contra Costa County.IssuedJun. 05, 2023Sep. 30, 2024Rowan Yelton
M2023.006.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyInstall three exterior and five interior water control structures.California Department of Fish and WildlifeIn the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh and within a Bay Plan-designated Wildlife Priority Use Area, at 2548 Grizzly Island Road, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJun. 02, 2023Jul. 14, 2023Rowan Yelton
2023.006.00MajorCity and County of San FranciscoDemolish existing 108-slip marina and construct a new 168-slip marina in its place, including a 705-foot transient and marina boat dock that would serve as a wave attenuation device.Treasure Island Enterprises, LLC and Treasure Island Development AuthorityIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1 Clipper Cove Way, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewJun. 02, 2023Sam Fielding
M2023.005.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyDredging in Suisun Marsh waterways to obtain material for managed wetland exterior levee maintenance.Suisun Resource Conservation DistrictIn the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, in wetlands 117, 402, 406, 413, 414, 706, 219, 220, 415, 424, 501, 503, 510, 807, and 610, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJun. 02, 2023Sep. 01, 2023Pascale Soumoy
M2019.024.02mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyCreate 1.5 acres of diked managed seasonal wetland along the northern pond margin of the Family Gun Club's existing managed wetlands.Barto and Donna PriceWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at The Family Club (Club #423), located adjacent to the Southern Pacific railroad tracks at 2 Pierce Lane, in unincorporated Solano County.Under reviewJun. 01, 2023Rowan Yelton
2000.001.08Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoAmend the permit to authorize a special events program at the San Francisco Ferry Building.Hudson One Ferry Operating LP and Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the Ferry Building on The Embarcadero, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewMay. 24, 2023Katharine Pan
M1985.020.02BNon-Material AmendmentCity of BrisbaneSplit existing permit along property lines and authorize reasonable rules and restrictions to restrict parking in public shore parking spaces dusk and dawn.Morgan StanleyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 7000 Marina Boulevard, in the City of Brisbane, San Mateo County.Under reviewMay. 24, 2023Alyssa Plese
C2023.003.00Federal Consistency ReviewCity of OaklandExpansion of the Inner Harbor Turning Basin from 1,500 feet to 1,834 feet, and the Outer Harbor Turning Basin from 1,650 feet to 1,965 feet.

There is a net reduction of fill in the Bay – 395,000 cy and
7.6 acres of fill removed

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco DistrictWithin the Coastal Zone, at Oakland Inner Harbor and Outer Harbor turning basins, at the Port of Oakland in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.IssuedMay. 18, 2023Dec. 27, 2023Brenda Goeden
M1987.015.26Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondAuthorize use of a temporary I-beam template frame to maintain proper angles of concrete piles during pile installation.Chevron Richmond RefineryIn the Bay, within the 100-foot shoreline band, and within a Bay Plan-designated Water-Related Industrial Priority Use Area, at the Chevron Refinery at 841 Chevron Way, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedMay. 18, 2023Jul. 28, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2023.010.00RegionwideCity of CrockettRemove approximately 75 feet of pipeline from the existing casing beneath railroad tracks and install new pipe in existing casing.Kinder MorganWithin the shoreline band, at 1909 Dowrelio Drive in the Census-designated place of Crockett, in unincorporated Contra Costa County.IssuedMay. 12, 2023Nov. 29, 2023Shruti Sinha
2018.003.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of AlamedaRevise construction phasing schedule.Landsea Homes and Alameda Marina LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1815 Clement Avenue in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedMay. 10, 2023Nov. 02, 2023Shruti Sinha
M2023.033.00AdministrativeCity of BelvedereInstall 4 steel beams under the house and deck to reinforce two existing, failing wooden beams.Robert FeirmanIn the Bay and within the shoreline band, at 57 West Shore Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedMay. 09, 2023Apr. 12, 2024Jessica Finkel
M1985.020.02ANon-Material AmendmentCity of BrisbaneSplit existing permit along property lines and authorize reasonable rules and restrictions to restrict public shore parking between dusk and dawn.SNH Medical Office Properties Trust (5000 Marina)Within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 5000 Marina Boulevard, in the City of Brisbane, San Mateo County.Under reviewMay. 02, 2023Alyssa Plese
2023.005.00MajorCity of Redwood CityRedevelop an approximately 2.5-acre site with 56 residential townhomes, a pedestrian/bicycle trail, and other public access improvements.

On 5/16/24, the Commission held a public hearing and voted 14-0-1 to approve the application.
Regis Homes Bay Area, LLCIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band in the City of Redwood City, San Mateo CountyIssuedApr. 26, 2023May. 30, 2024Jessica Finkel
M2023.002.00AdministrativeCity of SausalitoInstall liner in existing force main, replace connection piping and valves at two locations, and add pumps and controls to existing pump station.Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary DistrictWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at the end of Main Street near 201 Bridgeway, in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.IssuedApr. 25, 2023Mar. 21, 2024Katharine Pan
M1977.017.20Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoPermanent extension of maintenance and operations authorization.Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, along the San Francisco Waterfront from Aquatic Park to Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard at Port-controlled properties in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedApr. 25, 2023Jun. 22, 2023Jessica Finkel
C2023.005.00Federal Consistency ReviewCity of RichmondIssuance by the Surface Transportation Board of a notice of exemption for authority to abandon approximately 0.79 miles of rail line (Line Segment 7258) with no salvage activities.BNSF Railway CompanyIn the Coastal ZoneIssuedApr. 24, 2023Aug. 17, 2023Katharine Pan
M2023.009.00AdministrativeMarin CountyReplace two degraded electrical towers with new 132.5-foot-tall type 2B towers, and replace degraded boardwalks.Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at two locations along Gallinas Creek near 665 North San Pedro Road, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedApr. 14, 2023Aug. 19, 2024Rowan Yelton
E2023.003.00EmergencyCity of OaklandEmergency repair of storm-damaged bank at Oliver de Silva asphalt facility using riprap.Oliver de Silva IncIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 344 High Street in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.IssuedApr. 14, 2023Jun. 16, 2023Sam Fielding
ANOI2023.004.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of BeniciaRepair 6 failing wooden piles under a bungalow in the Bay using fiberglass jackets.Sheila Ruhl and Gerd RuhlIn the Bay, at 445 West I Street, in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedApr. 12, 2023Jun. 20, 2023Rowan Yelton
1991.012.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of OaklandReduce hours of operation for Historic Railroad Building to 8 AM through 5 PM seven days a week and reduce hours of operation for Port View Park to dawn through dusk, related to Enforcement Case No. ER2005.037.00.Port of OaklandWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Port View Park at the Port of Oakland, in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.IssuedApr. 06, 2023Oct. 08, 2024Alyssa Plese
M1994.044.04mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyExtend permit 10 years through September 13, 2033.Montezuma HarborIn the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, along Montezuma Slough, east of Belden's Landing at Montezuma Harbor, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedApr. 05, 2023May. 31, 2023Jaime Lopez
M2023.008.00AdministrativeCity of RichmondRe-grade and pave existing paved deck, install parking spaces, construct public access sidewalk, construct new public outlook, and install fencing and stormwater system.IV1 1411 Harbour Way S Owner LLC and City of RichmondWithin the 100-foot shoreline band and within a Bay Plan-designated Port Priority Use Area, at Richmond Terminal 3 at 1411 Harbour Way, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedApr. 04, 2023Aug. 12, 2024Katharine Pan
1990.008.015Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoExtend outdoor dining area authorizations for five years.SF Piers Owners, Inc. and Port of San FranciscoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Piers 1.5, 3, and 5 in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewApr. 04, 2023Katharine Pan
NOI2023.005.00RegionwideMarin CountyUpgrade lift stations at Back Ranch Campground, Buckeye Point, Bullhead Flat, Monument, China Camp Point, and China Camp Village.California State ParksWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at China Camp State Park at 101 Peacock Gap Trail, in unincorporated Marin County.Under reviewApr. 03, 2023Katharine Pan
1984.002.23Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoModify outdoor seating to expand patio to the north and convert outdoor dining in front of restaurant to public seating area, with no net addition of restaurant seating area.Port of San Francisco and Frankie's Java HouseWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Pier 40, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewMar. 31, 2023Katharine Pan
1973.015.04Non-Material AmendmentMarin CountyRepair a degraded seawall, involving the replacement of backfill, installation of a new sheet pile-wale system landward of the existing seawall, and removing unneeded elements of the existing seawall.Greenwood Bay Condominium Homeowners AssociationIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Harbor Cove Way and Greenwood Bay Drive in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedMar. 31, 2023Oct. 27, 2023Sam Fielding
M1992.047.01mdAdministrativeSolano CountyReplace and relocate tidal intakes and fish screen infrastructure within Montezuma Slough and replace and install new interior water control structures within Grizzly Island Wildlife Area.California Department of Fish and WildlifeWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh and within a Bay Plan-designated Wildlife Priority Use Area, at 2548 Grizzly Island Road, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedMar. 31, 2023Jun. 30, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2023.007.00AdministrativeMarin CountyRedevelop stairs and pathways; construct a new studio, decking area, patio, and boat loading area; relocate an existing wood gangway; and repair an existing bulkhead at a single-family residence.Livia and Mutahar GlasgowIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 435 E. Strawberry Drive in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedMar. 30, 2023Feb. 22, 2024Katharine Pan
NOI2023.008.00RegionwideNapa CountyReplacement of 2 pilings, installation of 32-foot by 6-foot gangway and 40-foot by 6-foot boat dock. Gangway fixed to riverfront with 3-inch galvanized pipes spaced approximately 4 feet apart with bolt/hinges to attach gangway.Judy Ann AhmanIn the Commission’s Napa River Certain Waterways jurisdiction, at 1301 Milton Road, in Napa, Napa County. At waterfront parcel across from 1301 Milton Rd (APN 047-350-002).IssuedMar. 29, 2023Nov. 09, 2023Sam Fielding
2018.005.01(W)Non-Material AmendmentCity of Foster City6-month time extension.City of Foster CityIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 610 Foster City Boulevard, City of Foster City, San Mateo County.Under reviewMar. 28, 2023Jessica Finkel
M1995.030.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of CrockettRepairs and improvements to existing recreational facilities, including removing existing restrooms; installing new restrooms; upgrading paths; upgrading ADA parking stalls; constructing a new accessible beach access ramp; and upgrades to other amenities.East Bay Regional Parks DistrictWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Eckley Pier at 5700 Eckley Road, in the Census-designated place of Crockett, in unincorporated Contra Costa County.Under reviewMar. 27, 2023Pierce Abrahamson
C2023.002.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleInstall five temporary data logger monitoring platforms comprised of a 6x6-foot galvanized steel basket sitting atop four two-inch steel pipes, equipped with solar panels and electronics.US Army Corps of EngineersWithin the Coastal Zone, in the shallow waters off the shorelines of Mare Island in eastern San Pablo Bay, Solano County; Pinole, Contra Costa County; Richmond/Albany, Alameda County; Hayward/Cogswell/Long Beach, Alameda County; and Eden Landing Ecological Reserve, Alameda County.IssuedMar. 23, 2023May. 24, 2023Sam Fielding
M2014.004.07Non-Material AmendmentCity of VallejoReconfigure a parking lot and install new public restrooms, EV charging stations, two bioretention basins, new storm drain infrastructure, lights, and landscaping.Pacific Gas & Electric Company and City of VallejoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 3 Curtola Parkway in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedMar. 21, 2023Sep. 11, 2024Katharine Pan
M1999.043.06AdministrativeCity of Palo AltoConstruction of a 500-linear-foot horizontal/ecotone levee adjacent to Harbor Marsh, which is designed to provide habitat enhancements, increased flood and sea level rise resiliency, water quality improvements, and public access benefits.City of Palo AltoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline Band, near the Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Control Plant at 2501 Embarcadero Way, in the City of Palo Alto, San Mateo County.IssuedMar. 21, 2023Apr. 05, 2024Schuyler Olsson
M2010.006.03Non-Material AmendmentDispose of maintenance dredged sediment at an approved placement site, likely SF-9 or upland beneficial placement site within the Commission's jurisdiction.Napa Yacht Club HOAIn the Bay.Under reviewMar. 21, 2023Brenda Goeden
NOI2023.007.00RegionwideCity of RichmondInstall ten 14-inch-diameter steel pilings each having a brackt and a 12-inch-long steel I beam to support an existing glulam beam on an existing wharf.Richmond Yacht ClubIn the Bay, at the Richmond Yacht Club at 351 Brickyard Cove Drive, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedMar. 20, 2023Aug. 17, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2023.004.00RegionwideCity of TiburonConduct maintenance on five existing storm drain lines.Town of TiburonWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at six sites located near 90-95 Seafirth Road, 2211-2219 Mar East Street, 759 Tiburon Boulevard, 771 Tiburon Boulevard, and 835 Tiburon Boulevard, respectively, in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County.IssuedMar. 15, 2023Nov. 14, 2023Jessica Finkel
M1988.038.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelRemove and replace the existing grass soccer field with all-weather artificial turf and install new pathways, native landscaping, a sports court, an expanded parking area, and other park amenities.City of San RafaelWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Pickleweed Park at 50 Canal Street, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedMar. 14, 2023Nov. 20, 2024Alyssa Plese
M2012.009.04Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoRemove the existing Bay Lights installation and temporarily (for a 10-year period) install the new Bay Lights 360, with LED lights on the inward- and outward-facing sides of the vertical suspension cables on the north side of the West Span.CaltransIn the Bay, on the West Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedMar. 10, 2023Sep. 07, 2023Jessica Finkel
2023.003.00mdMajorMultipleProgrammatic authorization to cover minor repair, replacement, or improvement activities on PG&E's facilities within the Suisun Marsh.

