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December 6, 2023 Engineering Criteria Review Board Meetings

December 6, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

he meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format, via Zoom and in person

BCDC strongly encourages participation virtually through the Zoom link below due to changing COVID conditions.

Primary Physical Location

Metro Center
Yerba Buena Room
375 Beale Street
San Francisco, 415-352-3600

If you have issues joining the meeting using the link, please enter the Meeting ID and Password listed below into the ZOOM app to join the meeting.

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Teleconference numbers
1 (816) 423-4282
1( 866) 590-5055
Conference Code 374334

Meeting ID
843 4305 6351


If you call in by telephone:

Press *6 to unmute or mute yourself
Press *9 to raise your hand or lower your hand to speak

Tentative Agenda

  1. Call to Order, Meeting Procedure Review
  2. Public Comment Period on Items Not on the Agenda
  3. Staff Updates
  4. Item of Discussion: India Basin Shoreline Park Project (Pre- Application)
    The Board will review the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department (Applicant) proposed India Basin Shoreline Park Project, designed to provide improved public access to the Bay and sea level rise resilience. The Board will review the proposed design of the new South Marine Way and piers in the boat launch dock. The Board will advise BCDC staff and the Applicant as to additional studies, analyses, or actions to be undertaken to minimize the risk and consequences to the stability of the structures due to anticipated loads and scenarios including seismic events, storm waves or sea level rise. The public may comment on the Applicant’s presentation at its conclusion. (Schuyler Olsson) [415/352-3668; schuyler.olsson@bcdc.ca.gov]
  5. Adjournment

Audio Recording & Transcript

Audio Recording

Audio Transcript

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay. Can everybody hear me?

Yerba Buena SX80: We ready to go

Yerba Buena SX80: us?

Yerba Buena SX80: Sorry for me being late? I guess there’s other

Yerba Buena SX80: challenges to

Yerba Buena SX80: anyway. Jen like to welcome everyone to the BC. DC,

Yerba Buena SX80: ecrb meeting the engineering Criteria Review board

this meeting will be recorded. So everybody knows that.

Yerba Buena SX80: I.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay. Good afternoon. Welcome to this hybrid meeting

Yerba Buena SX80: of the engineering Criteria Review Board, EC. Rb. Of the BCDC.

Yerba Buena SX80: My name is Jim French. I’m the acting chair to day of the DE. Crb, because our regular chair rod has been recused for this particular project.

I’d like to announce that we also have a new

Yerba Buena SX80: board member, New ECEC. Rb. Member Patrick Ryan, Structural Engineer, and a principal of Ryan Joyce, structural design. And Ryan’s not here right?

Yerba Buena SX80: He’s recused, I know, but he didn’t show up anyway. So

Yerba Buena SX80: so we look forward to working with Patrick in the future.

Yerba Buena SX80: also recused today is a board member board, alternate delete travidi

Yerba Buena SX80: our first oh, and and our

Yerba Buena SX80: chair is recused, wrought iwash Iwashta.

Yerba Buena SX80: Our first order business is to call the role Board members. Please please unmute yourselves to respond and then mute yourselves again after responding. Jen.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m gonna call off everybody’s name, you know. They’re not here today, so I’ll start with roddy washed chair of the board.

Yerba Buena SX80: I know he’s not here today since he was recuse. Jim French vice chair of the board today’s chair.

Yerba Buena SX80: Bob, tell you present

Yerba Buena SX80: so Holmes present

Yerba Buena SX80: Jima Kasalli present

Yerba Buena SX80: Chris, may

Yerba Buena SX80: I know Chris wanted to be here, but she was sick.

Yerba Buena SX80: Rameen Golzorkey present

Yerba Buena SX80: Nick Sotard here.

Yerba Buena SX80: Gail Johnson, present

Yerba Buena SX80: Talia Trevasaru. She was not going to show up today.

Yerba Buena SX80: Dylan Trevetti we mentioned. He was recused.

Yerba Buena SX80: Justin Vannevar present.

Yerba Buena SX80: and Patrick Ryan.

Yerba Buena SX80: He’s recused.

Yerba Buena SX80: we have

Yerba Buena SX80: 8 board members present. Jim.

Yerba Buena SX80: That’s correct. The quorum is 5

Yerba Buena SX80: This will be louder than sorry.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’ll keep going. Then a second. If you’re attending on Zoom Platform, please raise your virtual hand

Yerba Buena SX80: in zoom if you’re new to zoom, and you joined our meeting using the zoom application, click the hand at the bottom of your screen and the hand should turn blue, I think maybe different color on different platforms.

Yerba Buena SX80: Third, if you’re joining our meeting via phone press star 9

Yerba Buena SX80: on your keypad to raise your hand to make a comment, we will call on individuals who have raised their hands in the order they are raised during the public comment period for each project. Well, one project today.

Yerba Buena SX80: Every now and then I might refer to the meeting host Grace, who is working behind the scenes to ensure the technology, moves forward.

Yerba Buena SX80: Smoothly and consistently. Please be patient with us as needed. Next ex parte communications as set forth in BCD. C’s regulations, a member of the Ecr shall not have any oral or written communications regarding a proposed project

Yerba Buena SX80: or other matter

Yerba Buena SX80: that has been noticed to be considered at the Ecrb meeting with the project proponent

Yerba Buena SX80: permit applicant prospective applicant or member of the public, except on the record during an Ecrb meeting

Yerba Buena SX80: board members in case you have inadvertently forgotten to provide our staff with a notice on any written or oral ex parte. Communications invite members who have engaged in any such communications

Yerba Buena SX80: to report on him at this point by raising your hand and unmuting yourself

Yerba Buena SX80: for the record. No hands have been raised.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, Second agenda. Item, public comment period on items not on the agenda. We have set a time

Yerba Buena SX80: set set aside time now for hearing public comment on items related to BC DC policies, or permits that are not explicitly on the agenda.

Yerba Buena SX80: Do you have anyone present or online who would like to make a comment not related to the planned project for the India Basin Shore Basin Shoreline Project.

Yerba Buena SX80: No hands online or no hands in person here, either. Okay, thanks.

Yerba Buena SX80: Agenda. Item, 3 staff updates. Now we’ll have a staff update from Jen.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thank you. Chair French. I would like to provide an update to the board on a few items Ecrb meeting dates have been set for 2,024 and are posted on the Bcbc website.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’ve started to send out meeting invitations to board members, so you can reserve that time on your calendar.

Yerba Buena SX80: Regarding upcoming Ecrb meetings. There are currently no projects

Yerba Buena SX80: right now scheduled for the meetings in 2024. But please keep these dates open on your calendar. Since there there are some applicants we know, we’ll need to return to the Ecrb. Particular Cargill salt.

Yerba Buena SX80: and also San Francisco International Airport are gonna schedule second meetings.

Yerba Buena SX80: Well, it a follow up meeting in the New year. Lastly, I wanted to let the Board members know that Bcd, C has updated the policy regarding the role that Ecrb members can play as consultants to permit applicants.

Yerba Buena SX80: Board members are no longer allowed to represent permit applicants before the Ecrb board. Members who have been

Yerba Buena SX80: recused for assisting permit. Applicants are not allowed to speak to the Board in a presentation, or answer questions while being paid by the applicant.

Yerba Buena SX80: Recused board members may attend meetings in person or remotely, as a member of the public.

Yerba Buena SX80: If they do want to speak as a member of the public, they may, as long as they are not being compensated by the applicant.

Yerba Buena SX80: Do board members have any questions about this?

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay? Great that’s all I have to for announcements.


Yerba Buena SX80: let me do that over again. She’s sorry about that. Okay, with a microphone on this time before we move on to the presentation proper. Are there any announcements from board members?

Yerba Buena SX80: No, no hands raised. So we will move on to the presentation.

Yerba Buena SX80: the India Basin Shoreline Park. The discussion and presentation will follow. The meeting will proceed according to the following agenda, first, Jen Hyman, senior engineer from BCDC. Will make a short presentation on the project, followed by the presentation by the application team.

Yerba Buena SX80: By the applicant team during the presentation. It’s fine for board members to ask short, clarifying questions or have limited discussion, but the primary discussion will follow later

at the end of the presentation.

Yerba Buena SX80: Excuse me, we’ll open the meeting for public comments related to engineering issues in the presentation.

Yerba Buena SX80: After hearing any comments from the public. The Ecrb will resume the discussion with their questions and comments.

Yerba Buena SX80: and at the end of the discussion I’ll ask for final comments and any emotions, and then close our consideration of the project. This time I would like to ask board members and other participate. Our other participants.

Yerba Buena SX80: To please turn on your cameras. You’re speaking or actively engaged with the discussion. When you’re not actively engaged with the discussion. Please turn off your cameras so that we minimize distractions on screen and possibly bandwidth issues as well.

Yerba Buena SX80: I now ask Jen to provide the introduction to the project.

Yerba Buena SX80: Good afternoon, chair. French and members of the Engineering Criteria Review Board.

Yerba Buena SX80: My name is Jen Hyman, and I’m the senior engineer at Bcd. C. And Secretary of the Ecrb.

Yerba Buena SX80: This will be the Board’s first review of the India Basin Trolley Park Project.

Yerba Buena SX80: I have some background information on the project to share with you first.

Yerba Buena SX80: There we go.

Yerba Buena SX80: We already went over. The meeting agenda

Yerba Buena SX80: and

Yerba Buena SX80: let me share with you a little bit about India Basin Trolling Park.

Yerba Buena SX80: India Basin, Shoreline Park is located just north of Hunters Point and Candlestick Park, and just south of Mission Bay and Herons Head Park, in the southeast corner of San Francisco.

Yerba Buena SX80: There is an existing park there that is being completely renovated.

Yerba Buena SX80: San Francisco Department of Recreation, parks has submitted pre application materials to BC. DC. And has had a meeting with the Design Review Board.

Yerba Buena SX80: The adjacent 900 Innis Avenue project is a separate concurrent project.

Yerba Buena SX80: Also with extensive new public access features.

Yerba Buena SX80: Lenia Bison Shoreline Park Project is designed to renovate the entire park, based on extensive community input

Yerba Buena SX80: includes 2 new full sized basket ball courts and a cook out terrace.

Yerba Buena SX80: It also includes new water oriented activities, including boating and waiting, which are the focus of this meeting, and also provides sea level rise. Resiliency to the park.

Yerba Buena SX80: Today’s meeting of Ecrb is focused on the engineering design of 2 structures that are in the Bay.

Yerba Buena SX80: The first is the boathouse pier and intermediate landing

Yerba Buena SX80: of the new boating dock.

Yerba Buena SX80: These 2 piling supported structures are connected by gangways and lead to a floating dock for launching kayaks.

Yerba Buena SX80: The second item of discussion is the South marine ray wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: This is a hundred 65 foot long concrete walkway. It’s about 12 foot 10 to 12 feet wide on top.

Yerba Buena SX80: and it holds up the new gently slipped beach. and is also designed to allow the public to walk on top of it. Down to the end of the water.

Yerba Buena SX80: The design issues, which will be explained shortly in the presentation by the applicant’s team include challenging geology.

Yerba Buena SX80: including undocumented, fill and highly compressible clays below the fill.

Yerba Buena SX80: seismically active region leading to strong ground shaking and liquefaction of soil layers.

Yerba Buena SX80: wind and wave loads.

Yerba Buena SX80: potential impacts from construction of a flat concrete wall in the bay and sea level rise.

Yerba Buena SX80: So questions I put together for the board to consider as they hear the presentation today are one.

Yerba Buena SX80: are the scenarios and design criteria in the stability analyses for the piers and the South Marine Way wall appropriate for the site hazards, site conditions and site criticality

Yerba Buena SX80: to our potential hydrodynamic impacts from the South Green Way wall a concern

Yerba Buena SX80: 3. Our future coastal flooding concerns from sea level rise, addressed adequately in the park. Design

Yerba Buena SX80: 4. Is there any data monitoring you recommend? Bcdc. Require the applicant to enhance the future safety of the project in light of its projected 40 year, estimated design life.

