While every effort has been made to provide all the necessary instructions for fully completing an application, there is a great variety of environmental conditions around the Bay, and applicants have demonstrated considerable creativity in formulating project proposals. Therefore, applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with the Commission’s staff to determine whether a BCDC permit is needed for a project, to get advice on the likelihood of the Commission approving a particular permit application, and to get guidance on which parts of the form must be completed and what exhibits or supplementary information are needed.

The staff is also available to assist applicants in identifying the laws, regulations, and policies that the Commission uses in evaluating permit applications. To take advantage of this assistance, applicants should contact the Commission’s staff to resolve any inconsistencies between project plans and Commission policies. Applicants can also submit draft applications as their project planning evolves.

Draft Applications

Draft applications can be submitted for any project and are strongly encouraged for large or complex projects. Draft applications allow the Commission’s staff to better advise an applicant on the relevant policies, procedures and type of detailed information that is needed to complete the application. Whether or not a draft application is submitted, applicants should consult with the Commission’s staff early in a project’s planning to determine the Commission’s policies relative to the project and for assistance in completing the permit application.