October 17, 2024 Commission Meeting
October 17 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This Commission meeting will operate as a hybrid meeting under teleconference rules established by the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. Commissioners are located at the primary physical location and may be located at the teleconference locations specified below, all of which are publicly accessible. The Zoom video conference link and teleconference information for members of the public to participate virtually.
Metro Center
375 Beale Street, Board Room
San Francisco, 415-352-3600
Teleconference Locations
- Sonoma County Administration Building: 575 Administration Drive, Room 100A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
- VTA Administrative Offices – Bldg B., 3331 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95134
- Caltrans Building District 4: 111 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94612
- Office of Supervisor John Gioia: 11780 San Pablo Avenue, Suite D, El Cerrito, CA 94530
- 675 Texas Street Suite 6002, Fairfield, CA 94533
- 2379 Sheffield Drive, Livermore, CA 94550
- 360 Alcatraz Avenue, Oakland, CA 94618
- 890 Osos Street, Suite H, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
If you have issues joining the meeting using the link, please enter the Meeting ID and Password listed below into the ZOOM app to join the meeting.
Join the meeting via ZOOM
Live Webcast
See information on public participation
Teleconference numbers
1 (866) 590-5055
Conference Code 374334
Meeting ID
889 5737 7085
If you call in by telephone:
Press *6 to unmute or mute yourself
Press *9 to raise your hand or lower your hand to speak
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Public Comment Period (Each speaker is limited to three minutes)
A maximum of 15 minutes is available for the public to address the Commission on any matter on which the Commission either has not held a public hearing or is not scheduled for a public hearing later in the meeting. Speakers will be heard in the order of sign-up, and each speaker is generally limited to a maximum of three minutes. It is strongly recommended that public comments be submitted in writing so they can be distributed to all Commission members for review. The Commission may provide more time to each speaker and can extend the public comment period beyond the normal 15-minute maximum if the Commission believes that it is necessary to allow a reasonable opportunity to hear from all members of the public who want to testify. No Commission action can be taken on any matter raised during the public comment period other than to schedule the matter for a future agenda or refer the matter to the staff for investigation unless the matter is scheduled for action by the Commission later in the meeting.
(Sierra Peterson) [415/352-3608; sierra.peterson@bcdc.ca.gov] - Report of the Chair
- Report of the Executive Director
- Consent Calendar
- Approval of Minutes for the August 15, 2024 Meeting
(Sierra Peterson) [415/352-3608; sierra.peterson@bcdc.ca.gov]
- Approval of Minutes for the August 15, 2024 Meeting
- Commission Consideration of Administrative Matters
(Harriet Ross) [415/352-3611; harriet.ross@bcdc.ca.gov] - Public Hearing on the Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (Bay Plan Amendment No. 1-24)
The Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed Bay Plan Amendment No. 1-24 (BPA 1-24). BPA 1-24 would adopt a Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan, including guidelines for local governments to use to prepare rising sea level plans pursuant to Senate Bill 272 (Laird, 2023). BPA 1-24 would also amend several San Francisco Bay Plan Climate Change Findings and Policies.
(Jaclyn Perrin-Martinez) [415/352-3631; jaclyn.perrin-martinez@bcdc.ca.gov]
Appendix A: Draft Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan
Appendix B: Detailed Staff Analysis of Proposed Revisions to Bay Plan Climate Change Findings and Policies, and Appendix C: Clean Copy of Proposed Bay Plan Climate Change Findings and Policies - Adjournment
Listing of Pending Administrative Matters
Administrative Permit Applications
Patrick and Kathryn Craig
9 Sandy Beach Road
Vallejo, CA 94590
BCDC Permit Application No. M2022.015.00
Within the Commission’s Bay and 100-foot shoreline band jurisdictions, at 9 Sandy Beach Road, in unincorporated Solano County.
After-the-fact authorization for the removal and reconstruction of an approximately 292-square foot existing carport, including approximately 90 square feet in the Commission’s Bay jurisdiction and 202 square feet in the shoreline band.
Recommend Approval with Conditions. Katharine Pan; 415/352-3650 or katharine.pan@bcdc.ca.gov
JHS Properties
2173 Francisco Boulevard East, Suite D
San Rafael, CA 9490
BCDC Permit Application No. M2019.004.00
Within the Commission’s Bay and 100-foot shoreline band jurisdictions, at the northwest corner of the intersection of Goodrick Avenue and Elmar Court, in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.