Yerba Buena SX80: and lastly, 5. Are there any design and physical concerns that have not been addressed?

Yerba Buena SX80: Now we will hear the presentation from the applicant team.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: So Hello. I’m Catherine lists from Ggn. We’re the landscape architect and design lead on this project. India based in Shoreline Park.

I just wanna thank you all for taking the time to review this on behalf of our design team and project partners.

Yerba Buena SX80: So just quickly. These are the project partners and the team that will be speaking today. So as I noted, I’m from Ggn, and then Sean Hart from often Nicole and Cameron from Ags will also be speaking.

Yerba Buena SX80: I will provide a brief overview very similar to what Jen just went through, and then I’ll hand it over to Shawn and Cameron to go through the technical and engineering elements

Yerba Buena SX80: so, as noted, we are located on the southeast corner of San Francisco, right on the bay, zooming in on the image on the right. We’re also located along the bay trail. That’s that purple line that’s winding its way through, connecting basically Pg and E directly to the north with the future 900 Dennis project, once it’s constructed to the south.

Yerba Buena SX80: And then this is a view of the existing site. It is an existing park, India, based in Sherline Park, outlined in the dashed black line that you see there.

Yerba Buena SX80: It’s a park that really is underutilized and needs some renovation. And specifically focusing along the shoreline, you can see an image number 3 in the bottom right hand corner. We do have a rip wrap protection there right now, but it is in disrepair, and is still showing signs of erosion, even with that protection there.

Yerba Buena SX80: so as noted. I will now hand it over to Cameron and Sean to go through these 3 key elements of our design on the from the engineering standpoint.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thank you so much, Katherine. This I’m Cameron Gelson with a GS. A. Gs has done Joe technical investigation in 2 phases for this project

Yerba Buena SX80: on phase one, we focus on 900 inner sight and on phase 2, we

Yerba Buena SX80: supplement our work in 900 in s. And also did the India basic

Yerba Buena SX80: in phase one, we performed 10 test speeds for soar boring and 7 Cpt’s. and on phase 2. We did 14 additional onshore, boring

Yerba Buena SX80: to depth, ranging between a to 100 feet. 5 offshore boarding

to also depth of the homework. you know.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yes, yes.

yeah, you’re not

Yerba Buena SX80: cool.

Yerba Buena SX80: I apologize. For the delay. We lost our wi-fi here in the meeting room we’re in, and it just came back so we’ll be restarting the presentation.

you know.

Bill Holmes: I think anybody

Bill Holmes: that’s oh, yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: yes, so we perform geotechnical investigation in 2 phases and phase one, we focus on 900 in a side with 10 test speed for sole boring and 7 Cpt’s

Yerba Buena SX80: on A and on the phase 2. We combine the India Basin project, as well as the 900 in. As.

and we perform additional 14 boardings

Yerba Buena SX80: 9 Cpt’s

Yerba Buena SX80: also there’s 8 of them was onshore, and 5 of them was offshore on one of the boardings. We also perform Ps suspension downhole logging for the Joe physical to determine the sheer velocity of it.

Yerba Buena SX80: as in total we did 29 boardings.

Yerba Buena SX80: which 24 of them was offshore, and 5 of them offshore, 9, Cpt’s 1010 test pits there.

Yerba Buena SX80: 8 of the boarding was focused on this area that we have these 2 structures which are concerned with the Bcd C. And which 4 of them was offshore, and 4 of them was onshore.

Yerba Buena SX80: and also we did 3 CP. Ts in there

Yerba Buena SX80: as a summary. We had a very

Yerba Buena SX80: no previous one. Yeah, very, very complex subsurface conditions. We had some area we had undocumented feel. The feel was very heterogeneous.

the depth, thickness of it it was ranging between nothing from 0 to 41 feet

Yerba Buena SX80: in some area underneath of it, typically, we had young Bay mode. which, with the thickness of the between 0 to 77 feet.

Below young Baymont we encounter interbedded sand and clay

Yerba Buena SX80: sometimes, and the thickness of it ranges between 0 to 30 feet. and below that is old bait clay with the thickness of the 0 to 20 feet.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then collovium or residual soil between 0 to 20 feet.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then the bedrock with. We encounter most of our

Yerba Buena SX80: our borings in offshore and near the shoreline reached the bedrock. There


Yerba Buena SX80: ranges from 9 to 22 feet below ground surface the ground surface at those locations. The elevation of it was plus 5 2 plus 13 feet, with

Yerba Buena SX80: NAVD. 88.

Yerba Buena SX80: Next slide, please.

Sole parameters were developed

Yerba Buena SX80: by the information from the field and the lab. Most of it was developed by either published relationship or guidelines from the public agencies there

Yerba Buena SX80: residual under shear strain parameter for Lico. Fibrous soul was determined from correlation with the N. 1 60

suggested originally by seed, and then later by other researchers like Kramer and Wang in 2,015,

Yerba Buena SX80: and for the bedrock

Yerba Buena SX80: we estimated the module of the elasticity by a relationship between that with unconfined, compressive strength of the rock, and conservatively, we use a hundred for the ratio there, Cameron. I have a quick question, I guess. Pretty obvious, maybe, but

Yerba Buena SX80: effective unit weights. I assume that’s when it’s below the ground water table, right? But above the ground water table your effective unit weights will be

Yerba Buena SX80: much higher, 50 pounds heavier, 60 pounds heavier. Correct. You didn’t use 62, for that is correct. There.

Yerba Buena SX80: Next slide, please.

Yerba Buena SX80: This plate shows the distribution of our boring and Cpt’s and test speeds, as you can see that we try to characterize the site by going along the proposed structures as well as the other places that we are play planning to place, feel.

Yerba Buena SX80: to determine settlements and other Joe technical considerations. There also we perform

Yerba Buena SX80: slope stability analysis along 9 cross sections. Those cross sections are shown by green

Yerba Buena SX80: arrows there.

Yerba Buena SX80: and also we develop 7 generalized subsurface profile which are showing with the dark blue

lines in there

Yerba Buena SX80: next, please.

Yerba Buena SX80: So this is one of the cross-sections near the proposed 2 structures that it is concerned for the PC. DC. As you can see them is already generalized, but the the materials are relatively heterogeneous. They pinch out in some area.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then the artificial feel is actually pretty thick. In some in the onshore portion of that

Yerba Buena SX80: next one.

Yerba Buena SX80: This is the generalized geologic cross section along the profile, EE. Prime. and you can see that in this one. We don’t have some of some of the subsurface material, or missing like interbedded sand and clay is missing, and or old baked clay is missing in some area, and the artificial field was directly on top of the bedrock.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then the thickness of the bay mode was also very significantly there.

Yerba Buena SX80: Nexus.

Yerba Buena SX80: This is also another one along this more or less the same area. That’s also you can see that some of the thicknesses are variable.

Yerba Buena SX80: and some layers are missing in that section according to our boring locks

Yerba Buena SX80: and the next one. So we determines some major geotechnical considerations that affecting the project because of the placing the beach one item would be static settlement

and a

Yerba Buena SX80: and also due to the this settlement also can be due to the undocumented field and highly compressible clay below the field.

Yerba Buena SX80: We also have a seismically induced deformation due to the potential liquor, fibrous soil, and lose unsaturated soil

Yerba Buena SX80: above and below the groundwater

Yerba Buena SX80: both for the field and also the Sam lenses below the young Bay mode.

Yerba Buena SX80: We also have a strong ground shaking, like everywhere else in the area. and we also have some ground movement due to earthquake. Induce slope failure

Yerba Buena SX80: next slide, please.

Yerba Buena SX80: Following the procedure in sc. 7, 16,

Yerba Buena SX80: and also A. C. 41, 17. We developed seismic criteria.

Yerba Buena SX80: For the 900 in s. We have some structure which they remain in place. So that’s why we use the sc. 7, 41 17. But for the other project, other part of the project and the new, the structures we use. We follow the sc. 7, 16 there.

Yerba Buena SX80: next one, please. Oh, I’m yeah.


Yerba Buena SX80: based on the site. Information that we had, we develop. We classified the sub surface condition to 2 site classification

Yerba Buena SX80: D. One of them was D, with the shareware velocity, average shareware velocity of the about a thousand feet per second.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then one of them, of course, would be F because of the presence of the liquefiable soil and collapsible solar.

Yerba Buena SX80: We cider specific acceleration was developed, following, sc. 7, 16, for 50 years, return period.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then Pg. A. M. Of the point 7 8 and point 6 5 was the term or calculated for onshore and offshore.

Yerba Buena SX80: Harder

Yerba Buena SX80: a maximum moment, Max. We use the San maximum moment. Magnitude of the 8.0 5 for San Andros fault, which is the governing fault for this site.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then we also use the design seismic criteria by multiplying it by 2, 3 of the Mca level there

for the legal faction analysis. Also, we use a magnet moment magnitude of the 8.0 5,

Yerba Buena SX80: with the Pgm. Of the point 7 8 G

Yerba Buena SX80: no depth limit was applied. Thin layer transition, you know, was applied for the Cpt logs. There

Yerba Buena SX80: we also use the clay like, and sand like method as a proposed by Bowlinger and Idris, and then ground water level was as the highest point of plus 8 feet for the onshore and 0 for the offshore developer.

Yerba Buena SX80: for the assumptions that we did for local faction induced lateral deformation. We were looking at the continuity of the layers, making sure that because this the cofaction that we calculate was very localized in some areas because of the this field was very heterogeneous in some areas that a lot of the gravels, rocky materials.

Yerba Buena SX80: and in some area they had young Bay mode, and this that it was mixed with the field and some area was just a sand and clay there. So we were looking at the continuity of that layer to determine if the lateral deformation can occur.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then the free phase, we apply the free face condition for it.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then we use the lateral displacement index method to calculate the, you know, liquor faction in these lateral deformations

Yerba Buena SX80: next slide


Yerba Buena SX80: for the Marine Walk project. There is gonna be some beach level and some raising the grade there. so to

Yerba Buena SX80: provide a support for this field

Yerba Buena SX80: originally retaining wall was considered.

Yerba Buena SX80: but that it was very difficult to come up with the design due to liquefi soil and the young and thickness of the young bay mart there. therefore, instead, we are so we decided to use a

Yerba Buena SX80: Msc.

Yerba Buena SX80: Embankment for supporting that engineered field, and that Mse.

Yerba Buena SX80: By itself is going to be supported by the Dsm.

Because of the

Yerba Buena SX80: Bay MoD. That we have in there is a very highly compressible. We estimate that the settlement could be on order of the several feats over many years.

Yerba Buena SX80: and therefore we wanted to improve that soil by

Yerba Buena SX80: constructing the deep soil mixing.

Yerba Buena SX80: and we we develop some plans for it.

Yerba Buena SX80: and we try to keep that as a performance based. Approach

Yerba Buena SX80: that the specified maximum design bearing capacity of the treated young Bay mode of the 20 psi psi for a debt plus livelo.

Yerba Buena SX80: Next slide.

Yerba Buena SX80: This is a cross section along the peer, and you will see that.

We have.

Yerba Buena SX80: and young Bay mode which is gonna be treated.

Yerba Buena SX80: and underneath of it we have bedrock, the sensual leader.

Yerba Buena SX80: So all the Dsm are gonna be extending to the entire length of the young. Baymot goes to the bedrock. and we are using, maybe hopefully, the line to to improve that funder.

Yerba Buena SX80: and above that above the Dsm. Will be Msc. Wall, that we are. Gonna place it there

Yerba Buena SX80: next one, please.