On 5/16/24, the Commission held a public hearing and voted 15-0-1 to approve the application.
Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyIn the Bay, within the Primary and Secondary Management Areas of Suisun Marsh, and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at various locations in Napa, Solano, and Sonoma counties.IssuedMar. 01, 2023May. 28, 2024Rowan Yelton
2023.002.00MajorMultipleProgrammatic authorization to cover minor repair, replacement, or improvement activities on PG&E's facilities within the Bay Area.

On 5/16/24, the Commission held a public hearing and voted 14-0-1 to approve the application.
Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyIn the Bay, within the Commission's certain waterways and salt pond jurisdictions, and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at various locations in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma counties.IssuedMar. 01, 2023May. 28, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1989.055.05mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyTime extension for maintenance activities.Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at various Pacific Gas and Electric facilities, in Solano County.IssuedFeb. 28, 2023Apr. 27, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2006.037.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaPlace approximately 3,750 square feet of riprap at a 125-foot-long section of the shoreline and reconfigure previously approved Bay Trail alignment and public access amenities.Phil JoyIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 134 West D Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewFeb. 24, 2023Katharine Pan
1977.005.36Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaConduct in-kind maintenance repairs and reinforcements of the Benicia Marina breakwatersCity of BeniciaAt the Benicia Marina breakwater (lat: 38.0433957, long: -122.1575793) in the Carquinez Strait, adjacent to the City of Benicia in Solano CountyIssuedFeb. 23, 2023Jun. 12, 2023Sam Fielding
NOI2023.006.00RegionwideCity of HaywardMaintenance repair and replacement of the existing flap gate and outfall structure.Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation DistrictIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the Eden Pump Station Zone 3A Line A Outfall on Eden Landing Road, in the City of Hayward, Alameda County.IssuedFeb. 23, 2023Sep. 19, 2023Sam Fielding
M1981.079.14Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaMaintenance dredging of the main dock and spill response vessel moorage areas to an annual volume of approximately 100,000 cubic yards over a ten year period, using multi-event episodes as needed, including potential knockdown events.Valero Refining Company - CaliforniaIn the Bay, at the Valero Benicia Marine Terminal, at 3400 East Second Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedFeb. 23, 2023Apr. 24, 2024Pascale Soumoy
M2019.005.02AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoBetween April 22 and May 12, 2023, construct, use, and maintain temporary spectator grandstands, offices, pop-up tents, portable restrooms, and other facilities for the SailGP San Francisco 2023 race. The race will take place May 6-7, with two practice days on May 4-5. It is a ticketed event.SailGPIn the Bay, and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1 Yacht Road, in the City and County of San FranciscoIssuedFeb. 23, 2023Apr. 21, 2023Jessica Finkel
M2015.034.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of OaklandChange special condition requiring conveyance of property interest to the City of Oakland for the Lake Merritt to Bay Trail Connection Project to require an in-lieu fee of $175,000 for public access improvements in the vicinity of the Lake Merritt Channel and Oakland Estuary.California Department of Transportation (on behalf of Union Pacific Railroad)In the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the Lake Merritt Channel, in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.IssuedFeb. 23, 2023Jun. 15, 2023Jessica Finkel
M2023.004.00AdministrativeContra Costa CountyImplementation of the public access phase of the Lower Walnut Creek Restoration Project, involving installation of 2 or 3 pedestrian bridges, a vehicle access bridge, a floating small watercraft dock, and other amenities.John Muir Land TrustIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Pacheco Marsh, located along Pacheco Creek near the intersection of Waterfront Road and Solano Way, in unincorporated Contra Costa County.IssuedFeb. 22, 2023Oct. 06, 2023Schuyler Olsson
2023.004.00MajorCity of redwood CityPublic access components of a mixed-use development of 480 residential units and 97,101 square foot athletic club.

On June 21, 2023, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, by a vote of 20 affirmative, 0 negative, and 0 abstentions, approved the resolution pursuant to which this permit is hereby issued.
Redwood Crossing LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 557 East Bayshore Road in the City of Redwood City, San Mateo County.IssuedFeb. 15, 2023Jun. 20, 2023Katharine Pan
ANOI2023.003.00Abbreviated RegionwideSan Mateo CountyRepair 7 piles on guide lighting trestles.San Francisco International AirportIn the Bay, at the San Francisco International Airport at 121 North Access Road, in unincorporated San Mateo County.IssuedFeb. 07, 2023May. 09, 2023Rowan Yelton
1977.021.10CNon-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaPermit split.Linda MagnelliIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 628 John's Place in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewFeb. 06, 2023Lisa Herron
1977.021.10DNon-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaPermit split.Daniel and Janis StatonIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 625 John's Place in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewFeb. 06, 2023Lisa Herron
1977.021.10BNon-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaPermit split.Janet MiddletonIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 622 John's Place in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewFeb. 06, 2023Lisa Herron
1977.021.10HNon-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaPermit split.City of BeniciaWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at John's Place in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewFeb. 06, 2023Lisa Herron
1977.021.10FNon-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaPermit split.Melody and Steve McKeeIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 725 West 6th Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewFeb. 06, 2023Lisa Herron
1977.021.10GNon-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaPermit split.Bob and Ellen WhiteheadIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 755 West 6th Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewFeb. 06, 2023Lisa Herron
1977.021.10ANon-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaPermit split.Stephanie Lavezzo VitolanoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 602 John's Place in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewFeb. 06, 2023Lisa Herron
M2023.001.00AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoConstruct a temporary technical base and 11 temporary moorings to support the SailGP sailing competition between April 17 and May 28, 2023.SailGP and Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Pier 80 in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedFeb. 06, 2023Apr. 14, 2023Jessica Finkel
1977.021.10ENon-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaPermit split.Chuck and Meifan TuIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 613 John's Place in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewFeb. 06, 2023Lisa Herron
M2023.003.00AdministrativeMultiplePlace fiber optic cables and conduits in the Bay, buried between 3 and 6 feet deep, connecting to one landing vault in the City of Brisbane and another in the City of San Leandro.Bandwidth IG, LLCIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, between the southern corner of Lagoon Road and Sierra Point Parkway in the City of Brisbane, San Mateo County, and west of the Tony Lema Golf Course in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County.IssuedFeb. 03, 2023Oct. 02, 2023Rowan Yelton
C2023.001.00 (R)Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleNational Marine Fisheries ServiceIn the Coastal Zone, in the Pacific Ocean off the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington.Under reviewFeb. 02, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2016.020.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of BelvedereTime extension for commencement and completion of construction.Brandon Shorenstein, DWS Family OfficeIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 135 Belvedere Avenue in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedFeb. 01, 2023Mar. 15, 2023Katharine Pan
ANOI2023.002.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of RichmondTemporary repairs of spalled concrete in two fender pile systems.KM Phoenix Holdings LLCIn the Bay, at 1306 Canal Boulevard in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedJan. 31, 2023Apr. 07, 2023Sam Fielding
2023.001.00MajorCity of San RafaelReconstruct eroded Tiscornia Marsh, reconnect the diked marsh in Pickleweed Park to tidal inundation, and fortify local shoreline against sea level rise.Marin Audubon Society and City of San RafaelIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Tiscornia Marsh near 50 Canal Street, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.Under reviewJan. 27, 2023Schuyler Olsson
NOI2023.003.00RegionwideCity of San LeandroReplace an approximately 200-square-foot deck (after-the-fact) and construct, in its place, an approximately 780-square-foot pier-supported deck.Perry Gastis and Eleni GastisWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 12929 Neptune Drive in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County.IssuedJan. 27, 2023Jun. 16, 2023Jessica Finkel
1998.012.08Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondExtension of completion date.Point San Pablo HarborIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor, located at Point Richmond in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedJan. 26, 2023Aug. 10, 2023Jessica Finkel
2018.003.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of AlamedaConstruct an approximately 3,000-square-foot patio for outdoor dining immediately adjacent to Building 19.Alameda Marina, LLC and City of AlamedaWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1815 Clement Avenue in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedJan. 24, 2023Oct. 20, 2023Shruti Sinha
M1987.074.17ANon-Material AmendmentMultipleAn extension until May 31, 2024, to conduct routine repairs and maintenance at various Pacific Gas and Electric Company-owned facilities as previously authorized under BCDC Permit No. M1967.074.11APacific Gas and Electric CompanyIn the Bay, within the Commission's certain waterways and salt pond jurisdictions, and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at various Pacific Gas and Electric facilities in the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma.IssuedJan. 22, 2023Feb. 29, 2024Rowan Yelton
M1993.077.05Material AmendmentCity of Redwood CityRoutine maintenance dredging at Wharves 1-4 to a depth of -34 feet MLLW + 1-ft overdredge allowance using mechanical dredging equipment in up to 5 episodes over a period of 10 years.Port of Redwood CityIn the Bay, at the Port of Redwood City at 675 Seaport Boulevard, in the City of Redwood City, San Mateo County.Under reviewJan. 20, 2023Jaime Lopez
M1986.061.13Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoLong term outdoor dining request that would extend outdoor dining furnishings over 4,140 square feet of the existing parking lot.St. Francis Marine Center and The RampWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 855 Terry Francois Boulevard in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewJan. 19, 2023Shruti Sinha
M1987.074.16ANon-Material AmendmentCity of Fremont1 year time extension of a maintenance permitPacific Gas and Electric CompanyThroughout BCDC Jurisdiction, except for the SUisun MarshIssuedJan. 19, 2023Apr. 27, 2023Rowan Yelton
E2023.002.00EmergencyCity and County of San FranciscoReplace 6 heavily damaged piles, repair approximately 12 damaged piles with fiberglass jackets/sleeves, and remove and later replace a damaged section of pier deck.St. Francis Yacht ClubIn the Bay, at the St. Francis Yacht Club Marina at 99 Yacht Road, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJan. 13, 2023May. 01, 2023Sam Fielding
E2023.001.00EmergencyCity and County of San FranciscoEmergency In kind replacement of a snapped pile.