To authorize (after-the-fact) a solar farm and construct a new portion of the Bay Trail.
Within the 100-foot shoreline band
- Authorize (after-the-fact) an approximately 75,000-square-foot portion of an approximately 8-acre solar farm, involving:
- Approximately 2,735 linear feet of solar panels (7,030 40- by 77-inch panels) arranged in rows measuring approximately 12 feet deep and no taller than 10 feet.
- Approximately 1,200 linear feet of 8-foot-tall security fencing.
- Remove and/or relocate existing fencing and solar panels as needed to make room for construction of new Bay Trail segment
- Remove approximately 770 linear feet of existing unpermitted security fencing.
- Remove approximately 1,500 square feet of existing unpermitted solar panels.
- Remove vegetation and rough grade trail area to contours shown on plan.
- Construct an approximately 1,200-foot-long new Bay Trail segment, involving:
- An approximately 1,200-foot-long segment of 12-foot-wide asphalt path with 3 feet of decomposed granite shoulder on each side.
- An interim trail terminus at the western edge of the property with 2 benches.
- Approximately 800 square feet of low-maintenance and drought tolerant planting.
- Bay Trail signage at the entrance from Elmar Court.
Recommend Approval with Conditions. Katharine Pan; 415/352-3650 or katharine.pan@bcdc.ca.gov
Meeting Minutes
Audio Recording & Transcript
Learn How to Participate
Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act
As a state agency, the Commission is governed by the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act which requires the Commission to: (1) publish an agenda at least ten days in advance of any meeting; and (2) describe specifically in that agenda the items to be transacted or discussed. Public notices of Commission meetings and staff reports (as applicable) dealing with matters on the meeting agendas can be found on BCDC’s website. Simply access Commission Meetings under the “Public Meetings” tab on the website and select the date of the meeting.
How to Provide Comments and Comment Time Limits
Pursuant to state law, the Commission is currently conducting its public meetings in a “hybrid” fashion. Each meeting notice will specify (1) where the meeting is being primarily held physically, (2) all teleconference locations, which will be publicly-accessible, and (3) the ZOOM virtual meeting link. If you would like to comment at the beginning of the meeting or on an item scheduled for public discussion, you may do so in one of three ways: (1) being present at the primary physical or a teleconference meeting location; (2) emailing comments in advance to public comment until 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting; and (3) participating via ZOOM during the meeting.
If you plan to participate through ZOOM, please use your ZOOM-enabled device and click on the “raise your hand” button, and then wait to speak until called upon. If you are using a telephone to call into the meeting, select *6 to unmute your phone and you will then be able to speak. We ask that everyone use the mute button when not speaking. It is also important that you not put your phone on hold. Each speaker may be limited to a maximum of three minutes or less at the discretion of the Chair during the public comment period depending on the volume of persons intending to provide public comment. Any speakers who exceed the time limits or interfere with the meeting may be muted by the Chair. It is strongly recommended that public comments be submitted in writing so they can be distributed to all Commission members in advance of the meeting for review. You are encouraged to submit written comments of any length and detailed information to the staff prior to the meeting at the email address above, which will be distributed to the Commission members.
Questions and Staff Reports
If you have any questions concerning an item on the agenda, would like to receive notice of future hearings, or access staff reports related to the item, please contact the staff member whose name, email address and direct phone number are indicated in parenthesis at the end of the agenda item.
Campaign Contributions
State law requires Commissioners to disqualify themselves from voting on any matter if they have received a campaign contribution from an interested party within the past 12 months. If you intend to speak on any hearing item, please indicate in your testimony if you have made campaign contributions in excess of $250 to any Commissioner within the last year, and if so, to which Commissioner(s) you have contributed. Other legal requirements govern contributions by applicants and other interested parties and establish criteria for Commissioner conflicts of interest. Please consult with the staff counsel if you have any questions about the rules that pertain to campaign contributions or conflicts of interest.
Access to Meetings
Meetings are physically held in venues that are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance or have technical questions, please contact staff at least three days prior to the meeting via email. We will attempt to make the virtual meeting accessible via ZOOM accessibility capabilities, as well.