Yerba Buena SX80: The Msc wall is also what’s considered to be the most cost effective solution for that. So to pro, to provide the support for the marine way, beach or field and walkway slab. There

Yerba Buena SX80: again, performance-based approach was selected to a specified minimum safety factor against sliding

Yerba Buena SX80: Crip and constructions. Next slide, please.

Yerba Buena SX80: So these are showing several sections of the Msc. And then Ds involved

Yerba Buena SX80: to have a face set for the wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: We try to stay, provide a gap between the Msc. And the face of face of all there

Yerba Buena SX80: and then the Msc. Has in one side has up to 70 degree

Yerba Buena SX80: angle, and the other side has about 45 handholders. It’s gonna be all wrapped in filth in the

Yerba Buena SX80: Joe Grid, and also with the filter fabric in, lay inside of it, there to make sure that we have appropriate drainage

Yerba Buena SX80: as well as the supporter

Yerba Buena SX80: next one.

Yerba Buena SX80: Some by that I’m gonna pass it to Shawn. Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: What?

Yerba Buena SX80: Alright moving on.

Yerba Buena SX80: So

I guess this

Yerba Buena SX80: slide shows the

Yerba Buena SX80: items that we’re considering during this meeting. So you can see the pier and the intermediate landing on the left that are pile supported, and then on the right that red line, that kind of curls around.

Yerba Buena SX80: That’s the marine way

Yerba Buena SX80: walkway that has a

Yerba Buena SX80: like Cameron just said has a Msc

Yerba Buena SX80: structure that’s retaining and a

Yerba Buena SX80: cast in place. Concrete facial wall in front for corrosion concerns more than anything else.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’ve listed

Yerba Buena SX80: the

Yerba Buena SX80: design criteria items here on the table.

Yerba Buena SX80: to the right.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think most of those are fairly self-explanatory.

Yerba Buena SX80: they.

Yerba Buena SX80: I guess we’re concentrating on the peers in the pile supporting structures first. But dead live. There’s no, we’re not considering our

Yerba Buena SX80: wave and current loads aren’t going to govern on these structures.

Yerba Buena SX80: No birthing loads would have to be a very

Yerba Buena SX80: shallow ship. Wind loads, not gonna govern seismic loads

Yerba Buena SX80: we are designing this per category is low and based on low importance.

Yerba Buena SX80: and we’re using a two-thirds. Mcr. Like Cameron spoke before, and all those that spectrum was developed by ags.

Yerba Buena SX80: And I think an important

Yerba Buena SX80: wow, no, keep going. Go next. Yep.

Yerba Buena SX80: alright so this is just kind of the method, a method that we use.

Yerba Buena SX80: we used a

Yerba Buena SX80: pushover analysis.

Yerba Buena SX80: And 16 different directions with, you know, the 100% plus 30% to account for

Yerba Buena SX80: torsional items.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then we calculate the displacement demand for the design, earthquake.

Yerba Buena SX80: for each brochure curve. So.

Yerba Buena SX80: and and then we’re using

Yerba Buena SX80: life safety as the limit state for the hinges.

Yerba Buena SX80: which is another important criteria, and we have in the table over here on the bottom right? We have the strain limits.

Yerba Buena SX80: That apply for the life safety criteria, both for

Yerba Buena SX80: above ground hinges in the piles and below ground hinges.

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah. No requirements for deepened ground for the life safety protection. Item.

Yerba Buena SX80: criteria so

Yerba Buena SX80: form joint share. I think we could go to the next slide. It’s basically A/C 61.

Yerba Buena SX80: so this is kind of a snapshot of what the sap.

Yerba Buena SX80: finite element model looks like. We developed Pmem hinges, which I think I’ve talked about briefly on the next slide.

Yerba Buena SX80: The soil springs that are along. The piles were developed with the help of A. GS. And

Yerba Buena SX80: the tables that are on this slide kind of tell you the layering that was assumed for the location of these 2 structures. So we have the

Yerba Buena SX80: intermediate landing that’s in the darker green. And then the pier that’s in yellow.

Yerba Buena SX80: A note to be made is that we just we I assumed that

Yerba Buena SX80: The

Yerba Buena SX80: what was liquefiable was liquefied during the allows. So it’s

Yerba Buena SX80: you know it. It’s it’s already in the liquefied state, right? So the fill that could liquefy. We just assumed it was liquified.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think you can go, Shawn. I have a quick question, I think. Let me see if I can get my

Yerba Buena SX80: video going again.

Yerba Buena SX80: How are you imposing these springs, or do you have deformation from the geotech that pushes against the back of the springs. And that’s what’s pushing against. No we are. We are calculating, and displacement demand with a substitute structure method. And so.

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, so we get a displacement requirement. And then we’re checking. So we’re forcing it and then getting and how are you comparing what? The what’s actually going to push on that from the soil?

Yerba Buena SX80: What’s gonna push? Well, we are getting What’s going to push on it from the soil. There’s no loads from the soil.

Yerba Buena SX80: So we determined that there was no lateral spread loading from it. If that’s what you meant by that. Yeah, because of the discontinuity that exists between the Lico fiber layers. There. There.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, Gotcha.


Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: This is just a basic extract analysis to get plastic moments. we’re using expected values for the materials to

Yerba Buena SX80: via tinge capacities.

Yerba Buena SX80: Sure. And that little box on the left.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think you can go to the next slide.

Yerba Buena SX80: This is one of the cases case. A one shows the hinges in the pile, the

Yerba Buena SX80: above ground hinges. There you can see them as green dots

Yerba Buena SX80: and then the below ground hinge in

Yerba Buena SX80: low ground at the maximum moment. Location?

Yerba Buena SX80: I think you could go to the next slide

Yerba Buena SX80: this is an elevation view of the different structures. I think it kind of

Yerba Buena SX80: gives you a good idea of what’s going on otherwise. So you have the boathouse pier that’s on the top.

Yerba Buena SX80: You arrive from the boathouse, and there’s like a walkway. I believe, is also cloud supported. But it’s not part of this meeting.

Yerba Buena SX80: Then you transition onto the Votehouse pier.

Yerba Buena SX80: There’s

Yerba Buena SX80: 2 gangways that connect the boathouse pier to the intermediate landing.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then the intermediate landing to a float system is another gambling.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think you can go to the next slide.

Yerba Buena SX80: These are some basic structural details, for those 2 pile supported elements. concrete. There’s gonna be a

Yerba Buena SX80: wood deck on top. I don’t think that makes much difference to us

Yerba Buena SX80: today.

Yerba Buena SX80: and go next slide.

Yerba Buena SX80: Basic detail for a reinforced concrete pile. go to next slide.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay. So now we are over to the marine way. Wall,

Yerba Buena SX80: So, as Cameron discussed

Yerba Buena SX80: previously.

Yerba Buena SX80: I know the text. Sorry. The text is a little small on the detail on the top left, but you can see the trapezoid of Msc.

Yerba Buena SX80: And that’s there. And then below that is Dsm, the cross hatch. and then we have some engineered fill in the back of all that.

Yerba Buena SX80: and there’s the gravel beach, which is a fill and back that are on top of that, and

Yerba Buena SX80: the

Yerba Buena SX80: concrete fascia panel is sitting in the front of all of those items with a void between it and the

Yerba Buena SX80: MSE. And the purpose of the void is we’re trying to disconnect

Yerba Buena SX80: from the Msc. So any lateral translation of Msc. Won’t

Yerba Buena SX80: load the wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: the what else?

Yerba Buena SX80: We were asked to talk about the so that the concrete wall will have a textured surface. it’s a

Yerba Buena SX80: so e concrete, I guess, is what they’re the proprietary brand is, but it’s a textured surface that promotes

Yerba Buena SX80: marine growth. The picture below is a picture I took last week out at

Yerba Buena SX80: Peer.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think it’s 45 over by Fisherman’s Wharf, where they have a the port has these test panels that they hung. So the comparison is on the top. There’s the sheet pile wall, and that’s the amount of growth that

Yerba Buena SX80: you’re getting in the bottom is a concrete panel which

Yerba Buena SX80: looks to have more growth. So I, you know, qualitative.

Yerba Buena SX80: oh, my.

Yerba Buena SX80: there you go. Okay.

Yerba Buena SX80: So II want. I wanted to know a little bit more about the scar protection apron that you’re talking about. I mean, what’s the extent of that?

Yerba Buena SX80: And then as well

can do that for that.

Yerba Buena SX80: Here’s a cross-section as the

Yerba Buena SX80: Why


to call the limits of it.


Yerba Buena SX80: Is this supported on the DSM. System.


Yerba Buena SX80: I believe that within


essentially the extent stand them up

Yerba Buena SX80: on the wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, can you review it?

Yerba Buena SX80: Oh, he said, that this. The scar. Put that. Dsm is going to extend 4 to 5 feet in front of the wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: What about the sparrow protection? It’s 8 feet wide. Right

Yerba Buena SX80: size.


Yerba Buena SX80: is our.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, can I follow up and just

Yerba Buena SX80: what size way is being

Yerba Buena SX80: assumed for that? Because that sounds very small, I can point to

Yerba Buena SX80: real problems with the

Yerba Buena SX80: because you have a, you have a solid wall, and the wave impact is goes going straight down, and it will every 5 5 to 8 inch cargo right out. That that’s not.

Yerba Buena SX80: That’s not rock of any significance. Actually, when it comes to wave action. So II would strongly suggest that somebody look at the size of the waves and make sure that

Yerba Buena SX80: this is, in fact, adequate, but just

Yerba Buena SX80: kind of looking at it. It doesn’t look adequate. And since we are added, there is the other issue.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m not sure why

Yerba Buena SX80: you’re so worried about separating the wall from the mechanically stabilized embankment behind.

Yerba Buena SX80: But

Yerba Buena SX80: We have plenty of examples. City of Pacifica specifically. Where the waves coming, go right behind the wall and rip the panels out from behind the point being that you really have to have. If if there is going to be gap, it has to be really carefully sealed

Yerba Buena SX80: or protected from direct water entry. And the other thing is that

Yerba Buena SX80: since you’re talking, my understanding is geography, and the wrap

Yerba Buena SX80: that there’d be again erosion protection, basically a fabric around the wrap. So there is no opportunity for basically erosion. If, should the Ms. You all get saturated

Yerba Buena SX80: by. You know, things happen so extra protection. And that’s not

Yerba Buena SX80: a very difficult thing to do that would

Yerba Buena SX80: let’s try and keep these comments. For now.

Yerba Buena SX80: One.

Okay, so very.

Yerba Buena SX80: oh, okay, mine’s working.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay. awesome.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hmm. is this possible to have mads? And

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, II was trying to get mad to kind of take over for the next slide. But

Mads Jorgensen M&N: yes, I apologize. I had a sequence just before we got to this point where I lost audio. I could see the slides moving on.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: and but I could speak to the size of the

Mads Jorgensen M&N: stone or the rock for the scour apron. We did look at that. and we sized that to be appropriate

Mads Jorgensen M&N: so the condition in the bay there is that it’s it’s really a mud flat at at low tide.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: A large extent of the bay is dry, and it’s mud flat, so very, very flat. shallow pan coming up to these structures.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: so in many cases

Mads Jorgensen M&N: of intermediate tight conditions, the waves coming in are going to be depth limited.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: So there’s certain size they can get to, and they start breaking

Mads Jorgensen M&N: and then for a more severe

Mads Jorgensen M&N: case of storm surge and waves coming in. There’s considerably deeper water along these wall structures.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: but we have sort of considered the envelope of these exposures as resized the

Mads Jorgensen M&N: the stone for the scour apron.

Yerba Buena SX80: Alright, thanks.