San Francisco Recreation and Parks DepartmentIn the Bay, at the San Francisco Marina East Harbor near 200 Marina Boulevard, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJan. 12, 2023Aug. 18, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2023.001.00 (W)Abbreviated RegionwideCity of OaklandTemporarily install a 40-foot temporary sewer interceptor bypass pipe for 6 months.East Bay Municipal Utilities DistrictWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, in the right-of-way on Embarcadero West east of the Lake Merritt Channel, in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.Under reviewJan. 09, 2023Katharine Pan
C2023.001.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleTo maintain safe navigation to and from the Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet wharf as well as across Suisun Bay to the Carquinez Strait, the U.S. DOT Maritime Administration (MARAD) would conduct new work dredging of up to 315,000 cubic yards (cy) of sediment with approximately 91,000 cy dredged from alongside the Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet wharf and approximately 224,000 cy dredged from within the pass channel to minus 8 feet mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) and minus 32 feet MLLW respectively, with 2 feet of over depth allowance throughout. The sediment will be beneficially reused at either Cullinan Ranch Restoration Project or the Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Project. The dredging will be conducted with a mechanical/clamshell dredge and will take place over a ten year period.US DOT Maritime Administration, Suisun Bay Reserve FleetWithin the Coastal Zone, at the Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet wharf, in the City of Benicia; at the pass channel within Suisun Bay and along the south-east end of the Carquinez Strait; and at Cullinan Ranch Restoration Project along the Napa River in Vallejo and Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Project in the Suisun Marsh, Solano County.IssuedJan. 09, 2023Jun. 06, 2023Pascale Soumoy
NOI2023.001.00RegionwideMultipleConduct inspection and repair activities at two pipeline anomaly locations consisting of minor excavations, removal of coating, adding pipe sleeve, recording, and backfilling the excavated trench.Kinder MorganWithin the 100-foot shoreline band and within a Bay Plan-designated Waterfront Park/Beach Priority Use Area, at a site along the Union Pacific Railroad near Wilson Point, in the City of Pinole, Contra Costa County; and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at a site along the Union Pacific Railroad near Rodeo Creek in the Census-Designated Place of Rodeo in unincorporated Contra Costa County.IssuedJan. 06, 2023Feb. 17, 2023Shruti Sinha
NOI2023.002.00RegionwideCity of TiburonPlace and remove a SOFAR wave research buoy and mooring system over multiple months throughout a two-year period. The mooring system consists of a 16.4-inch-wide by 12.2-inch-tall floating buoy, a subsurface float, a 12- to 15-foot-long AmSteel line, and a 46-inch-long helical sand screw anchor with a 6-inch-diameter disk at its base.UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory and Folsom Lake CollegeIn the Commission’s Bay jurisdiction at the southern boundary of the Richardson Bay Audubon Center (RBAC) reserve in Richardson Bay, at approximately 37°52'28.56"N, 122°28'53.25"W in Marin County.IssuedJan. 05, 2023Feb. 24, 2023Sam Fielding
C2022.011.00Federal Consistency ReviewAlameda CountyUse dredged material from operations and maintenance dredging of the Redwood City Harbor federal navigation channel to examine whether the strategic placement of material can leverage wave/tidal currents to transport sediment onto adjacent tidal mudflats and salt marshes.

United States Army Corps of EngineersWithin the Coastal Zone, west of Eden Landing Ecological Reserve, near the City of Hayward, Alameda County.IssuedDec. 22, 2022Apr. 13, 2023Brenda Goeden
M1977.109.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of Corte MaderaAfter-the-fact authorization for a retaining wall, land fill in the backyard, a concrete stairway, and approximately 1,100 square feet of a single-family residence.

Filed: 1/20/2023?
Please note that this was originally assigned by Rachel Cohen
Vincent and Teri TonneWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 279 Golden Hind Passage in the City of Corte Madera, Marin County.Under reviewDec. 21, 2022Katharine Pan
M2022.028.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyPlace 5,000 cubic yards of fill over 5 acres to raise property elevation six inches to mitigate flooding. This activity is a subject of Commission Cease and Desist Order CCD2022.002.00.Lee GreenbergWithin the 100-foot shoreline band and within the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at 21 Pierce Lane, in unincorporated Solano County.Under reviewDec. 20, 2022Katharine Pan
C2022.012.00Federal Consistency ReviewCity of South San FranciscoConstruct a 2,000-foot-long sheetpile floodwal, approximately 3 to 4.5 feet above grade at the north side of the South San Francisco/San Bruno Water Quality Control Plant, and a 700-foot-long floodwall approximately 4 feet above grade on the south side of the plant, and a perimeter sheetpile floodwal at Pump Station 4.United States Army Corps of EngineersWithin the Coastal Zone, at the South San Francisco/San Bruno Water Quality Control Plant at 195 Belle Air Road, in the City of South San Francisco, San Mateo County.IssuedDec. 19, 2022May. 03, 2023Sam Fielding
M1977.091.07Non-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoRepair a residential boat dock.Karen ClearyIn the Bay, at 36 Alexander Avenue, in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.IssuedDec. 15, 2022Jul. 05, 2024Sam Fielding
C2021.003.01Federal Consistency ReviewCity of SausalitoTime extension for the USACE Base Yard Debris Dock Partial Replacement Project to December 31, 2024.United States Army Corps of EngineersIn the Bay, at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Base Yard at 2100 Bridgeway in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.IssuedDec. 13, 2022Feb. 02, 2023Anniken Lydon
2006.010.12Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelTime extension for the construction of Harbormaster Building and replacement of existing boat repair facility.Safe Harbor MarinasIn the Bay and within the shoreline band, at the Loch Lomond Marina located at 110 Loch Lomond Drive in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedDec. 12, 2022May. 23, 2023Katharine Pan
ANOI2022.014.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of TiburonWrap existing piers with fiberglass jackets.David HolscherIn the Bay, at 2260 Mar East Street in the city of Tiburon, Marin County.IssuedDec. 12, 2022Jun. 22, 2023Sam Fielding
NOI2022.042.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereReplace existing landscaping, replace hot tub, install firepit and bbq.89 West Shore, LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 89 West Shore Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedDec. 05, 2022Mar. 24, 2023Shruti Sinha
M1978.106.11Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoAuthorize long-term outdoor dining.Port of San Francisco and Pier 23 CafeWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Pier 23, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedDec. 02, 2022Dec. 23, 2022Shruti Sinha
M2002.058.08Non-Material AmendmentContra Costa CountyAvon. Partial demolition of Berth 1, installation of three new gangways, and removal of out of service equipment to meet MOTEMS compliance.

Amorco. Repair and replacement of piles and wharf.

(These projects were originally submitted as two separate applications, but combined into one nonmaterial amendment)
Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLCIn the Bay, at the Avon Marine Terminal at the Marathon Martinez Facility at 150 Solano Way, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedNov. 30, 2022May. 05, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2022.043.00RegionwideSan Mateo CountyRepair or replace existing stormwater drainage outfall pipes and trestle structures at four locations.San Francisco International AirportIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the San Francisco International Airport at 121 North Access Road, in unincorporated San Mateo County.IssuedNov. 29, 2022Jun. 20, 2023Rowan Yelton
1977.001.20Non-Material AmendmentCity of South San FranciscoMaintenance dredging of the Oyster Point Marina Harbor East Basin berth areas to -8 feet MLLW +2 feet allowable overdepth.San Mateo County Harbor DistrictIn the Bay, at Oyster Point Marina at 95 Harbor Master Road, in the City of South San Francisco, San Mateo County.IssuedNov. 23, 2022Jun. 27, 2023Brenda Goeden
1985.013.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of alamedaAfter-the-fact authorization of a patio area in response to Enforcement Case No. ER2021.086.00Lockehouse Property Management GroupWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2337 Blanding Avenue in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.Under reviewNov. 17, 2022Lisa Herron
M1993.014.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of San MateoExtension of allowable work period through December 31, 2022, and permit modifications to allow limited water jetting to remove compacted sediment.San Mateo CountyIn the Bay, at the Coyote Point Marina at 1900 Coyote Point Drive in the City of San Mateo, San Mateo County.IssuedNov. 16, 2022Nov. 21, 2022Julia Kelly
M1982.032.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelTen-year multi-episode permit to conduct maintenance dredging of Marina Vista Canal using clamshell dredge and barge with disposal at a site authorized by the DMMO.Marina Vista Improvement ClubIn the Bay, at the Marina Vista Canal, between Summit Avenue and Sea Way near 24 Summit Avenue, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedNov. 11, 2022May. 01, 2023Jaime Lopez
M2022.029.00AdministrativeCity of BelvedereRepair 34 existing piles, add 3 concrete shear walls above existing grade beams, ad 6 sets of stainless steel cross braces, replace existing 4-pile boat lift.The Fallen Oak Trust and Paul YockIn the Bay, at 95 West Shore Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedNov. 10, 2022May. 20, 2024Sam Fielding
NOI2022.041.00RegionwideCity of AlamedaModify existing pier with new layout, pile repair and replacement, new floating dock, gangway replacement, new railing, repair or replace existing boat lift.Mari Lake-SchaalIn the Bay, at 1628 Fernside Boulevard in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.Under reviewNov. 09, 2022Julie Garren
M1996.013.05Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoTime extension for pre-approved special events through December 31, 2027.Port of San FranciscoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at various locations, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedNov. 09, 2022Dec. 05, 2022Ethan Lavine
M2020.009.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelAmend permit to authorize ADA parking space.Marin County Department of Public WorksWithin the 100-foot shoreline band at Bayside Park, 882 Point San Pedro Road, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedNov. 09, 2022Apr. 15, 2024Katharine Pan
2002.007.11Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoExtend authorization for outdoor dining areas for 5 years.SF Piers Owner, Inc.Within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Piers 1 1/2, 3, and 5, on the Embarcadero, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewNov. 08, 2022Katharine Pan
1993.004.21Non-Material AmendmentMultipleTime extension of maintenance and oeprations permit through December 31, 2023.Cargill, Inc.Within salt ponds operated by Cargill throughout Alameda, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties.IssuedNov. 07, 2022Dec. 19, 2022Schuyler Olsson