Yerba Buena SX80: I guess. Should we continue on with the slides. Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: mads! Can you speak to the sea level? Rise analysis? And

Mads Jorgensen M&N: yeah.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: So I don’t know if this slice been

Mads Jorgensen M&N: been presented earlier, but the table on the left summarizes all the different

Mads Jorgensen M&N: title datum plates that exist at the site.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: That’s the upper part of the table. and the lower portion has the storm water

Mads Jorgensen M&N: levels with tide up to the 100 year

Mads Jorgensen M&N: return period water level at the bottom row. and

Mads Jorgensen M&N: the table below that, then, has the tidal plains projected with a future civil rise, and this is assuming the

Mads Jorgensen M&N: Opc. A medium tool. Low risk aversion, sorry medium to high risk aversion. Projection.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: which is a pretty conservative solarized projection

Mads Jorgensen M&N: to to apply to this kind of project, it puts us on the safe side of things.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: And site. Features are generally

Mads Jorgensen M&N: at innovation, plus 15 enabled.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: So we’ve evaluated the risk of exposures to seal arise for future projected conditions

Mads Jorgensen M&N: and finding that the site is basically resilient to solar rice

Mads Jorgensen M&N: through mid-century and going towards end of century. King tides would not be

Mads Jorgensen M&N: a concern until around the time 2070 or thereafter.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: so, in terms of public access her features, the site is

Mads Jorgensen M&N: resilient through 2050, and beyond.

Yerba Buena SX80: I have a question.

Yerba Buena SX80: But chair. Can I ask you a quick question. What’s the

Yerba Buena SX80: sorry I got that turned on? But wrong one.

Yerba Buena SX80: What’s the design life of the project? I, Jen said in her introduction, that it was 40 years

Yerba Buena SX80: 40 years plus now is 2065, which I don’t see down here.

Yerba Buena SX80: You have a bunch of other things. What is it? That’s our actual target?

Yerba Buena SX80: 2,070. II had the same question, where did the 40 years come from? It’s a funny number

Yerba Buena SX80: that I read in one of the reports.

Yerba Buena SX80: So what is the design life of the project?

Yerba Buena SX80: 40 to 50 years? I mean, design. Life is

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, 40 to 50 years. So 2,075 ish, or something like that? 2,070.

Yerba Buena SX80: How was that established? Does that come from the from the owner or the

Yerba Buena SX80: the city.

Yerba Buena SX80: Don’t. I don’t actually know that. But

Yerba Buena SX80: no, I don’t. I don’t. I mean, we decided on how

Yerba Buena SX80: long was reasonable. I mean. I think that’s some of it is, you know, some of the these elements obviously will last longer than that.

Yerba Buena SX80: But I think that was a reasonable projection.

Yerba Buena SX80: I thought it was for the peers. It was reasonable. Yeah, so that’s different. Yeah. For the peers. I thought that was the reasonable projection from like you you’re talking about when they have to move. I’m just talking about for the design life of the structure, I mean, that’s reasonable last longer. But I mean, there’s plenty of peers in San Francisco that are over 100. So

Yerba Buena SX80: well, well, I mean Mo. In fact, most structures are are assumed to be, have a design life longer than 40 years. That’s why I’m wondering where it came from. The funny number.

Yerba Buena SX80: It’s a very short number.

Yerba Buena SX80: It should be based on the the lifespan of the materials used to construct a project. Well, it should be, it should be based upon what whoever’s paying for this wants it to be. I mean, that’s

Yerba Buena SX80: it’s not usually made up by the design team. In my experience, someone says, I want this to be.

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, so so long

Yerba Buena SX80: we can double check on that. I’m David Frolick from Wrecking Park City of San Francisco, and it may have been established as a as a departmental number 40 to 50 years based on material life. And and

Yerba Buena SX80: then we reevaluate and we’ll see if it needs to be renovated.

Yerba Buena SX80: And so what have you been you? You have been working as if it is 40 to 50.

Yerba Buena SX80: without quite knowing exactly how that was established.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, so everything you’ve done so far, everything you’re presenting here is based on a 40 to 50 years.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yes, go ahead. Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: I was looking at the coastal engineering report. I think it was, and it showed, I think, figure 5 and or 6

Yerba Buena SX80: showed that the pier at the India Basin Shoreline Park to the float, the the lower pier.

Yerba Buena SX80: the lower peer deck. There’s a first pier, then a ramp, and then a lower pier, and then a ramp to the flow, so that lower peer is

Yerba Buena SX80: under water at 2050, II guess, during the 100 year event, or the 1% annual chance. Is that correct?

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah. Oh.

Yerba Buena SX80: which is getting very complicated.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thanks for reminding me. yeah. So III just wanted to clarify that. I guess we can have discussion later. And I think that’s because of access.

Yerba Buena SX80: So I think I understand that. But I just wanted to get that out there and then I have a question which may or may not be in your presentation. But since I’m talking, and may also be to Jen

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m really interested in the motions of the floats and what the programming is, or for the multiple floats

Yerba Buena SX80: and the public safety associated with that. And I don’t know that that was in our

Yerba Buena SX80: requested review. But I would like to hear about it. If that’s okay.

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, basically, what kind of motions do you expect on the public access flows. And what what’s their programming are? Are you gonna have commuter ferries, or just, you know, small boats, or what you know, what’s what’s happening. So II just.

Yerba Buena SX80: however, you want to finish your presentation, but if if somebody could address that, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: refinance presentation first, or do you want to? Well, I think we can just address that if you wanted. Talk about the wave component of it. And then I well, I can start with the program.

Yerba Buena SX80: So in terms of the program, the main feature is the the reason why it has to go out this far is again, because it’s such a shallow bay. And so we need that distance to get basically to make the stock as usable as possible. I think we’re again. We’re trying to get it to about 95% usable. So like 5% of the time at like very extreme tides, it wouldn’t be. It would be kind of grounded. But at that 95%

Yerba Buena SX80: we’re getting enough water underneath so that it can be usable. And it’s for very shallow water craft or human powered craft water craft. I guess. So like kayaks or small boats. That you can kind of paddle up to. And there’s a portion of the dock. That’s actually a lower free board dock than the rest of it.

Yerba Buena SX80: which you can kind of see on this top image here. So there’s actually the very end of it is about a 20 by 20 area. That is just 2 picnic tables. And that’s

Yerba Buena SX80: how high I think it’s

Yerba Buena SX80: we’re going for something like 4 or 5 inches. so the rest is higher, like 14 or 16. I forget the number portion that 20 by 20 would be

Yerba Buena SX80: that upper, higher

Yerba Buena SX80: distance away from the water, and that’s just, you know, meant to be for everyone to kind of come and enjoy the kind of the end of the floating dock. You know. Gather there. You could have kind of lunch spot. And then again, that other. Actually, yeah. So that other portion is that lower portion that has the kayaks, and then also on the other side, there’s an accessible component. It’s like an accessible access

Yerba Buena SX80: for Kayak, so you can kind of get on and off excessively.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thank you. And that makes sense to me. It’s consistent with what I was looking at. But on the access or the programming there is another peer, and I think this is still under our review, and I thought I read in a report that something about ferries could dock on either side.

Yerba Buena SX80: Is that the 700 or the 900 in us? Well, okay, thank you. And III did read it so II might have been in an older. I think it was the older report off the nickel report on coastal I’ll look again while we’re on. Maybe it was my mistake, but I wouldn’t have

Yerba Buena SX80: said that unless I thought I read alright. Thank you. My mistake.

Yerba Buena SX80: my my specific concern which we can discuss later. and I’d like to hear your take on. It is the structural loading. Look at a 2.7 foot wave at a 50 year. Recurrence, wind, wave.

Yerba Buena SX80: and I’m just interested in how the float will risk the floats that are publicly accessible with, you know picnic cables. Whoever will respond to that wave action, what kind of float motion is anticipated.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then

Yerba Buena SX80: which raises, you know, maybe a question about safety, for you know the general public, and maybe some management of access to that

Yerba Buena SX80: and that

Yerba Buena SX80: the tech at the intermediate level, the lower level power supported structure. Landing would be underwater during a hundred year. Event within the project life

Yerba Buena SX80: also indicate some need to manage access, although it might be obvious that

Yerba Buena SX80: they shouldn’t go, but you never know. So those are the reason why I’m asking the question, so I don’t know if you can address that now or later, or we can just discuss it along the board.

Yerba Buena SX80: So I can just clearly quickly. Sorry. Explain the the kind of rationale between that intermediate here. It basically is for access. So we wanted to kind of create a series. You know, because this route is quite a distance out in the water, we had to have more than one gangway. So we wanted to, and needed to actually create an intermediate point at which there could be, you know, kind of a

Yerba Buena SX80: initial peer, and then there’s a a slope down to the intermediate pier. And then that intermediate peer is really what starts that second gangway which allows for the flexibility of floating dock to go up and down. So we really need that intermediate peer in order to essentially not have a very long gang way that has, you know, a very extreme slope when the dock is grounded, and, you know, could have other kind of slope issues. So it kind of allows that piece to happen. And actually, we

Yerba Buena SX80: have. I think I have it in here.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, we had this strategy where you know.

Yerba Buena SX80: In the future, you know, as sea levels rise, and maybe that intermediate peer isn’t needed. Sorry the entr orientation changed a little bit here, but when this intermediate appear isn’t needed in the future. The idea is that the floating Doc and that gangway that fluctuates can just be reattached to the more fixed peer up further upland. Yeah, that makes sense to me that all makes sense. I, with the access. I just wanted to clarify it, and perhaps the board or the staff might be interested in in that detail about how

Yerba Buena SX80: within the project life at a hundred year water level.

Yerba Buena SX80: That would not be accessible without getting your feet wet.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then also there may be waves of over 2 feet, maybe 2.7, I think at a 50 year event which would probably cause the floats to move. which may add questions to whether what kind of public access. So that’s really where I’m I’m okay with the ramps and everything that makes total sense to me, and I thank you for clarifying that.

Yerba Buena SX80: But my other question still not answered. Yeah, I think if you could show a design drawing of the float to see how many corners it’s attached to the pilings. If it’s just on one side or both sides

Yerba Buena SX80: then, and sort of what the clearances where the pilings go through the float. I think that could probably reassure Bob that it’s not gonna till

Yerba Buena SX80: They’re all on one edge. Any ideas that you’re trying to provide, the

Yerba Buena SX80: a lot of

Yerba Buena SX80: places where kayaks can birth, I guess, is the word, even as kayak

Yerba Buena SX80: right, most more importantly on the on the end than

Yerba Buena SX80: But we are not currently showing them on both sides. I kiss

Yerba Buena SX80: on the approach section. There’s not really any reason why we couldn’t swipe. Swap, you know, back and forth, and it would provide a more stable

Yerba Buena SX80: platform. Okay, thank. I think that answers my question, and we’ll have some discussion on this topic. Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: Couple of questions, cause I’m quick clarification questions still, are these longer discussion kind of questions.

Yerba Buena SX80: I don’t think they are mutually exclusive. If it’s longer it needs to be now, because we’ll we’ll lose our place. That’s fine. If we’re just. I think I’d like to try and finish the present, and then we’ll come back.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think the rest of it could be pretty quick. I don’t think. Do you want. Do you want to go for it?

Yerba Buena SX80: Alright. So this slide just shows

Yerba Buena SX80: the elevations of the different items. Design items on here.

Yerba Buena SX80: the

Yerba Buena SX80: intermediate landing, as Bob brought up is at plus 10, and then the

Yerba Buena SX80: finish floor elevation of the boat house is at 16, which is over. I think it was 15, the flood elevation and then on the

Yerba Buena SX80: marine way. Wall, we’re at

Yerba Buena SX80: basically mean high water there at the plus 6 at the bottom of the marine level.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think we can go to the next slide.

I think the

Yerba Buena SX80: sequence of the last 3 or 4 slides here just projected sea level rise.

Yerba Buena SX80: And where that puts the water within a planned view.

Yerba Buena SX80: there’s not really right. So

Yerba Buena SX80: it creeps up, I guess as the

Yerba Buena SX80: I don’t really have any more discussion on that than yeah, I can, I can speak to this. So

Yerba Buena SX80: now, jeez. okay.

Yerba Buena SX80: so yeah, I mean, I’m just. You know, they’re a series of slides, and and the purpose of them is to really show in the 3 levels of blue how those 3 different title.

Yerba Buena SX80: Datums are

Yerba Buena SX80: kind of tracing the topography on the site. So the mean high water that came tied in the base flood elevation at each of the sea level rise projections. So kind of skip to 2050. Just so you could see that

Yerba Buena SX80: and then I’ll move through. Okay, so then 2070. Again, the main takeaway here is that our design

Yerba Buena SX80: elements that are structures and the bay trail, and even the space City ferry deck, which is basically a gathering deck, are all well above the bfe at 2070 we do see inundation into the gravel shore and upland into this area. That’s a grass transition zone. But this is designed to have that flexibility with these higher tides, to be able to have that inundation come in and then recede

Yerba Buena SX80: and then, at this time, you know, Recon Park could also determine to add more gravel shore. If that was desirable from a programming standpoint. They could just add more gravel at this point, and to kind of replace the grass area.

Yerba Buena SX80: And then in 2,100 again, you can see those 3 title datums. So the lightest color is the one at Bf, the second darkest is the king tide. At 14.7. Again, you can see it’s coming into these areas at that point. Over the

Yerba Buena SX80: the fixed pier, the upper fixed pier. But it’s still below the top finished floor of the boathouse.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then the bay trail is set above that 14.7 as well. So really, in 2,100 the bfe will

Yerba Buena SX80: flood over the bay trail, but just in one portion, and the bay trail is exposed area concrete. So this should be a fairly, you know, when this event happens, there’s just going to need to kind of be some potential minor repair

Yerba Buena SX80: of that area.

Yerba Buena SX80: And then this is just again a summary of those elements. So the key elements boat house, the base city ferry deck and the trails and the bay trail

Yerba Buena SX80: dashed, and magenta here, looking at 2050 on how they’re all above those levels. And then, just looking back at our site,

Yerba Buena SX80: just seeing that main lawn unfold down the center with that gravel shore at the very end, and then the marine way wall on the left side, and then the floating dock coming forward towards us on the right side. This is a rendering. Yes, sorry. Thank you. That’s it.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thanks.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hmm, everyone can turn it. Yes.

Yerba Buena SX80: so board members, if you’re

Yerba Buena SX80: getting ready to present something actually, right now, we’re not doing board member stuff, right? We have public comments.

Yerba Buena SX80: I believe. Right? So so thanks. Project team.

Yerba Buena SX80: Now, public comments at this point like to receive public comments, if any on the project. specific to the presentation, please raise your hand digital hand. If you’re online or

Yerba Buena SX80: nobody’s in the audience. One person in the audience. If you’re in the audience and want to talk, raise your hand physically.

Yerba Buena SX80: please state your name and affiliation at the beginning of remarks. Remember, you have a 3 min

Yerba Buena SX80: time limit.

Yerba Buena SX80: as in any meeting. Please keep your comments respectful. We’re here to listen to every one who wishes to address the meeting. but, as always, we ask every one act in a civil manner.

Yerba Buena SX80: hate, speech, threats, threats made public, directly or indirectly, and abusive. Language will not be tolerated, and anyone who fails to follow these guidelines.

Yerba Buena SX80: or who exceeds the established 3 min limit without permission will be muted.

Grace, we let us know if there’s any one who has their hands raised, and call their names and state

Yerba Buena SX80: when no more hands are raised.

Yerba Buena SX80: there are no hands raised for public comments. Oh, there is one hand raised behind you, a physical hand. Wow! Physical hand! That’s a exciting thing.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hello, everyone! My name is Jade Carter. I’m an undergrad student at University of San Francisco, and I’ve been involved with the Equitable Development Plan port portion of this project through rec parks. I just have a question for you all about kind of how you’re drilling into the bay for this construction.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m aware that one of the remediation techniques in the clean up process at 900 was to place sand and soil caps offshore to prevent the re exposure of soil contaminants. I’m curious how this offshore construction aims to prevent the re-exposure or uncovering of these contaminants back into the bay. Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: You can stay there for a minute if you want, while they respond. I can provide a quick answer. The remediated area was at 900, Dennis. Not at India, based in Shoreline Park. So we’re actually not penetrating any caps at this portion of the project.

Yerba Buena SX80: Do you want to?

Yerba Buena SX80: Do you want to bring up a map and kind of show generally, where those remediation there are compared to the project site.

Yerba Buena SX80: So the 900 in a site is if you can see the mouse kind of moving around. That’s the site

Yerba Buena SX80: right there and then the basin, which is

Yerba Buena SX80: looks like a lighter brown area was the area that was remediated, and we didn’t remediate all the way out to where that color changes in the water tide. But maybe about midway through is where we removed about 2 to 5 feet of sediment, both upland and in the water off hauled it, and then imported new sediment or new fill to

Yerba Buena SX80: cap, that area.

Yerba Buena SX80: Does that address? Your question? Excellent. Yeah. And Grace, are there any other hands raised online.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hello, Caller, please for the record. Please state your name and affiliation. You have 3 min.

Autopoiesis LLC: Hi! My! My name is Katherine Langsteiff.

Autopoiesis LLC: and I’m with the wild oyster project.

Autopoiesis LLC: and I’ve been interested in using living shorelines here at the site to help buffer wave action, but also

Autopoiesis LLC: to increase biodiversity. And I’ve had the pleasure of talking with some of the design team, but I wanted BCDC. To understand that there’s an opportunity here that I think would be a really great one.

Yerba Buena SX80: Can you share a little bit more about your ideas?

Autopoiesis LLC: Yeah, I mean. I’m sorry. Do you have an echo?

Yerba Buena SX80: Is is that better.

Autopoiesis LLC: So if you go to. If you go to the slides with the inundation.

Autopoiesis LLC: you can see, and also with a discussion around the fascia panel, there’s an opportunity there where you were talking about. I think you call that scouring, that we could use oyster reefs as a way to buffer the wall, but also to help

Autopoiesis LLC: sort of seed the wall with native oysters, and we’ve had success with the port of San Francisco right across India, based in at Herons Head park.

Autopoiesis LLC: and I think it’s a great opportunity for us to continue

Autopoiesis LLC: using nature-based solutions

Autopoiesis LLC: in this area.

Autopoiesis LLC: Another idea would be to line the shore line, as you see, when you get to the

Autopoiesis LLC: 2,100 by that point you have a lot of

Autopoiesis LLC: flooding which which would allow oyster habitat

Autopoiesis LLC: to have the the to move inland.

Autopoiesis LLC: which becomes water right at. As this hole over this 60 year period or longer. You can see how the oyster habitat could keep buffering the shoreline as it moves inward.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thank you.

Autopoiesis LLC: Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: Do we respond to the public comment, Would the team like to respond to the public comment.

Yerba Buena SX80: we’ll have our time, our chance, sure we can. So we we recently met with Katherine from the wild oyster project to look at our site and and and try to see if there were any opportunities or possible opportunities for

Yerba Buena SX80: oyster reef balls. It. It looks like due to elevations that

it may be difficult at our site within our project limits to achieve, but we’re still looking into it.

Yerba Buena SX80: And and I don’t remember the numbers off the top of my head, but I think they have to be submerged for a certain amount of time.

Yerba Buena SX80: do you remember? Yeah. So in

Yerba Buena SX80: trying to find a good image.

Yerba Buena SX80: So basically, our extent of kind of grading work into the shoreline ends at about elevation one, and from my understanding the oysters do best when they’re set at about an elevation of 0 at their at their kind of base, because of the tide fluctuations that we have here that allows them. It would still be visible because we go out to a negative one or negative 2 tides sometimes.

Yerba Buena SX80: but it gives them enough water most of the time that they’re mostly covered at that 0. So there are certain areas where we might explore having them. The if you can see my mouse kind of this area, upper left

Yerba Buena SX80: corner is a potential site where we’re the existing topography brings us pretty close to the 0 contour

Yerba Buena SX80: but in these other areas, further upshore, or I don’t know what the right term is. But basically we’re up at elevations 1, 2 or 3, even though it is showing inundated right? Because our high waters at around 5 right? But at those hires elevations

Yerba Buena SX80: it’s just a mud flat, and so the it may just not be the best place for the oysters, but we are exploring them on or along the the marine way. Wall. So I think the Catherine is asking specifically about, although elevation elevations change effectively. Due to sea level rise. So in 30 years, elevation 0 is what I mean, it will look like 0

Yerba Buena SX80: where it’s right now, elevation 3 or whatever, and that if you do it now, the oysters can kind of walk their way up the slope as sea level rise occurs.

Yerba Buena SX80: Is that how does that fit with what you just said? What you just described?

Yerba Buena SX80: I mean, well again. We’re, you know, we recently met with her, and and we’re looking at opportunities to

Yerba Buena SX80: try to incorporate them if possible. Okay.

Yerba Buena SX80: Grace, any more hands. Thank you.

I do have one more. It might be the same caller, but I’m not sure.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hello! For the record. Please state your name and affiliation. You have 3 min.

Autopoiesis LLC: Yes, thank you so much. This is Katherine Langstein. I appreciate the team and meeting with me, and I just wanted to say that we’re exploring, not reef balls.

Autopoiesis LLC: but oyster reefs that are created through bag shell.

Autopoiesis LLC: And I think that that’s something that

Autopoiesis LLC: that might change the elevation in our favour. So thank you for her listening. Appreciate it.

Yerba Buena SX80: So Catherine lists our

Yerba Buena SX80: Do you guys have other

Yerba Buena SX80: respond to what you just said? Is that still part of your discussion, same as what you’re doing. Yeah, I would say that we’re still, you know, trying to evaluate. If if it’s a possibility at our our project site, you know, I just wanna comment on this if I can. I was thinking the same thing. I mean most of the oyster work in the bay is with these

Yerba Buena SX80: cast structures where the reef falls, or castles, or whatever but you know, in other parts of the world.

Yerba Buena SX80: and maybe historically, in the bay there were reefs, or, or, you know, just benthic type coverings of of oysters, and maybe the rocks that are part of the design could be

Yerba Buena SX80: a substrate. I don’t know. I’m not a biologist, but you know what she said sounded like it. It might be a little more feasible

Yerba Buena SX80: than if you’re placing a refall, which is, you know, has some high to it. The one thing I would say is, you probably don’t want the oysters where people are gonna walk like at the bottom of the

Yerba Buena SX80: gravel beach. I mean assuming somebody might walk out there. I mean, it’s not too bad if if if you know they’re there. But you really don’t want to step on oysters, I don’t think that would.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, it’s it’s gonna be a balance between public use and and kayaks are entering, and it could be potentially entering from the floating dock and the gravel beach, so we don’t want them to

Yerba Buena SX80: impede on on

Yerba Buena SX80: fe potential future future oyster habitat. Yeah, we are also looking at possibly incorporating oyster shells into the marine way. Walls to kind of try to increase the habitat on the wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, thanks, Grace. Any more now. Okay, no more hands in the audience here and no more hands online.

So then we will move on to board. Discussion.

Yerba Buena SX80: to start, please raise your hand, turn on your mic. Make sure your camera is on while you’re speaking. And Bob stuck his hand up first and Remine is

Yerba Buena SX80: right behind him. Okay, so

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, I just would like a

Yerba Buena SX80: I have an echo. or do. I thought I had an echo. Now I don’t

Bill Holmes: alright.

Yerba Buena SX80: You do. I do. Somebody does.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay. How was that somebody else has a microphone

Yerba Buena SX80: or somebody. How’s their

Yerba Buena SX80: your computer?

Yerba Buena SX80: It’s unmuted.