1979.014.12Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoEstablish hours for the parking lots at Candlestick Point State Recreation Area.California Department of Parks and RecreationWithin a Bay Plan-designated Waterfront Park Priority Use Area and the 100-foot shoreline band, at Candlestick Point State Recreation Area, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewNov. 07, 2022Katharine Pan
M2022.026.00AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoAuthorize long-term outdoor dining in 352-square-foot area with 2 fixed posts with diverters and 5 new public bike racks.Port of San Francisco and Queen's Louisiana Po-Boy Cafe, LLCWithin the 100-foot Shoreline Band, at Pier 33 on The Embarcadero, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedNov. 07, 2022Jan. 26, 2023Shruti Sinha
M2008.007.04Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoAuthorize long-term outdoor dining at the HiDive restaurant.Port of San Francisco and HiDive Bar and RestaurantWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at the HiDive restaurant at Pier 28 1/2 in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedNov. 07, 2022Dec. 27, 2022Shruti Sinha
M2021.029.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoAuthorize long-term outdoor dining.Port of San Francisco and Sabella and La TorreWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2809 Taylor Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedNov. 07, 2022Dec. 23, 2022Shruti Sinha
M2021.031.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoAuthorize long-term outdoor dining at Scoma's Restaurant.Port of San Francisco and Sabella and La TorreWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1965 Al Scoma Way, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedNov. 07, 2022Dec. 23, 2022Shruti Sinha
M2021.026.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoAuthorize long-term outdoor dining at Crab Station restaurant.Port of San Francisco and Crab StationIn the Bay, at 2803 Taylor Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedNov. 07, 2022Dec. 23, 2022Shruti Sinha
M1987.015.25Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondTime extension for the Richmond Refinery Long Wharf Maintenance and Efficiency Project.Chevron Richmond RefineryIn the Bay, within the 100-foot shoreline band, and within a Bay Plan-designated Water-Related Industrial Priority Use Area, at the Chevron Refinery at 841 Chevron Way, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedNov. 04, 2022Jan. 25, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2022.013.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of AlamedaDeck and pile repair.Corey Keith and Denise FroatzIn the Bay, at 1237 Ballena Boulevard in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.Under reviewNov. 01, 2022Sam Fielding
1998.014.08mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyRevisions to dates and engineering plan conditions.Montezuma Wetlands, LLCIn the Bay, within the 100-foot shoreline band, and within the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh at the Montezuma Wetlands Project in Solano County.IssuedOct. 27, 2022Jun. 19, 2023Pascale Soumoy
NOI2022.037.00RegionwideCity of Mill ValleyReplace existing sea wall.Steve BowerIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1 Strawberry Landing in the City of Mill Valley, Marin County.Under reviewOct. 27, 2022Rowan Yelton
E2022.003.00EmergencyAt 2 locations on either side of Sonoma Creek, South of State Route 37 in the counties of Sonoma, Solano and NapaPacific Gas and ElectricIssuedOct. 19, 2022Apr. 05, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2022.036.00RegionwideCity of TiburonConstruct a new 416-square-foot dock.Francis and Jan MathewsIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2088 Paradise Drive in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County.Under reviewOct. 14, 2022Sam Fielding
M1994.056.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of VallejoAfter-the-fact authorization for three concrete floating docks and associated pilings.California Maritime AcademyIn the Bay, at 200 Maritime Academy Drive, in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedOct. 14, 2022Mar. 02, 2023Rowan Yelton
ANOI2022.015.00Abbreviated RegionwideSan Mateo CountyRemove storm drain pipes and wooden trestle structure, reinstall duckbills, and provide scour protectionSan Francisco International AirportIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the San Francisco International Airport at 121 North Access Road, in unincorporated San Mateo County.IssuedOct. 14, 2022Oct. 19, 2022Rowan Yelton
M2021.010.00AdministrativeCity of San RafaelConstruction of a two-story single-family home of 2,511 square feet with a two-car attached garage.John Wright and John Rushworth, Trustee of the Rushworth Family TrustWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 726 Point San Pedro Road in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedOct. 13, 2022Mar. 15, 2023Tony Daysog
NOI2022.035.00RegionwideCity of AlamedaConvert existing diesel light towers to electricity, involving installation of electrical conduits to three cement platforms.City of Alameda and Alameda Soccer ClubWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 250 West Hornet Avenue, in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedOct. 12, 2022Jan. 24, 2023Shruti Sinha
M2022.025.00AdministrativeContra Costa CountyRaise the western levee along an approximately 7,500-foot segment adjacent to Grayson and Walnut Creeks from the SR-4 overpass in the south to the BNSF railroad bridge in the north.Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation DistrictWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, along Walnut and Grayson Creeks near 5019 Imhoff Drive, in Martinez in unincorporated Contra Costa County.Under reviewOct. 05, 2022Sam Fielding
M2022.024.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyRegrading stockpiled sediment from past dredged material placement.Port of Stockton and Rich Island Duck ClubWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh and within a managed wetland or salt pond, at the southern portion of Simmons Island, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedOct. 03, 2022Sep. 25, 2023Rowan Yelton
M1987.025.06Non-Material AmendmentSonoma CountyMaintenance and repair of gravel roads.Sonoma County Water AgencyIn a managed wetland, at the Hudeman Slough Enhancement Wetlands near Ramal Road and Skaggs Island Road, in unincorporated Sonoma County.Under reviewOct. 03, 2022Rowan Yelton
NOI2022.014.00RegionwideSan Mateo CountyReplace an underground sewer effluent pipelineSan Francisco International Airport and City of South San FranciscoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at the San Francisco International Airport in unincorporated San Mateo County.IssuedOct. 03, 2022Mar. 15, 2023Katharine Pan
NOI2022.039.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereRepair two piles of a residential boat dock.Robert and Betty Conner Family TrustIn the Bay, at 81 West Shore Road, in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedSep. 27, 2022Nov. 18, 2022Sam Fielding
ANOI2022.008.00Abbreviated RegionwideMarin CountyReplace an existing gangplank.Larry RiisIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1119 S Eliseo Drive in Greenbrae, in unincorporated Marin County.Under reviewSep. 26, 2022Sam Fielding
M1985.019.07Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaConduct repairs on the Port of Benicia Wharf. Replace deck and wood trestle, install HDPE pilings, and replace piles.AMPORTS, Inc.In the Bay and within the shoreline band, at the Benicia Port Terminal, in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedSep. 23, 2022Jun. 07, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2022.038.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereRepair two piles of a residential boat dock.Jamie and Dayle BurnsIn the Bay, at 83 West Shore Road, in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedSep. 23, 2022Nov. 18, 2022Sam Fielding
NOI2022.034.00RegionwideAlameda CountyProposed modifications to two cells of a levee's ecotone slope, to test a broader range of treatment layer geometries to determine how these parameters influence treatment capacity and efficiency.Oro Loma Sanitary DistrictIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2536 Grant Avenue, in unincorporated Alameda County.IssuedSep. 22, 2022Oct. 13, 2022Rowan Yelton
NOI2022.033.00RegionwideCity of CrockettConduct inspection and repair activities at pipeline anomoly locations consisting of minor excavations, removal of coating, adding pipeline sleeve, recoating, and backfilling the excavated trench.Kinder MorganWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at W. Railroad Avenue, in the City of Crockett, Contra Costa County.IssuedSep. 21, 2022Oct. 31, 2022Shruti Sinha
1993.010.05Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoTemporary installation of a shipping container, ramp, and wooden decking from fall 2022 until future renovation of India Basin Shoreline Park, estimated in 2024 or 2025.City and County of San Francisco Recreation and Parks DepartmentWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at India Basin Shoreline Park, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedSep. 16, 2022Nov. 21, 2022Tony Daysog
C2022.010.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleReissuance of General Permit 3.United States Army Corps of EngineersWithin the Coastal Zone.IssuedSep. 14, 2022Dec. 15, 2022Anniken Lydon
NOI2022.031.00RegionwideCity of BerkeleyReplacement of existing sewer force mainCity of BerkeleyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 300 University Avenue in the City of Berkeley, Alameda County.IssuedSep. 12, 2022Oct. 31, 2022Tony Daysog
1976.018.14Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoTime extension request to comply with Special Condition II.N of BCDC permit, which requires the preparation of a long-term master plan for future use and development of Pier 41 to achieve enhanced and improved use of the site and public access areas.Blue and Gold Fleet (Blue & Gold) and Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Pier 41 and on the bulkhead areas of Piers 41 and 43, at The Embarcadero, in the
City and County of San Francisco.
IssuedSep. 09, 2022Dec. 08, 2022Ethan Lavine
M1977.119.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of BelvedereReplace a floating dock.Sara GriffithIn the Bay, at 79 Bellevue Avenue, in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.Under reviewSep. 06, 2022Sam Fielding
M2005.019.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of Redwood CityInstall a prefabricated fitness court along the Bay Trail.City of Redwood CityWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 399 Marine Parkway in the City of Redwood City, San Mateo County.IssuedSep. 06, 2022Mar. 24, 2023Shruti Sinha
M2019.024.01mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyAfter-the-fact authorization for the repair and expansion of existing structures, and unpermitted new construction of structures, drilling a well, and expanding an existing well house.Bart Price III and Donna PriceWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at The Family Club (Club #423), located adjacent to the Southern Pacific railroad tracks at 2 Pierce Lane, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedSep. 06, 2022Mar. 28, 2023Ethan Lavine
M2022.022.00AdministrativeCity of MartinezRestore tidal marsh and open water habitat and install three railroad spur tracks.TransMontaigne Operating CompanyIn the Bay, within the 100-foot shoreline band, and within a Water-Related Industry Priority Use Area, at the Martinez Terminal facility, 2891 Waterfront Road, in the City of Martinez, Contra Costa County.Under reviewSep. 06, 2022Anniken Lydon
M1983.016.07Non-Material AmendmentCity of SunnyvaleTime Extension for the Primary Effluent Pipeline Project.City of SunnyvaleIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, adjacent to Sunnyvale and Guadalupe Sloughs, immediately northwest of the Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant, at 1444 Borregas Avenue, in the City of Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County.

IssuedSep. 02, 2022Nov. 04, 2022Shruti Sinha
C2022.009.00Federal Consistency ReviewContra Costa CountyReplacement of damaged navigation aid.United States Coast GuardWithin the Coastal Zone, at Point Edith Crossing in Suisun Bay.IssuedSep. 01, 2022Sep. 27, 2022Rowan Yelton
2018.007.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoPort of San Francisco and Golden Gate National Parks ConservancyIssuedAug. 31, 2022Mar. 17, 2023Shruti Sinha
ANOI2022.006.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of BeniciaReplace decking and railings.Robin SilverWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1390 West K Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedAug. 30, 2022Nov. 28, 2022Katharine Pan
NOI2022.032.00RegionwideCity of SausalitoRemove two pilings from northeastern boundary of Basin 4 and relocate them approximately 40 feet northeast of the 800/900 and 1000/1100 docks.Clipper Yacht Company, LLCIn the Bay, at the Clipper Yacht Harbor at 310 Harbor Drive, in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.Under reviewAug. 30, 2022Rowan Yelton
2000.001.07Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoFive-year time extension for farmers market and service vehicle authorization.Port of San Francisco and Hudson One Ferry Operating, L.PWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at the Ferry Building on The Embarcadero, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedAug. 24, 2022Jul. 28, 2023Katharine Pan
C2022.008.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleMapping and surveying activities undertaken by the NOAA National Ocean Service in 2023-2027.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean ServiceWithin the Coastal Zone.Under reviewAug. 24, 2022Rowan Yelton
NOI2022.029.00RegionwideCity of Mountain ViewDeactivation of existing 850 feet of 1.25" plastic main and installation of 854 feet of new 4" plastic main approximately 2 feet north of existing main, and transfer of one service using direct bury methods.Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, near the Shoreline Golf Links at 2940 N Shoreline Boulevard, in the City of Mountain View, Santa Clara county.Under reviewAug. 22, 2022Rowan Yelton
C2022.006.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleThis proposed rule would establish the 2023–24 harvest specifications for groundfish caught in the U.S. exclusive economic zone seaward of Washington, Oregon, and California, consistent with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the Pacific Coast Groundfish FMP.National Marine Fisheries ServiceWithin the Coastal Zone.Under reviewAug. 18, 2022Rowan Yelton
M1970.046.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaConstruct an approximately 50-foot-long, 6-foot-tall fence.Laura EytanWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 630 West I Street, in the City of Benicia, Solano County.Under reviewAug. 18, 2022Tony Daysog
NOI2022.030.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereConstruct a new access staircase to existing dock and 4-foot-high concrete retaining wall at property line at single-family residence.Mark ConroeWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 310 Beach Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedAug. 18, 2022Oct. 31, 2022Tony Daysog
M2012.015.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of EmeryvilleExtend existing dredging authorization for another 10 years.City of EmeryvilleIn the Bay, at the Emeryville Marina Entrance Channel, in the City of Emeryville, Alameda County.IssuedAug. 17, 2022Nov. 02, 2022Julia Kelly
NOI2022.027.00RegionwideCity of CrockettInvestigate and repair a pipeline anomaly in the LS-72 pipeline at Site CA-97.Kinder MorganWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 5700 Eckley Road in the City of Crockett, Contra Costa County, and unincorporated Contra Costa County.IssuedAug. 17, 2022May. 28, 2024Katharine Pan
C2022.007.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleAir Tour Management Program to provide terms and conditions for commercial air tours conducted over the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Muir Woods National Monument, San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, and Point Reyes National Seashore. The ATMP would apply to commercial air tours flying below 5,000 feet over the parks, within 1/2-mile outside the parks' boundaries, and over Tribal lands within or abutting the parks.Federal Aviation Administration and National Parks ServiceWithin the Coastal Zone, at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Muir Woods National Monument, San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, and Point Reyes National Seashore; in San Francisco and Marin counties.Under reviewAug. 16, 2022Sam Fielding
NOI2022.025.00RegionwideMarin CountyReplace a stormwater outfall.San Quentin State Prison/CDCRWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at San Quentin State Prison, in the unincorporated area of San Quentin in Marin County.IssuedAug. 10, 2022Oct. 12, 2022Tony Daysog
2019.001.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of BrisbaneExtend the Bay Trail from 3000-3500 Marina Boulevard to 1000 Marina Boulevard.BP3-SF5 3000-3500 Marina LLC and BP3-SF4 1000 Marina LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1000 Marina Boulevard, in the City of Brisbane, San Mateo County.IssuedAug. 04, 2022Apr. 19, 2023Katharine Pan
NOI2022.024.00RegionwideMarin CountyAfter-the-fact authorization for a storage shed and playhouse constructed in the footprint of a previously existing pergola (ER2022.042.00).Hafeez EsmailWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 25 Weatherly Drive in Strawberry, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedJul. 28, 2022Dec. 15, 2022Tony Daysog
NOI2022.026.00RegionwideCity of RichmondInstall an impressed current cathodic protection system to protect steel components on the Richmond Marine Terminal dock.Phillips 66In the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the Phillips 66 Richmond Marine Terminal, at 1300 Canal Boulevard, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedJul. 28, 2022Dec. 28, 2022Sam Fielding
M1982.113.01Material AmendmentCity of Redwood CityConstruct a 5-story office/R&D buiding, detached 5-story parking garage, and trail access improvements to Belmont Creek Trail_x0010_.200-240 Twin Dolphin, LLC and Shores Business Center Association
Within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 200-240 Twin Dolphin Drive in the City of Redwood City, San Mateo County.IssuedJul. 21, 2022Dec. 30, 2022Shruti Sinha
M2015.019.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of SausalitoRedesign the authorized beach access ramp as stairs and amphitheater seating.Alexander Kashef and City of Sausalito Department of Public WorksIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 201 Bridgeway Boulevard in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.IssuedJul. 19, 2022Apr. 17, 2023Katharine Pan
M2020.007.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of Bay PointRemove three culverts 14 feet in length from a channel adjacent to the Shell Pond (SWMU 4.18) Managed Natural Recovery Project Site.Pacific Gas & Electric CompanyIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the PG&E Shell Pond (SWMU 4.18) at Stake Point in the unincorporated area of Bay Point, Contra Costa County.IssuedJul. 19, 2022Oct. 25, 2022Rowan Yelton
1974.010.07Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoTime extension.City of San Francisco Recreation and Parks DepartmentIn the Bay, at the East Harbor Marina at 3950 Scott Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJul. 18, 2022Apr. 03, 2023Anniken Lydon
M2022.016.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyDredging in Suisun Marsh waterways to obtain material for managed wetland exterior levee maintenance.Suisun Resource Conservation DistrictWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, in wetlands 128, 406, 415, 220, 501, 907, and 930, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJul. 18, 2022Sep. 22, 2022Julia Kelly
M2022.020.00AdministrativeMultipleReplace three sets of water crossing structures at Novato Creek, the Petaluma River, and Sonoma Creek.Pacific Gas & Electric CompanyIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the mouths of Novato Creek, the Petaluma River, and Sonoma Creek, in unincorporated Marin, Sonoma, Napa, and Solano counties.
IssuedJul. 14, 2022Sep. 29, 2023Rowan Yelton
M2006.034.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of OaklandDevelop a Bay Trail segment.City of Oakland and Duke RealtyWithin the 100 foot shoreline band, at 3600 Alameda Avenue, in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.Under reviewJul. 11, 2022Pierce Abrahamson
NOI2022.020.00RegionwideContra Costa CountyTemporarily install water quality monitoring sondes.California State Coastal ConservancyIn the Bay, within four subtidal areas in San Pablo Bay, near the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedJul. 11, 2022Oct. 25, 2022Schuyler Olsson
C2004.005.08Federal Consistency ReviewSonoma CountyAdd a second offloader to import beneficial reuse dredge material.United States Fish and Wildlife ServiceWithin the Coastal Zone at the Cullinan Ranch Restoration Project in the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge.IssuedJul. 05, 2022Oct. 14, 2022Brenda Goeden
ANOI2022.012.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of LarkspurRemove a power line structure.Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)In the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, immediately west of 12 East Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, in the City of Larkspur, Marin County.IssuedJul. 01, 2022Nov. 21, 2022Tony Daysog
M2022.021.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyInstall 268 linear feet (3,216 square feet) of new riprap on scoured portions of exterior levee in the Bay and 600 linear feet of new riprap on interior ditch banks of Grizzly Island Wildlife Area.California Department of Fish and WildlifeWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at 2548 Grizzly Island Road, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJun. 30, 2022Sep. 20, 2022Anniken Lydon
ANOI2022.011.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of MartinezOffload equipment from barge within temporary work area.Martinez Refining CompanyIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 100 Mococo Road, in the City of Martinez, Contra Costa County.IssuedJun. 29, 2022Jul. 27, 2022Shruti Sinha
M2022.018.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyDredge along Montezuma Slough to obtain material for managed wetland exterior levee maintenance at Grizzly Island Wildlife Refuge.California Waterfowl Association and Suisun Resource Conservation DistrictIn the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, along Montezuma Slough and at Grizzly Island Wildlife Refuge, in unincorporated Solano County.
IssuedJun. 29, 2022Sep. 20, 2022Brenda Goeden
M2008.015.02Non-Material AmendmentSan Francisco CountyThree-year time extension.Harrigan Weidenmuler CompanyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 435 23rd Street in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJun. 27, 2022Oct. 21, 2022Ethan Lavine
2022.004.00Material AmendmentCity of BurlingameDevelop an office building.

On July 20, 2023, the Commission, by a vote of 19 affirmative, 0 negative and 1 abstention, approved the resolution pursuant to which the permit was issued.
DL Burlingame Sub, LLC c/o Lincoln Property Company WestWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 777 Airport Boulevard, in the City of Burlingame, San Mateo County.IssuedJun. 24, 2022Jul. 28, 2023Shruti Sinha
M2022.017.00AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoInstall devices to test ecological enhancement approaches at three locations along the San Francisco waterfront, including Pier 45, Pier 14-Agricultural Building, and South Beach Harbor east breakwater. The ECOncrete tiles are being tested for future use in conjunction with projects designed to increase the seismic safety of the Embarcadero seawall and flood protection along the the San Francisco waterfront.Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay, at various locations along The Embarcadero, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedJun. 23, 2022Oct. 05, 2022Anniken Lydon
NOI2022.022.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereDemolish 6,474-square-foot single-family residence and construct a new 6,920-square-foot single-family residence and a 475-square-foot detached studio, and 10' by 50' in-ground lap pool and spa.Quintas Properties and John MaitlandWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 43 Cliff Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedJun. 22, 2022Aug. 23, 2022Shruti Sinha
E2022.002.00EmergencyCity of VallejoReplace five 18-inch diameter steel piles and two concrete floating docks totaling 140 square feet.California Maritime AcademyIn the Bay, at the Cal Maritime Boat Basin at 200 Maritime Academy Drive, in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedJun. 21, 2022Sep. 20, 2022Rowan Yelton
C2019.004.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelDredge from Station 0+00 to -5+00 in the across-the-flats channel.United States Army Corps of EngineersWithin the Coastal Zone, at San Rafael Creek, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedJun. 16, 2022Dec. 27, 2022Brenda Goeden
1986.020.11Non-Material AmendmentCity of VallejoProvide wayfinding and interpretive history signage along the Vallejo Promenade and Waterfront.Mare Island Brewing Co. and City of VallejoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at six locations along the waterfront near the Vallejo Ferry Terminal at 289 Mare Island Way, in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedJun. 16, 2022Feb. 08, 2023Ethan Lavine
M2015.007.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondRevise the authorization from a 2,880-square-foot wood deck to a smaller decomposed granite surface, change the hours of access to the public access area, change the hours of access to the public restroom, and maintain the security fencing along the pier.Riggers Loft Wine CompanyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1325 Canal Boulevard in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.Under reviewJun. 16, 2022Katharine Pan
1977.001.19Non-Material AmendmentCity of South San FranciscoReplace deteriorated floating Docks 12 to 14 and accessways at Docks 11 through 14 in the East Basin, provide long-term access solution to Docks 1 through 6 in the West Basin by removing the interim bridgeways and replacing the existing access platforms.