Yerba Buena SX80: The volunteers is not safe.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m not using my computer audio. So it’s not me. So now it sounds okay. Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: well.

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, I just. I’m

Yerba Buena SX80: I would like. So I think, just to cut to the chase. Probably I will suggest that recommend that

Yerba Buena SX80: supervision and adaptive management of operational restrictions to occur, due to wave action that induces float motions and the high water levels that inundate the lower peer deck and flows. So that’s kind of not worded that. Well, but basically I

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, I guess we could ask for some sort of analysis of the float motions during certain wave conditions, and have a better understanding of

Yerba Buena SX80: what level of wave action 10, year 20 year 50 year type wave action would induce float motions that aren’t really

Yerba Buena SX80: appropriate for public access. If that’s the case, in in which case.

Yerba Buena SX80: perhaps the public shouldn’t have free access to the

Yerba Buena SX80: floats and and or if it’s flooded, and and then and then so what would you do about it? And that would be some sort of management of the operational conditions. But I think, in lieu of asking for a whole study and stuff, and and realizing that the designs not complete yet.

Yerba Buena SX80: an alternative would be to

Yerba Buena SX80: expect that that would be addressed in the design

Yerba Buena SX80: and or in the operational management, or the management of operational conditions, which would be some sort of closure or other

Yerba Buena SX80: approach which could be adaptively managed. which might be more practical, I don’t know, so I just throw that out there, but I think I do have a concern about having a float that far out

Yerba Buena SX80: where the waves could be. Get to the point where somebody might fall off.

Yerba Buena SX80: or you know something like that.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: Would the team like to respond to that.

Yerba Buena SX80: Well, I’ll just. I can note that we will have a just a a kind of chain at the very top here, next to the boat house before you start the entering the first kind of fixed pier which can be managed.

Yerba Buena SX80: I don’t know when. Yeah, we can. We? We’ve discussed with our operations and maintenance that.

Yerba Buena SX80: we will need to adaptive or do some sort of adaptive management depending on on how this is

Yerba Buena SX80: how the how you know what happens after it’s built? But we are currently having a chain, a chain put in so that we could close it off. We went back and forth with having a chain or a gate, and you know, if someone wants to jump over, they’re gonna jump over, no matter what it is so we thought that we would put a chain in for now, and and sign it if needed.

Yerba Buena SX80: depending on the situation. So, Bob, is that sufficient? Or do you need something more than that? No, I think it’s I mean, the risk is on the city

Yerba Buena SX80: and others, and you know so

Yerba Buena SX80: I feel like they’re aware of it and motivated to deal with it. So I don’t have any. So I think we’re on record. Now.

Yerba Buena SX80: be being aware of the concerns and having a a response. So I think maybe that’s out. Thank you

Yerba Buena SX80: for me

Yerba Buena SX80: here.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thank you all for for your presentation the. I heard some words that I needed clarification in my mind.

Yerba Buena SX80: I heard performance base.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then I heard response. I heard pushover analysis.

Yerba Buena SX80: Anytime history type, any response history analysis. So it’s basically a spectral type analysis. So I don’t know if that

Yerba Buena SX80: qualifies as performance based type approach or not. But so that that’s one thing.

and the other thing is in my mind. I’m I’m very surprised.

Yerba Buena SX80: considering the soft conditions out there, that such high pgas were used for the compaction. Evaluation mean your grand response analyses computes almost half of that.

Yerba Buena SX80: So I’m I’m I’m kind of

Yerba Buena SX80: little unclear on that. You can use a code value. I guess it’s really high. But since you have done all the site specific evaluations, I think

Yerba Buena SX80: it begs the question, what is the impact? And does it need this level of of perhaps ground notification that you’re considering the other

Yerba Buena SX80: So in other words, they may be over conservative attenuation of the ground motions. Not only that, also, considering that this interbedded sand and clay, the the lower below the fill,

Yerba Buena SX80: doesn’t seem to me based on the results from your boring logs.

Yerba Buena SX80: that is

Yerba Buena SX80: as potentially liquifiable as as you have

Yerba Buena SX80: considered it, especially with very low. It seems to me residual strength that you’re assigning?

Yerba Buena SX80: So I think

Yerba Buena SX80: you should take a look at that and see if if that’s really justified.

Yerba Buena SX80: And what is the basis really more than anything.

Yerba Buena SX80: Sure, thanks. So I think actually, the

Yerba Buena SX80: we have some layers of the lico fiber layers. It’s very thin in that interbedded sand below the young bay mode.

Yerba Buena SX80: The below counts. I think it was in high teens

Yerba Buena SX80: even though in most cases was in on the top twenties or thirties. That portion was not Nico fibro.

Yerba Buena SX80: but for the those areas which was high teens, it turns out to be liquor fiber by by procedures that we followed there.

Yerba Buena SX80: Sure. Then the next follow up question would be like, for example, in your

Yerba Buena SX80: ideologic section DD plate 5 d. In your report. I think it’s part of the presentation. Yeah, right there. Yeah, that’s what. So so that layer is about

Yerba Buena SX80: 20 feet or so thick

Yerba Buena SX80: and at least based on

Yerba Buena SX80: based on table you provided you’re assigning a residual strength of 400 Psf. To that layer.

Yerba Buena SX80: Is that what was used in your evaluations?

Yerba Buena SX80: Let me see what was the I have the porting logs for the right.

Yerba Buena SX80: so you can see that we have

Yerba Buena SX80: some below counts in the order of like 20,

Yerba Buena SX80: and it’s all been potentially liquefy with the upper portion of it is very

Yerba Buena SX80: dance. I mean, it’s not even dense. It’s medium dance, because that’s their moth, Cal. So we have to multiply it by point 6 to get the Sbt values.

Yerba Buena SX80: So that’s that’s about high twenties. But as it goes down it’s it is turning all everything to potentially lico fibro. And I think it gets clear, too.


Yerba Buena SX80: I think it, it begs the question whether or not it’s the look of action issues, especially in that deeper layer, is as

Yerba Buena SX80: severe.

Yerba Buena SX80: But if so, there’s some sense in which us as representing public agency that’s looking out for the health and safety of of the public. They’re they’ve got health and safety.

Yerba Buena SX80: maybe beyond what is. you know.

Yerba Buena SX80: You know, they got some conservatism that’s not perhaps even needed.

Yerba Buena SX80: But we’re not objecting to it being unsafe.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m not objecting to being unsafe. I’m just saying

Yerba Buena SX80: what is the basis? This is an engineering review board. So you’re reviewing engineering criteria.

Yerba Buena SX80: So we are just following the procedures by Oringer and Itris for triggering the licoaction. And for that particular layer. It seems to be trigger. It may not be

Yerba Buena SX80: everywhere.

Yerba Buena SX80: but when we are designing for the pies we are, we are kind of designing it based on that particular wonder.

Yerba Buena SX80: So what, when one way to look at it, pre perhaps, is

Yerba Buena SX80: blow count sampling doesn’t account for thin layer correction. Very well. You can get one low blow, count and it looks like it’s 5 feet thick on your the way you want applies it, whereas if you look at that back as a

Yerba Buena SX80: Cpt, you might see that it’ll look okay. There are some sequential

Yerba Buena SX80: thin zones that are, you know, 12 inches thick, but but they’re inner, interlayered, interfingered, and so on, and so

Yerba Buena SX80: some of that can go away frequently with

Yerba Buena SX80: others. Seelick, you can. You can get rid of that off and get rid of much of that. I think.

Yerba Buena SX80: oops it has. There’s some some other newer methods as well. yeah. Actually, if you look at the boring B 9. Also, you will see that

Yerba Buena SX80: we have some layers with the teens. I mean, not even low teens a blow counting there.

Yerba Buena SX80: So I looked at B 9 to my so even better in d 9. Now, one thing I would like you to comment on.

Yerba Buena SX80: because it does say, this has gravels in it. Hmm. If

Yerba Buena SX80: you are from your judgment, considering that your blow counts in a small sampler, is, is elevated artificially because of presence of gravel. That’s one thing.

Yerba Buena SX80: But I didn’t see any statement to that effect in in the, in the report that qualifies or the the particular blow counts in that sense.

Yerba Buena SX80: And again, I go back to also, like faction evaluation based on PGA values which I don’t think are reasonable for the conditions you have, and your own analysis is showing it too.

Yerba Buena SX80: Right? So if you look at the blow counts in B 9 30 feet. We have

Yerba Buena SX80: 21,

Yerba Buena SX80: at 35, we have 10,

Yerba Buena SX80: at 40, we have 15. There’s a very low blow down for that. That depth.

Yerba Buena SX80: Get into this type. Right? Those are pretty clean sounds. Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: that’s about 15 feet of I mean

Yerba Buena SX80: it, says Clay. Lens in in.

Yerba Buena SX80: So should based on your own boring bonds. It has a lot of

Yerba Buena SX80: perhaps finer material and plays and sils that reduces the blowcast and potentially is not as severe in terms of look of action, behavior, and all of that just suggesting that it seems to me to be overly conservative, assigning

Yerba Buena SX80: these very low values to to this

Yerba Buena SX80: fairly thick layer

Yerba Buena SX80: have to? Very good. I ran out of battery. So I have to plug in.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: So when they go with their setting a performance criteria for the ground treatment for the Dsm.

Yerba Buena SX80: Well, is this conservative assumption mean that they’ll they will over treat they over treat the soil

Yerba Buena SX80: it’s probably not related to whether needs to be treated or not, because the treatment is, I think, primarily for bay mud, which is not a liquid faction issue. It’s a softness, weakness, compressibility, issue.

Yerba Buena SX80: we are not doing sole improvement for the co-faction purposes.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: so I think the suggestion from remine is that you take this under consideration, and go back and take a look. And that seems like a reasonable thing to me is to take it back and take it under consideration and

Yerba Buena SX80: and and re-look at it and

Yerba Buena SX80: as a as a role of in our role of protecting the public, I think that

Yerba Buena SX80: if you leave it where it is.

Yerba Buena SX80: With respect to this comment, at least, you’re on the conservative safe. Public is protected side of things, and so we wouldn’t object necessarily.

Yerba Buena SX80: It’s maybe more conservatives necessary. Maybe it’s gonna cost more money than necessary. Maybe it doesn’t make that much difference, after all. But

Yerba Buena SX80: but I think if you consider it again.

Yerba Buena SX80: city and county of San Francisco is a public entity as well. So that’s public funds as well. So

Yerba Buena SX80: not representing them.

Yerba Buena SX80: Let’s see.

Yerba Buena SX80: See, Bob, I think your hand is still residually left up.

Yerba Buena SX80: I I’ll lower my hand. II was mistaken. Thank you? And I think Gail is up next.

Okay, thanks.

Yerba Buena SX80: Could you go to? I think it’s slide 25 that has the elevation of the pier with all the structures.

Yerba Buena SX80: Elevation one. That

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, that that one right there. Few questions for me on this.

Yerba Buena SX80: the gangways that connect the peers.

Yerba Buena SX80: What’s the what’s the

Yerba Buena SX80: intent for? How those are attached

to the pure structures?

Yerba Buena SX80: Will they be attached on one side with the Slider roller on the other end?

Yerba Buena SX80: I can’t turn my camera on, because it’s it. But yeah. So they’re basically pinned on the top. And then for the first 2 gangways, so that for segment. They are on like Uhw pads, because they’re not expecting much movement. And then the next ones are on rollers. Okay? So each one of them is attached, one roll in the other. Okay?

Yerba Buena SX80: So in the. in the basis of design. when they talk about the the design as a the design of the pure and and intermediate landings.

Yerba Buena SX80: There’s a mention of one of the steps is to develop actual deck displacements at the 4 corners of the deck

Yerba Buena SX80: corresponding to displacement, demand to verify that the seismic gap is adequate.

Yerba Buena SX80: and I didn’t understand what was being checked when they said seismic gap.

Yerba Buena SX80: because I think what needs to be checked is to make sure that if you get

Yerba Buena SX80: differential movement where the 2 piers are or 2 structures are going different directions. you wanna make sure you just have a large enough seat that you’re not

Yerba Buena SX80: dropping your gangway into the water. So that’s agreed. Yes, and this is actually well, there’s the gangways, but then there’s also the land side, right there’s a gap. There’s a small gap. Well, there’s like 12 inches there. Gap right there where the arrow is that that’s allowed to move well, between the pier and the.

Yerba Buena SX80: So that’s to avoid pounding. And then there’s also a plate. Then I assume. That’s over.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay. So I just think for all of these interfaces. I think you need to consider

Yerba Buena SX80: moving apart from each other and just make sure that you’re not going to lose.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay? So that I think that just needs to be added as a specific criteria because it wasn’t clear

Yerba Buena SX80: on a related issue you mentioned about these things

Yerba Buena SX80: actually being underwater at some point further down. Is that right? The last gangway, maybe underwater. So I think, then, is, is anyone looked at.

Yerba Buena SX80: these actually become buant and potentially uplift and come off.

Yerba Buena SX80: I have not looked at that, but I think I think you just need to look at an uplift condition from buoyancy. and you can just probably detail it with stops of some kind of passive restraints. But anything that’s

Yerba Buena SX80: going underwater that’s not designed for it. You gotta look at the buoyancy uplift.

Yerba Buena SX80: And then the last comment I had was that

Yerba Buena SX80: Jen, one of your one of the questions had to do with instrumentation. And I think there’s a requirement for

Yerba Buena SX80: seismic instrumentation on a new project. And

Yerba Buena SX80: you guys are aware of that. I assume II know that they did that at Treasure Island.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah. And you need to interface with Cgs on that.

Yerba Buena SX80: And they’ve they’ve had a lot of personnel changes there.

Yerba Buena SX80: so I think Jen can

Yerba Buena SX80: make sure you have the right person to talk to. I don’t. I don’t know if if I don’t, I don’t know that there’s any special features on this that require

Yerba Buena SX80: any any fancy monitoring of multiple instruments.

Yerba Buena SX80: I would think just some free field.

Yerba Buena SX80: It’s free field.


Yerba Buena SX80: Accelerometers would be good enough.

Yerba Buena SX80: Any anybody else have any opinions on that.

Yerba Buena SX80: Jim, or no

Yerba Buena SX80: anything special that you see, II don’t think the peer needs anything. I think

Yerba Buena SX80: there’s anything with the Dsm. That needs any special.

Yerba Buena SX80: No, okay. So just

Yerba Buena SX80: we’ll trust Staff to take your making sure that

Yerba Buena SX80: that’s done. Then

Yerba Buena SX80: just that they need to interface with Cgs for for monitoring seismic instrumentation. And it should be fairly minimal here.

Yerba Buena SX80: No special things that we think are.

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, need need to be addressed. There’s nothing unique about this site. Well, I mean, that’s one of the things that Jen, you had reiterated in your

Yerba Buena SX80: staff summary. I think there’s some questions about

Yerba Buena SX80: one of the criteria. The Bcd see is to provide seismic instrumentation for any significant projects.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think that’s what you’re yeah and

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, I’m I’m sure if Roger were here he would say, you got to put in lots of instrumentation. This is

Yerba Buena SX80: I

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m a little bit on the fence on this project. It’s relatively modest project. There’s

Yerba Buena SX80: the

Yerba Buena SX80: I mean like life. Safety is life, safety that matters. But but as far as any structures there’s nothing very big, it seems to me. And

Yerba Buena SX80: so yeah, and C. And Cgs may say we have free field instruments nearby, and there’s really no value in it. I mean, I think that’s a

Yerba Buena SX80: discussion with them.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah. So I’m not quite sure how that how we should attack this ability. No, I think I think these instruments are

Yerba Buena SX80: part of a system. So if there are nearby, then that that would say you may not need one. But if there isn’t one nearby, then that site may, you know, fill in the system somehow, so there should be some interaction. But

Yerba Buena SX80: the last time I checked in with Cgs and the engineer they’re in charge of their seismic monitoring program. They said they wanted to hear recommendations from from the Board on where the devices should go, and that they weren’t

Yerba Buena SX80: the going to be making decisions on where it should go.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think it would be beneficial to at least put one

Yerba Buena SX80: on the structures

Yerba Buena SX80: to see the peer behavior. And also where you have the

Yerba Buena SX80: fill in the bay mud. That that you know.

Yerba Buena SX80: more data is always better. So

Yerba Buena SX80: that will be my recommendation. Safer.

Yerba Buena SX80: A big time.

Yerba Buena SX80: would you say? Towards the end of the Dsm. I would assume.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hmm. right, cause it’s pretty long.

Yerba Buena SX80: My interest would be on the soft ground, not on the improved ground. Okay? Because

Yerba Buena SX80: that’s an area that data is lacking.

Yerba Buena SX80: See, I can see 3 points of interest. One would be out on the pier

Yerba Buena SX80: one would be on top of the Msc. To see how how the ground improvement

Yerba Buena SX80: strengthens and stiffens things, changes, periods and and amplifications. and so on, and one would be on the soft ground. So you know what the Msc slash? Dsm. Has changed it from.

Yerba Buena SX80: maybe what we do is we send this off to whoever’s handling this now with Cgs and let Jen and the team interact with with Cgs about what would be appropriate.

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, I’m happy to do that.


Yerba Buena SX80: and yes, Skylar wants to. continue my phone.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hmm.


Yerba Buena SX80: But yeah, she actually does. But it’s not working.

Yerba Buena SX80: Gayle is still on the floor.


Yerba Buena SX80: you guys know. So

Yerba Buena SX80: i can read it.

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, no it’s not the way, it was, yet

Yerba Buena SX80: you are.

Yerba Buena SX80: Sorry we interrupted our discussion because there’s someone from the public who also wants to make a statement named Art. And if you can hear

Yerba Buena SX80: the

Yerba Buena SX80: We have promoted you to Speaker, and so you can go ahead and unmute yourself and talk

Yerba Buena SX80: he’s on. He’s just, I know.


Yerba Buena SX80: Awesome

Yerba Buena SX80: a chance of your opportunity.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, I’m I’m my comments are done. Thanks.

Yerba Buena SX80: Alright. Are you able to get your microphone working?

Yerba Buena SX80: You see that you’ve joined the meeting


Yerba Buena SX80: Why don’t we? Oh, Art. can you go ahead and speak? It looks like you might be unmuted.


Yerba Buena SX80: I’ll just read the comment from art. He says, I was watching the presentation, and was interrupted on my end.

Yerba Buena SX80: I may have missed it, but wanted to mention that it appears that the bfe calculations and corresponding elevation benchmarks do not include free board, a factor of safety which typically ranges from

Yerba Buena SX80: 2 feet to 4 feet and will likely be required for final fema certification.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah. Is fema certification a part of this project?

Yerba Buena SX80: No, but we will confirm that we don’t think so.

Yerba Buena SX80: So. This is not a flood protection slash fema regulated

Yerba Buena SX80: project.

Yerba Buena SX80: It’s not. No we there. There may be requirements in the coastal floodplain management

Yerba Buena SX80: of for the project, which perhaps, is what the commenter

Yerba Buena SX80: is commenting on.

Yerba Buena SX80: so that would be.

Yerba Buena SX80: I guess. City County, San Francisco Blood plane manager judgment

Yerba Buena SX80: on the criteria. And II don’t have it. I can’t think exactly what. Usually it’s a foot above the total water level. But there, perhaps there’s a another one for peers. I’m not. I’m not aware of that.

Yerba Buena SX80: We can look into it and get back to you. Yeah, okay, thanks. Jim’s hand doesn’t show up on Zoom, but he had his hand up. Okay.

Yerba Buena SX80: thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: So, Cameron, I have a few questions for you.

Yerba Buena SX80: where you describe the the materials as heterogeneous. So

Yerba Buena SX80: there’s a lot of variability, especially in the film. But I see that you just have a single

Yerba Buena SX80: value for the strength of these materials which are really

Yerba Buena SX80: variable.

Yerba Buena SX80: how did you decide on just a single valley for

Yerba Buena SX80: potentially variable properties for these layers?

Yerba Buena SX80: Yes, so essentially, the values that you are looking at is mostly for the peers. So it’s a closest poring, using the closest boring, and then we use the closest poring for the you know that we encounter feeling there

Yerba Buena SX80: off offshore boarding. Of course we didn’t have feel.

Yerba Buena SX80: but for the onshore we use a conservative value for that field material that we had in there.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, but

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, my camera is not. Unfortunately, I’m not appearing.

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, so, but you have the fell for the slope stability analysis that you did also, right where you interface for the Msc wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: you did some slopes. That’s an engineer field that we are. Gonna place it. Oh, it’s engineered. Yes, okay.

Yerba Buena SX80: alright. So what kind of material are you looking to specify for

Yerba Buena SX80: that? Engineered Phil.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m sorry I couldn’t hear. What material are you looking to specify for the engineered Phil. Well, I mean, typically, we are just going to. I think they are going to put maybe more granular granular material there

Yerba Buena SX80: and compact it to minimum 90%. That’s what they are planning to do, I think. Okay.

Yerba Buena SX80: So when you talk about the contiguousness of the liquefibles, so

Yerba Buena SX80: were you talking? Is that the

Yerba Buena SX80: which layer is that referring to this is the existing field, the existing fill. Okay? And I think you’ve concluded that

Yerba Buena SX80: they are not contiguous. Correct. The Leco fibrill layers are not necessary.

Yerba Buena SX80: continues. They are localized mostly.

Yerba Buena SX80: and also we have a revet revett man next to the road that also prevent the movement there also.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay.

Yerba Buena SX80: Alright. You are thinking of using line treatment to for your Dsm.

Yerba Buena SX80: Is this a dry or where? No, it’s a wet okay.

Yerba Buena SX80: alright wet, quick climber. hydrated lyme hydrated lime, I think.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay. alright and I think you mentioned that you wanted tangential.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yes, because this is essentially providing a bearing for the material on the top. Then we wanted to have tangential with a Geo grid

Yerba Buena SX80: on on top of it there.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, I mean, why not see cats? Because.

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, I mean, you have this stiff material

Yerba Buena SX80: that you want to act together. You want them to act together. Right? Are you opposed to using a see? Can? I’m not opposed to using? Okay? Yeah. Because the way I see it is that the whole system.

Yerba Buena SX80: Your Msc wall. then this. Dsm. it’s kind of like a stress magnet. you know, within the matrix of, you know. Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: failure, loose material, soft material, and so it would tend to attract forces to it. Understand? So as as best as you can, you want it to interlock them. Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: listen. So I’m curious, Jimo. If it was

Yerba Buena SX80: If they’re doing Dsm cells or Dsm wall, then seek an overlapping is is critical because but they’re filling in the entire mass. I think right, or

Yerba Buena SX80: it’s there’s all the circles are bumped into all the circles.

Yerba Buena SX80: so there’s not really wide open spaces, so so is, seek it quite as important when they’re when they have a mass bill rather than just a you know.

Yerba Buena SX80: filling in, you know, creating Dsm cells. Well, I mean the the what is good to happen is that

Yerba Buena SX80: you know these are going to be install at different times. Right? So by the time you

Yerba Buena SX80: do the next one, you know, one is already queued, and so, I think getting everything to add together

Yerba Buena SX80: because it’s acting as a stress magnet is is beneficial to the overall response of the system.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, let’s see what else I have here.

Yerba Buena SX80: so II mean, I know. Jen mentioned. You know whether there’s a need for data or

Yerba Buena SX80: Gadarin or not. But the way that then, that I see might be useful

Yerba Buena SX80: is actually to monitor displacement, especially.