San Mateo County Harbor DistrictIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Oyster Point Marina at 95 Harbor Master Road, in the City of South San Francisco, San Mateo County.IssuedJun. 13, 2022Nov. 09, 2023Sam Fielding
1987.005.07Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoDemolish and rebuild existing weight room and galley on existing footprint, install new ADA elevator, build a new office and sitting room above new galley, and add a new glass enclosed deck on the roof of the new weight room.Dolphin Club and San Francisco Recreation and Parks DepartmentWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 502 Jefferson Street in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewJun. 08, 2022Jessica Finkel
ANOI2022.016.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of Mill ValleyRepair and replace a gangway, and two pilings at a single-family residence.Carlene MacDonaldIn the Bay, at 333 East Strawberry Drive in the City of Mill Valley, Marin County.IssuedJun. 08, 2022Jun. 16, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2022.018.00RegionwideCity and County of San FranciscoInstallation and servicing of up to 5 ocean sensing buoys for at least a year to test reliability and durability in the San Francisco Bay environment.Sofar Ocean Technologies, Inc.In the Bay, at Bay Front Park near Pier 52, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewJun. 03, 2022Sam Fielding
M1975.049.25Non-Material AmendmentCity of RodeoInstall one metocean buoy system.Phillips 66 San Francisco RefineryIn the Bay, at the Philips 66 San Francisco Refinery at 1380 San Pablo Avenue in the City of Rodeo, Contra Costa County.IssuedJun. 03, 2022Oct. 05, 2022Rowan Yelton
1984.012.11AdministrativeCity of AlamedaMaintenance dredging of approximately 250,000 cubic yards of sediment over a 10-year period.Safe Harbor Ballena Isle MarinaIn the Bay, at Ballena Isle Marina at 1150 Ballena Boulevard, in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.Under reviewJun. 03, 2022Jaime Lopez
NOI2022.019.00RegionwideCity and County of San FranciscoInstallation and servicing of up to 5 ocean sensing buoys for at least a year to test reliability and durability in the San Francisco Bay environment.Sofar Ocean Technologies, Inc.In the Bay, at Pier 80, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewJun. 03, 2022Sam Fielding
M2022.008.00AdministrativeCity of OaklandConstruct and use two radial stacking coneyors, a marine operations break room, fencing, and gates for an aggregate terminal.Eagle Rock Aggregates and Port of OaklandWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at the Port of Oakland, at 1425 Maritime Street in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.IssuedJun. 02, 2022Apr. 16, 2024Katharine Pan
NOI2022.021.00RegionwideCity of Mountain ViewGrade a 21,000-square-foot work pad to support power line tower replacement.Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2499 Stierlin Road in the City of Mountain View, Santa Clara County.IssuedMay. 31, 2022Oct. 14, 2022Tony Daysog
M2007.020.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of LarkspurTime extensionCity of LarkspurIn a Certain Waterway (Corte Madera Creek), at 50 Drakes Landing Road in the City of Larkspur, Marin County.Under reviewMay. 25, 2022Sam Fielding
M1975.007.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of LarkspurTime extension.City of LarkspurIn a Certain Waterway (Corte Madera Creek), at 585 South Eliseo Drive in the City of Larkspur, Marin County.IssuedMay. 25, 2022Sep. 06, 2022Rowan Yelton
M2016.001.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of LarkspurTime extension for tidal marsh restoration with two public benches and two interpretive signsCity of LarkspurIn a Certain Waterway (Corte Madera Creek), at 250 Doherty Drive, in the City of Larkspur, Marin County.IssuedMay. 24, 2022Sep. 21, 2022Sam Fielding
M2022.014.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyInstall three new 16-inch high density polyethelyne drain pipes with stainless steel flap gates.Ken PucciniIn the Bay and within the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at Duck Club #504 - Gum Tree Farms, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedMay. 19, 2022Oct. 24, 2022Anniken Lydon
ANOI2022.005.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of BeniciaDemolition of fire-damaged wharf and trestle, stabilization of the shiploader, and installation of temporary floats for petcoke export operations during repair/construction. Full repairs to the wharf and trestle are to be authorized under another permit action.APS West Coast Inc.In the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the AMPORTS Marine Terminal at 1007 Bayshore Road, in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedMay. 19, 2022Jun. 02, 2022Anniken Lydon
M2022.015.00AdministrativeCity of VallejoAfter-the-fact approval of a carport replacement in response to Enforcement Case ER2022.020.00.Patrick Craig and Kathryn CraigIn the Bay, at 9 Sandy Beach Road in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.Under reviewMay. 18, 2022Katharine Pan
M2008.011.05Non-Material AmendmentCity of MartinezDrilling up to six subsurface soil borings and converting select soil borings into monitoring wells or soil vabor probes for the Line 63 Project. Drilling up to four subsurface soil borings, installing two monitoring wells, and installing an approximately 100-foot-long permeable reactive barrier for the Cracking Area Pumper Project.Tesoro Refining & Marketing CompanyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at the Marathon Martinez Facility at 150 Solano Way, in unincorporated Contra Costa County.IssuedMay. 18, 2022Sep. 12, 2022Shruti Sinha
NOI2022.016.00RegionwideCity of San RafaelRemodel and reconfiguration of a single-family residence with upper and lower level addition, backyard deck, and roof deck.Sandra CookWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 22 Beach Drive in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedMay. 16, 2022Jan. 24, 2024Jessica Finkel
2022.002.00MajorCity and County of San FranciscoRemedial action to clean up sediments impacted by past industrial waterfront activities.Pacific Gas and Electric and Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay, at Piers 39 to 43 1/2, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewMay. 16, 2022Pascale Soumoy
1982.020.09Material AmendmentCity of BurlingameImprove the existing Bay Trail and landscape along Burlingame Lagoon and Sanchez Channel as part of a new office/R&D campus development.Peninsula Owner LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 567 Airport Boulevard in the City of Burlingame, San Mateo County.IssuedMay. 13, 2022Oct. 28, 2022Shruti Sinha
2022.003.00MajorCity of South San FranciscoEnhance a Bay Trail segment and develop a waterfront park within Phases 3 and 4 of the Oyster Point Master Plan as part of a life sciences campus.KR Oyster Point III, LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 385 Oyster Point Boulevard in the City of South San Francisco, San Mateo County.IssuedMay. 13, 2022Jun. 23, 2023Ethan Lavine
NOI2022.015.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereReplace one 30-foot-long wood retaining wall with a new wood retaining wall of the same length in the same location. Remove oneand 30-foot-long retaining wall and a and 24-foot-long retaining wall. Replace one 40-foot-long wood retaining wall with a new wood retaining wall of the same length in the same location, and extend the new retaining wall an additional 16 feet.John Stuart Ryan and Sarah Wright Ryan Family TrustWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 172 Beach Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedMay. 13, 2022Jul. 05, 2022Shruti Sinha
M2002.045.02Non-Material AmendmentSan Mateo CountyRoutine maintenance and repair activities to the shoreline protection system at six locations including the removal of debris and vegetation and the replenishment of riprap.San Francisco Airport CommissionIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, near the terminus of runways 19R and 19L at San Francisco International Airport, in unincorporated San Mateo County.IssuedMay. 12, 2022Aug. 31, 2022Rowan Yelton
1976.022.55Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoExtension of temporary authorization for patio at the Hard Rock Cafe.Pier 39 and Port of San FranciscoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Pier 39 in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewMay. 12, 2022Shruti Sinha
C2019.004.02Non-Material AmendmentAlameda CountyAmend the Consistency Determination to include in-Bay placement in the list of appropriate disposal locations for material from the Oakland Inner and Outer Harbor channels.United States Army Corps of EngineersWithin the Coastal Zone, at the Oakland Inner and Outer Harbors in the San Francisco Bay.IssuedMay. 12, 2022Dec. 27, 2022Brenda Goeden
NOI2022.011.00RegionwideCity of TiburonUnderpinning of residence, replacement of retaining wall, and construction of a new retaining wall.Marika SakellariouWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2398 Mar East Street in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County.IssuedMay. 11, 2022Jun. 07, 2022Katharine Pan
M2022.013.00AdministrativeCity of VallejoMaintenance and repairs to the Mare Island Causeway Bridge, primarily above the waterline, but also including replacement of one pile and repair of another pile.City of VallejoIn the Bay, at the Mare Island Causeway Bridge in the Mare Island Strait, in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedMay. 09, 2022Feb. 02, 2023Rowan Yelton
NOI2022.013.00RegionwideCity of San LeandroConstruct a new detached ADU.Daniel Donate and Oscar CeronWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 13103 Neptune Drive in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County.Under reviewMay. 03, 2022Alyssa Plese
M2022.012.00AdministrativeCity of Suisun CityShoreline stabilization at a single-family residence.Steve TaugnerIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1004 Neptune Court in the City of Suisun City, Solano County.IssuedMay. 02, 2022Nov. 07, 2022Anniken Lydon
NOI2022.012.00RegionwideCity of BelvederePiling repair and new lateral bracing.Belvedere Land CompanyIn the Bay, at 16-28 Beach Road in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedApr. 27, 2022May. 04, 2022Ethan Lavine
M2022.019.00AdministrativeCity of PetalumaRelocate an existing outfall from the Petaluma River to a new location adjacent to the Ellis Creed Water Recycling Facility and remove the Petaluma River outfall.City of PetalumaIn a Certain Waterway (Petaluma River), at the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility at 3890 Cypress Drive, in the City of Petaluma, Sonoma County.IssuedApr. 25, 2022Sep. 20, 2022Sam Fielding
M2022.009.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyInstall 18 cubic yards of new riprap on 20 feet of exterior levee and covering 240 square feet.Mark MoragneWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at Duck Club #632 - Grizzly Hilton, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedApr. 19, 2022Sep. 19, 2022Anniken Lydon
M2022.023.00AdministrativeCity of San RafaelMaintenance dredging of slips, waterways, and creekside dicks to 6 feet MLLW + 1-foot overdredge allowance in 3 to four episodes over 10 years.San Rafael Yacht HarborIn the Bay, at the San Rafael Yacht Harbor at 557 Francisco Bouleard East, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedApr. 18, 2022Jul. 21, 2023Jaime Lopez
M2001.046.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of AlamedaDredge approximately 300 cy of material under the dock.Corona Del Mar Homeowners AssociationIn the Bay, at 2022 High Street in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.Under reviewApr. 18, 2022Julia Kelly
M1980.055.04Non-Material AmendmentMarin CountyReplace decayed wood and corroded fasteners on Bridges 1 and 2.Marin CountyIn the Bay and in the 100-foot shoreline Band, at Bridges 1 and 2 at Coyote Creek, in unincorporated Marin County.IssuedApr. 15, 2022Nov. 27, 2023Katharine Pan
M2022.010.00AdministrativeCity of BeniciaRemove partially constructed block wall and reconstruct along shoreline.Dan KeenanIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 720 West I Street in the City of Benicia. Solano County.Under reviewApr. 15, 2022Sam Fielding
M2022.011.00AdministrativeCity of CrockettPhase 1 removal of concreet deck, support pilings, shoreline debris, 2 beached barges, and 3 sunken vessels; and Phase 2 removal of "Army Pier" and support pilings.California State Lands CommissionIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 501 Port Street in the City of Crockett, Contra Costa County.IssuedApr. 14, 2022Oct. 07, 2022Sam Fielding
M2019.014.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of San CarlosReplace Cordilleras Creek Bridge existing triple-box culvert with new free span bridge.California Department of TransportationIn the Bay and in the 100-foot shoreline band, on U.S. Highway 101 at Post Mile 7.13 at Cordilleras Creek, in the City of San Carlos, San Mateo County.IssuedApr. 13, 2022Aug. 12, 2022Rowan Yelton
M1991.007.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of MartinezInstall temporary timber and steel support members to restore access to the Water Board monitoring station and approximately 60 percent of water-facing public access to the pier.City of MartinezIn the Bay, at the Martinez Municipal Fishing Pier at the end of North Court Street, in the City of Martinez, Contra Costa County.Under reviewApr. 13, 2022Sam Fielding
M2014.004.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of VallejoInstall a new storm drain pipe and outfall.Pacific Gas and Electric Company and City of VallejoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 3 Curtola Parkway in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedApr. 12, 2022Dec. 27, 2022Katharine Pan
1977.014.05Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondReplacing existing creosote treated wood breakwater with steel and concrete or steel and wood, construct new sheetpile wall.Keefe Kaplan Maritime Inc. (KKMI, LLC)In the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 530 West Cutting Boulevard in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.Under reviewApr. 11, 2022Rowan Yelton
M2009.013.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelMaintenance dredging of the slips, waterways, and creekside docks to 6 feet MLLW plus 1 foot overdredge allowance in four episode over 10 years.Lowrie Yacht HarborIn the Bay, at the Lowrie Yacht Harbor at 40 San Pedro Road, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedApr. 07, 2022Aug. 23, 2023Julia Kelly
2019.006.01Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoAmend permit to allow additional repair and replacement of rip-rap, retaining wall construction, extend seawall, reduction of number of piles at Bay Overlook Terrace, and retrofit of intake structure at Bay Overlook at 23rd Street.California Barrel Company, LLC and Port of San FranciscoIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the location of the closed Potrero Power Plant Station, at the terminus of 23rd Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedApr. 06, 2022Jun. 21, 2022Ethan Lavine
M2022.007.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyUse sediment from maintenance dredging of Valero Benicia Marine Oil Terminal for maintenance of existing exterior levees on Lower Joice Island in Suisun Marsh.Suisun Resource Conservation DistrictWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at Lower Joice Island #424, in unincorporated Solano County.Under reviewApr. 05, 2022Julia Kelly
C2017.008.02Federal Consistency ReviewRevise text referring to the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Quality Assurance Plan for Fill Import to Operate and Maintain Levees at Ravenswood and Alviso Salt Pond Complexes to the Master Quality Assurance Program Plan (Master QAPP) for the entire Refuge; revise date of the Master QAPP from 2018 to 2021; incorporate future revisions of the Master QAPP; allow beneficial reuse of foundation material as long as it is covered soon afer by wetland surface material.United States Fish and Wildlife ServiceWithin the Coastal Zone and within a Bay Plan-designated wildlife refuge, at the former Salt Ponds within the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge.IssuedApr. 04, 2022May. 03, 2023Brenda Goeden
1976.011.14Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoTime extension for use of required public access are for limited non-public uses.SPF China Basin Holdings, LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band at the China Basin Building, on the north side of the Channel Street Channel (Mission Creek) between Third and Fourth Streets, adjacent to China Basin, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedMar. 31, 2022May. 04, 2022Katharine Pan
1986.020.10Non-Material AmendmentCity of VallejoInstall permanent outdoor dining at Ferry BuildingCity of Vallejo and Water Emergency Transportation AuthorityWithin the 100-foot shoreline band at 289 Mare island Way, City of Vallejo, Solano CountyIssuedMar. 29, 2022May. 27, 2022Tony Daysog
M1977.115.02Non-Material AmendmentCity of BelvedereReplace existing dock, gangway, and pilings with new design.Noah DreverIn the Bay, at 71 Bellevue Avenue in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedMar. 29, 2022Nov. 04, 2022Sam Fielding
NOI2022.007.00RegionwideCity of BeniciaConstruct and use a 300-square-foot attached alluminum sunroom on existing deck.Robin SilverWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1390 West K Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedMar. 25, 2022Aug. 09, 2022Katharine Pan
ANOI2022.010.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of TiburonIn-kind replacement of failed steel mooring pile.Margaret McDonogh Trustee Mary Jane McDonogh ByPass TrustIn the Bay, at 21 Main Street in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County.IssuedMar. 23, 2022May. 12, 2022Rowan Yelton
M2000.005.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelRemove 60 12-to15-inch diameter creosote treated wood piles and replace with 12-inch square concrete piles.Loch Lomond MarinaIn the Bay, at the Loch Lomond Marina at 110 Loch Lomond Drive, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedMar. 22, 2022Oct. 31, 2022Sam Fielding
M1981.093.11Non-Material AmendmentCity of MartinezMaintenance dredging of a maximum of 54,200 cubic yards in a single episode and disposal in-Bay at site SF-9.City of MartinezIn the Bay, at the City of Martinez Marina on the south side of the Carquinez Strait, at 7 North Court Street in the City of Martinez, Contra Costa County.Under reviewMar. 21, 2022Pascale Soumoy
ANOI2022.009.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity and County of San FranciscoInstall 50 feet of sewer pipeline lining at Marina Boulevard at Baker Street and 25 feet of lining at Jefferson Street at Jones Street.San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and Port of San FranciscoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at Marina Boulevard at Baker Street and at Jefferson Street at Jones Street, in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedMar. 21, 2022May. 16, 2022Katharine Pan
M1994.069.03Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondInstall a blanket of riprap 100 feet long and 2 feet thick to re-stabilize the bank.Manson ConstructionWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, within a Bay Plan-designated Port Priority Use Area, at 200 Cutting Boulevard in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.Under reviewMar. 14, 2022Sam Fielding
NOI2022.009.00RegionwideCity of BelvedereAfter-the-fact authorization for an 11-foot-long, 6-foot-tall fence (ER2021.044.00)Karl JohannsmeierWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 5 Blanding Lane in the City of Belvedere, Marin County.IssuedMar. 11, 2022Jun. 04, 2024Katharine Pan
2000.005.08Non-Material AmendmentCity and County of San FranciscoTime extension for public access improvements at Bayfront Park P22.FOCIL-MB, LLC and Port of San Francisco and City and County of San Francisco, Real Estate Division
Within the Bay and 100-foot shoreline band, at Mission Bay Redevelopment Project in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedMar. 10, 2022Aug. 03, 2022Katharine Pan
NOI2022.008.00RegionwideCity and County of San FranciscoInstall a fuel recovery system below an existing parking lot, involving trenching and backfilling, to remove leaked fuel from groundwater.Pilot Thomas and Port of San FranciscoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2950 Hyde Street in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedMar. 10, 2022Apr. 01, 2022Katharine Pan
M1996.005.04Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondRemove approximately 1,040 12- to 14-inch diameter creosote-treated timber piles and 16,500 square feet of overwater creosote-treated wood decking from the Ferry Point Pier.East Bay Regional Park DistrictIn the Bay, at the Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline at 900 Dornan Drive, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedMar. 09, 2022Dec. 12, 2022Anniken Lydon
M1994.073.06Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondAdd an additional 25,000 cubic yards to the 40,000 cubic yards of material allowed to be dredged at the Phillips 66 Marine Terminal berth and reuse material at the Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Project.Phillips 66In the Bay, in the Richmond Inner Harbor at the Phillips 66 Richmond Marine Terminal, at 1300 Canal Boulevard in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedMar. 08, 2022Aug. 22, 2023Julia Kelly
M2022.027.00AdministrativeCity of MillbraeRemove and replace existing dilapidated nearshore outfall. Permit conditioned to minimize public access impacts during construction.City of MillbraeIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 2-198 and 1-99 Old Bayshore Highway in the City of Millbrae, San Mateo County.IssuedMar. 02, 2022Jul. 27, 2023Sam Fielding
M1989.055.04mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyTime extension for maintenance activities.Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyWithin the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at various Pacific Gas and Electric facilities, in Solano County.IssuedMar. 01, 2022Mar. 18, 2022Rowan Yelton
M1987.074.15ANon-Material AmendmentMultipleTime extension to conduct routine repairs and maintenance.Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyIn the Bay, within the Commission's certain waterways and salt pond jurisdictions, and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at various Pacific Gas and Electric facilities in the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma.
IssuedMar. 01, 2022Mar. 18, 2022Rowan Yelton
1973.014.05Non-Material AmendmentCity of Mill ValleyAfter-the-fact authorization for boat docks, fuel tank, seaplane storage and repair. New boardwalk and transition aprons to connect bike path with shoreline access path, ADA parking and signage, striping, and asphalt transition ramps.Seaplane Investment, LLCIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 242 Redwood Highway in the City of Mill Valley, Marin County.Under reviewFeb. 28, 2022Sam Fielding
1971.032.12Non-Material AmendmentCity of OaklandInstall an intercom system for public restroom access at the Portobello Building Association building.The Community of PortobelloWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 11 Embarcadero West in the City of Oakland, Alameda County.IssuedFeb. 25, 2022Dec. 06, 2023Katharine Pan
M2015.007.01Non-Material AmendmentCity of RichmondExtension of deadline for providing required public access improvements.Riggers LoftWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1325 Canal Boulevard in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.Under reviewFeb. 25, 2022Matthew Trujillo
ANOI2022.007.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of RichmondRemove and replace damaged timber piles with 55-foot-long steel waler I-beam.Port of Richmond and AAK USA, Inc.In the Bay and within a Bay Plan-designated Port Priority Use Area, at Terminal 2 at the Port of Richmond, at 1145 Harbour Way South in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.IssuedFeb. 24, 2022Mar. 11, 2022Anniken Lydon
NOI2022.023.00RegionwideCity of AlamedaRepair existing deck with new decking and joists and replace existing dock piles, dock, and gangway.John AmberIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at 3255 Fernside Boulevard in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedFeb. 21, 2022Aug. 09, 2022Sam Fielding
M2022.005.00mdAdministrativeSolano CountyPermit a Dock on the Montezuma Slough that was made larger in 2008(Original dock was permitted) and two x 20-foot Shipping containers for storage. Each container is 8'x20' for a total of 320 square feet (replacing 25'x25' shed).Spinner Island Club 940Within the Primary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at Club 940, where the Montezuma Slough meets the Sacramento River, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedFeb. 18, 2022Nov. 28, 2022Anniken Lydon
NOI2022.006.00RegionwideCity of BurlingameRelocation of underground utilities (water, power, storm drain).Peninsula Owner LLCWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 555 and 577 Airport Boulevard, in the City of Burlingame, San Mateo County.IssuedFeb. 17, 2022Mar. 17, 2022Shruti Sinha
ANOI2022.004.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of San MateoIn-kind replacement of broken guide pile.County of San MateoIn the Bay, at the Coyote Point Marina, at 1900 Coyote Point, in the City of San Mateo, San Mateo County.IssuedFeb. 15, 2022May. 17, 2022Rowan Yelton
NOI2022.017.00RegionwideCity of AlamedaRepair existing deck beams with new support channels and wrap existing pilings in fiberglass jackets.Adam StoneIn the Bay, at 3115 Marina Drive in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedFeb. 15, 2022May. 25, 2022Anniken Lydon
M2016.018.01mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyRevise the original permit authorization for a bridge replacement to be for a bridge repair involving jacketing 34 existing piles with fiberglass and concrete grout, installing an 18 x 9.5-foot abutment, and routine maintenance to the decking.Goodyear Land Company, LLCIn the Primary Management Area of the Suisuin Marsh, on Morrow Lane crossing Goodyear Slough, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedFeb. 14, 2022Jun. 06, 2022Anniken Lydon
NOI2022.004.00RegionwideCity of PetalumaReplace 14 existing 14-inch diameter timber piles with 14-inch diameter steel or concrete piles.John GilardiIn the Bay, at 5688 Lakeville Highway in the City of Petaluma, Sonoma County.IssuedFeb. 09, 2022Oct. 28, 2022Sam Fielding
M2022.004.00AdministrativeCity and County of San FranciscoProgram establishing designated locations and standards for mobile vending on Port of San Francisco property.Port of San FranciscoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at various locations along the Port of San Francisco waterfront in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewFeb. 08, 2022Katharine Pan
C2022.004.00Federal Consistency ReviewSan Francisco CountyReplace the mooring on three historic vessels (the Eppleton Hall, Thayer, and Balclutha).National Park ServiceWithin the Coastal Zone, at the Hyde Street Pier on the eastern side of Aquatic Park in the City and County of San Francisco.IssuedFeb. 07, 2022Jul. 14, 2022Sam Fielding
Non-Material AmendmentCity of BerkeleyRoutine maintenance, including the repair or replacement of up to 215 piles and 2000 square feet of decking, removal of 15 piles, and installation of 10 new piles.City of BerkeleyIn the Bay, at the Berkeley Marina, at 201 University Avenue in the City of Berkeley, Alameda County.IssuedFeb. 04, 2022Mar. 21, 2023Sam Fielding
ANOI2022.003.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of AlamedaExploratory drilling to verify location of existing force main pipe and locate surrounding utilities and abandoned shoring. Excavated material to be used as backfill at conclusion of excavation.East Bay Municipal Utilities District and City of AlamedaIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Veterans Court on Bay Farm Island in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedFeb. 04, 2022Mar. 22, 2022Shruti Sinha
NOI2022.005.00RegionwideCity of BerkeleyConstruct two platforms to be placed on existing piles within the footprint of the Berkeley Pier remnants to serve as nesting habitat for birds.California Department of Fish and WildlifeWithin the Bay, at the Berkeley Marina at 201 University Avenue, in the City of Berkeley, Alameda County.Under reviewFeb. 04, 2022Sam Fielding
C2022.005.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleAuthorize deep-set-buoy gear fishing under a limited entry permit in Federal waters of California under an open access permit.National Marine Fisheries ServiceWithin the Coastal Zone.Under reviewFeb. 03, 2022Anniken Lydon
NOI2022.003.00RegionwideCity of South San FranciscoIn-kind replacement of four damaged flap gates.San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency DistrictIn the Bay, at the mouth of San Bruno Creek, in the City of South San Francisco, San Mateo County.IssuedFeb. 03, 2022Feb. 17, 2022Pascale Soumoy
C2022.003.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleAdoption of annual ocean salmon management measures.National Marine Fisheries ServiceWithin the Coastal Zone.Under reviewFeb. 03, 2022Anniken Lydon
M2006.037.05Non-Material AmendmentCity of BeniciaAmendment to replace permitted water tower accessory structure with boathouse, revise public access area measurements, and extend completion time.Phil Joy and Celeste JoyWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 134 West D Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedFeb. 03, 2022Dec. 16, 2022Katharine Pan
M2022.003.00AdministrativeSan Mateo CountyRoutine maintenance activities, including sediment and debris removal, culvert repair/replacement, bridge and channel maintenance, trail and road maintenance, vegetation removal, maintenance at Coyote Point Marina, and levee maintenance.San Mateo County Department of Public Works and San Mateo County Parks DepartmentIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at the San Bruno Creek Tide Gate in the City of South San Francisco, Coyote Point Recreation Area in the City of San Mateo, Belmont Creek in the cities of Belmont and San Carlos, and the San Carlos Airport in the City of San Carlos, San Mateo County.
Under reviewFeb. 03, 2022Sam Fielding
ANOI2022.002.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of SausalitoDeck repair.Mohamed KarahWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 107 Bridgeway in the City of Sausalito, Marin County.Under reviewFeb. 02, 2022Tony Daysog
ANOI2022.001.00Abbreviated RegionwideCity of VallejoInstall new duplex pump station, two effluent grinder pumps, and 2" forcemain.City of VallejoWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 1 Harbor Way in the City of Vallejo, Solano County.IssuedFeb. 01, 2022Apr. 14, 2022Shruti Sinha
C2022.002.00Federal Consistency ReviewMultipleAmendment of the Coastal Pelagic, Pacific Coast Salmon, and U.S. West Coast Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) to ensure consistency with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) and the regulations at 50 CFR 600, subpart R, Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology (SBRM) (82 FR 6317, January 19, 2017).National Marine Fisheries ServiceWithin the Coastal Zone.Under reviewFeb. 01, 2022Anniken Lydon
M2022.006.00AdministrativeMarin CountyPlace and anchor concrete elements on the sediment bay floor and on the riprap and concrete adjacent to the seawall to create stable habitat for native Olympia oysters and other native species.San Francisco State University Estuary & Ocean Science CenterIn the Bay, at the Estuary and Ocean Science Center at 3150 Paradise Drive, in the Town of Tiburon, Marin County; Dunphy Park at Bridgeway and Napa Street in the City of Sausalito, Marin County; and San Rafael Bay south of San Rafael Creek, Marin County.IssuedFeb. 01, 2022Jul. 08, 2022Schuyler Olsson
C2022.001.00Federal Consistency ReviewContra Costa CountyConstruct, operate, and maintain a new vessel loading/unloading ramp and dock in the bay and roads and other ancillary structures in the shoreline bandMilitary Ocean Terminal Concord (MOTCO), Department of Public Works - EnvironmentalWithin the Coastal Zone, at the Military Ocean Terminal Concord in unincorporated Contra Costa County.Under reviewJan. 31, 2022Rowan Yelton
M1992.045.07Non-Material AmendmentCity of San RafaelMaintenance dredge and dispose of up to 100,000 cubic yards over 8.1 acres over 10 years, with 44,501 cubic yards to be dredged in the first episode.Marin Yacht ClubIn the Bay, at the Marin Yacht Club at 24 Summit Avenue, in San Rafael Creek, in the City of San Rafael, Marin County.IssuedJan. 31, 2022Jan. 27, 2023Brenda Goeden
2003.007.05Material AmendmentCity of HaywardRestore and enhance existing managed ponds, provide erosion protection along Bayfront levee, and construct additionall Bay Trail segment.California Department of Fish and WildlifeIn the Bay, within the 100-foot shoreline band, and within the Commission's managed wetland or salt pond jurisdiction, at the Eden Landing Ecological Reserve, at the end of Eden Landing Road, in the City of Hayward, Alameda County.Under reviewJan. 27, 2022Schuyler Olsson
1982.005.23Non-Material AmendmentCity of San LeandroTime extension.Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation DistrictIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band and within a Bay-Plan designated Waterfront Park, Beach Priority Use Area at the Monarch Bay Drive Bridge in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County.IssuedJan. 24, 2022Mar. 22, 2022Shruti Sinha
M2022.002.00AdministrativeCity of SunnyvaleConstruct two pedestrian bridges over a channel, and restore and enhance areas of tidal aquatic, estuarine wetland and riparian habitats. Mostly in the Shoreline Band. Only temporary fill in the BayGoogle LLCIn the Bay and within the 100-foot shoreline band, at Google's Caribbean Campus, in the City of Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County.IssuedJan. 21, 2022Apr. 08, 2022Rowan Yelton
2022.001.00MajorCity of Menlo ParkLevee improvements along 2,000 feet of shoreline, including both ecotone levee construction and more traditional shoreline protection methods, to protect the West Bay Sanitary District's existing facilities from being lost to inundation under current conditions and future sea level rise.West Bay Sanitary DistrictIn the Bay and 100-foot Shoreline BandIssuedJan. 21, 2022Apr. 18, 2023Anniken Lydon
E2022.001.00EmergencyMarin CountyConduct emergency repairs to redrive a pile at a residential boat dock.Livia and Mutahar GlasgowIn the Bay, at 435 E. Strawberry Drive, in unincorporated Marin County.
IssuedJan. 18, 2022Feb. 16, 2022Rowan Yelton
M2022.001.00AdministrativeCity of BeniciaConstruct a new 1-story house and attached 2-story garage with ADU.Gary Spicer and Kim MclaughlinWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 360 West I Street in the City of Benicia, Solano County.IssuedJan. 14, 2022Sep. 29, 2023Katharine Pan
NOI2022.001.00RegionwideCity of Mill ValleyReplace 1,005 feet of chain link fencing with new non-conductive Shakespeare fencing.Pacific Gas and ElectricWithin the 100-foot shoreline band, at 90 Roque Moraes Way in the City of Mill Valley, Marin County.IssuedJan. 13, 2022Mar. 25, 2022Shruti Sinha
NOI2022.002.00RegionwideCity of NapaReplace a residential boat dock.Dean JayoIn a Certain Waterway (Napa River), at 1548 Milton Road, in the City of Napa, Napa County.IssuedJan. 11, 2022Dec. 16, 2024Julie Garren
2010.003.04mdNon-Material AmendmentSolano CountyRemove all references to the requirement for the installation of a portable toilet at the Suisun Marsh Overlook.Potrero Hills LandfillWithin the Secondary Management Area of the Suisun Marsh, at the Potrero Hills Landfill at 3675 Potrero Hills Lane, in unincorporated Solano County.IssuedJan. 10, 2022May. 18, 2022Ethan Lavine
1989.006.09Non-Material AmendmentSan Francisco CountyPermit three gangways between the Santa Rosa and Pier 3, additional floating fill on the south side of the pier, a transient floating camel on the south side of the pier and two floating camels at the east end of the pier, barge mooring, substructure repairs, a mix of uses on board the Santa Rosa, a valet stand, 18 bicycle lockers, fences and gates on the north and south side of Pier 3, telephone and transformer structures, modular structures, two canopies, and redesign of two gangways from the Santa Rosa to Pier 3, in response to enforcement case ER2016.009.HornblowerIn the Bay, at Pier 3 on the Embarcadero, in the City and County of San Francisco.Under reviewJan. 07, 2022Katharine Pan
1991.001.08Non-Material AmendmentCity of AlamedaReplacement of the bridge structure, gangway, and steel float and maintenance to ensure the bridge structure complies with seismic code.San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) and City of AlamedaIn the Bay, at the WETA Alameda Main Street Ferry Terminal at 2990 Main Street, in the City of Alameda, Alameda County.IssuedJan. 05, 2022Oct. 20, 2023Sam Fielding
Federal Consistency ReviewContra Costa CountyRoutine maintenance and repair activities over a period of 10 years.Military Ocean Terminal Concord (MOTCO), Department of Public Works - EnvironmentalWithin the Coastal Zone, at the Military Ocean Terminal Concord in unincorporated Contra Costa County.IssuedJan. 03, 2022Apr. 25, 2022Rowan Yelton