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, near the interface of the fell.

Yerba Buena SX80: and and this what I call the system, the Msc. Wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then the Dsm. Wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: So something like an in kilometer, you know.

Yerba Buena SX80: at that location would kind of give you an idea of what is happening. you know, between

Yerba Buena SX80: the stress magnet and the material, you know, on offshore to the onshore side

Yerba Buena SX80: of the system.

Yerba Buena SX80: doing about for earthquake displacements, or for during construction displacements. Well, earthquake, earthquake displacement, especially

Yerba Buena SX80: So you want an interanometer between the Msc and the infield in the walkway. Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah. So because you will see what is happening. Any kind of displacement is going to be happening

Yerba Buena SX80: more on the onshore side of that of that system.

Yerba Buena SX80: That’s that’s it for me.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hi, Nick.

Yerba Buena SX80: okay, thank you. If you would be kind enough with slide 20

Yerba Buena SX80: on there.

Yerba Buena SX80: And really my comment follows the the discussion on the clean on how to instrument this.

Yerba Buena SX80: I would submit that if you look at this you have a outline of a basic ferry remains. You have bunch of different structures here.

Yerba Buena SX80: I do not see a place that

Yerba Buena SX80: one could place a seismic instrument that one could then actually interpret the results with any kind of useful

Yerba Buena SX80: way. However, as Jima mentioned, and inclinometer.

Yerba Buena SX80: or possibly a fiber optic

Yerba Buena SX80: in there, because that gives you continuous response and can even manage size. Me.

Yerba Buena SX80: would be a really good implementation and call Francis working on it, and I know Cgs is working some. Some displacement measurement would be better. And these days

Yerba Buena SX80: why.is cheap.

Yerba Buena SX80: Light out before, and afterwards we’ll give you the

Yerba Buena SX80: ground displacement very nicely as well. So there! There are alternatives. I just

Yerba Buena SX80: from the We. We started with question of instrumentation, and we promptly went up to possibly 3 instruments, and I am racking my head. Where would I put a useful instrument in here that one could actually interpret the results based on the complexity of the different structures

Yerba Buena SX80: and the ground conditions. So my recommendation would be to be cautious on putting a lot of effort into instrumentation

Yerba Buena SX80: but displacement measurements would be incredibly valuable. But we we lack those in general along the day margins.

Yerba Buena SX80: That that’s that’s my comment. Otherwise, I think

Yerba Buena SX80: any thoughts.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think we will look into putting displacement, measuring devices right? That makes sense

Yerba Buena SX80: where?

Yerba Buena SX80: Well, it’s too much.

Yerba Buena SX80: Or if it’s something that that happens

Yerba Buena SX80: that the monitoring could happen manually in different locations and doesn’t necessarily need to happen continuously with instrumentation. That’s something that we’ve also manual. And Nick’s fiber optic can be remotely monitor.

Yerba Buena SX80: So there’s

Yerba Buena SX80: but there are digital and phenomena still. I mean, where you have senses till tilt senses, and you can actually monitor them remotely. Use this solar kind of system. And can

Yerba Buena SX80: we did in that time.

Yerba Buena SX80: So no power required just this whole thing.

Yerba Buena SX80: and busy after earthquakes.

Yerba Buena SX80: Justin.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thanks, Jim. Yeah, thank you all for your work on this project. I look forward to visiting the park when when it’s completed. My questions will be coastal, related.

Yerba Buena SX80: Just first one quick follow up. On Bob’s comment about the floating deck. I mean, in addition to the motions of that deck you mentioned. It’s a low, free board

Yerba Buena SX80: decks, so there’s also a potential for waves splashing up on it, which could also be a safety hazard.

Yerba Buena SX80: and then on the comment about free board and fema accreditation, I think, as Jim noted. The fema accreditation is not applicable, probably cause this is not a flood protection structure.

Yerba Buena SX80: not to say that consideration of free board is not, you know, bad idea.

Yerba Buena SX80: and I think the place to look would be the city’s flip plan, management ordinance

Yerba Buena SX80: although that probably relates more to buildings than these kind of public access features.

Yerba Buena SX80: Some

Yerba Buena SX80: but kind of on that topic of free board. A lot of the the design flood elevations

Yerba Buena SX80: primarily represent, like a still water elevation without the effective wave run up and so I just wanted to note that

Yerba Buena SX80: some of the discussion of like the timing of inundation and impacts due to sea level rise.

Yerba Buena SX80: You know that. You know, if there are wave events, those could impact those elevations sooner than is kind of laid out here. And so for some of those lower elevation areas, you could have events that would splash up, and

Yerba Buena SX80: so that you know those surfaces should be able to accommodate that kind of overtopping and scour of any pathways and things like that.

Yerba Buena SX80: And then

Yerba Buena SX80: on the

Yerba Buena SX80: the marine way, wall, II guess I’m just still kinda struck me as like, what’s the the primary purpose of that? Is it to contain that gravel beach fill? Because it, you know, it’s a big, substantial structure. And I was like, wait is the only purpose of this to sort of prop this beach up is that the

Yerba Buena SX80: primary function?

Yerba Buena SX80: So it it’s not just the gravel shore. Sorry I’m looking for a plan so essentially our

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, there’s there’s a design intent here that we didn’t go through because we wanted to focus on the engineering components. But overall the Marine Way lawn is a major design feature of this park that continues all the way down to the gravel shore and the water. And this was really this came out of our earlier concept design that we shared with the community, and it really resonated with the community because of

Yerba Buena SX80: the fact that this provided that generous space and view down to the water. And really and it’s kind of gesture and

Yerba Buena SX80: kind of openness really emphasize that connection down to the water and that welcoming down to the water. So it’s

Yerba Buena SX80: it’s that whole kind of design move all the way down with the pathways, which are also actually a reference and a little bit of an abstraction to the boatyard history of 900, and with. You know the marine rails that pulled up, you know. You pull up boats on those like marine rails right? Which are much smaller than this.

But that’s the idea behind it. And so

Yerba Buena SX80: that’s where this came from in terms of its geometry and design. And but yes, it does hold the gravel shore and that portion of the lawn, allowing it to be that continuous

Yerba Buena SX80: welcome, Matt, down to the water.

Yerba Buena SX80: It also does serve other purposes, though, because if we you know, if the Bay City Ferry directly kind of to the east of that, there’s a an artifact in the water that we can’t kind of fill over or penetrate through. And so that kind of limited us on that edge of you know, what could we do? Kind of outboard of that?

Yerba Buena SX80: We also obviously wanted to minimize fill. So this is basically the solution we determined that would kind of meet all those program and community goals while minimizing fill and

Yerba Buena SX80: kind of, you know, maintaining that the basic artifact where it was obviously so thank you. That makes sense.

Yerba Buena SX80: The reason I was asking is just

Yerba Buena SX80: for Pcdc’s question about the potential hydrodynamic impacts of the wall. You talked a little bit about wave reflection.

Yerba Buena SX80: And this is also sort of like a

Yerba Buena SX80: a jetty sticking out into the water, and with

Yerba Buena SX80: tattle currents, you know, it could cause some interesting dynamics there. So I think I don’t know if there’s been any

Yerba Buena SX80: assessment of sort of how that

Yerba Buena SX80: structure could affect the circulation and that area. And you mentioned that

Yerba Buena SX80: this remnant ship, and it sounds like that portion of the shoreline is not armored. So at the end of the combination of

Yerba Buena SX80: the tidal circulation and waves reflecting off the wall that could be like a vulnerable spot in the shoreline that could be exposed to erosion.

Yerba Buena SX80: So the drawings as they are now.

Yerba Buena SX80: my understanding is we couldn’t do anything on where the ship is. But actually it turns out that we can regrade.

Yerba Buena SX80: So the plan is to fix the armoring. That is there. So there will be shoreline protection. Whether this the

Yerba Buena SX80: ship artifacts. because we yeah, we did see that as a

Yerba Buena SX80: and I just want to

Yerba Buena SX80: rip, wrap, slope that’s currently there will effectively maintain grading and re establish the rock. But we still are not filling or placing anything over the part that’s in the water. Because there’s it’s kind of a big boat.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay? And then just one last question, there was mention of a 50 Year design wave, looking at the loading on the wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: It just looking at the wind and kind of

Yerba Buena SX80: knowing the wave dynamics it. It feels like going up to like a hundred year design wave probably would not be that much bigger, but might give you a little bit additional factor of safety, or just wondering

Yerba Buena SX80: why a 50 year Wave condition was selected as opposed to a hundred year. Design condition.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hey, Mads, are you still on the call?

Yerba Buena SX80: I am. Yes. Can you answer that question? I think you’re the best suited for it?

Mads Jorgensen M&N: Er yes. I think that is correct. Yeah, that a current year wave exposure would not be significant. Higher in the 50 year

Mads Jorgensen M&N: they tend to sort of taper off

Mads Jorgensen M&N: but I think the 50 year is a consideration of maybe 100 year

Mads Jorgensen M&N: in the perspective of that is, and maybe too conservative. even the life of these types of structures. And there’s maintenance, too. So I think, putting in these dark state

Mads Jorgensen M&N: probably wouldn’t

Mads Jorgensen M&N: last, for I’m not a talk expert, but they probably wouldn’t last for 4 years or longer without some

Mads Jorgensen M&N: significant amount of maintenance of replacement along the way. and

Mads Jorgensen M&N: I think that’s the idea behind that.

Yerba Buena SX80: But in in addition to the docks, I think the 50 year wave was used for the wave loading

Mads Jorgensen M&N: on the wall, which presumably could last longer than 40 years. Yeah, but, Shawn, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe wave loading

Mads Jorgensen M&N: on the war would govern. It’s pushing in that material behind it.

Yerba Buena SX80: No, it it would govern, that was. That’s one of the main loads that we’re using. On the wall. Matt is the waylock, because it’s not really retaining any soil.

Yerba Buena SX80: So the the wave load is one of the main.

Yerba Buena SX80: I guess.

Yerba Buena SX80: out of that it probably would make sense to look at a little bit longer. Design or design wave. Yeah, at least check it. See what the sensitivity of the design is to the 100 year. That’s fair.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, it may not. Okay. Thank you.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: Yeah. II would just comment, too, that I think for the case with

Mads Jorgensen M&N: there would be substantial or significant. A wave loading on the wall would be high

Mads Jorgensen M&N: water level condition, right so, but then for the exposed portion that would be.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: there’d be water behind the wall, too. Is that right, Shawn? So

Mads Jorgensen M&N: you have a high study pressure on the back side of the wall.

Yerba Buena SX80: That’s true. But there’s still the impact load from the wave.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: Yeah, but that would then be

Mads Jorgensen M&N: discontinuous along the wall right so where you would have a

Mads Jorgensen M&N: a wave splashing up er in other portions of the wall there would be a wave trough, or

Mads Jorgensen M&N: on the change in water labels, so

I don’t know how we applied the load, but if we applied.

Mads Jorgensen M&N: or the 50 year wave load as a continuous line, load along the wall. That would likely be pretty conservative.

Yerba Buena SX80: That is what we did.

Yerba Buena SX80: Oh, we can look at sensitivity, at least, to see what

Yerba Buena SX80: how much of a fix.

Yerba Buena SX80: So my hand is up, so I’ll call on myself.

Yerba Buena SX80: I have a few comments, base, basically nice looking presentation and overall. Well done. I think I have a few comments. Slide 10. Maybe you can cost slide 10 up.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’ll I’ll justify this as engineering criteria as in. We ought to follow good geological principles in in geomorphology

Yerba Buena SX80: and if you look in the the middle of those explorations at Cpt, I guess it shows that actually the the left one to B 3 shows

Yerba Buena SX80: bay mud being at elevation 3 or 4, it looks like, which is probably not correct in this case. My guess is there’s some soft undocumented existing fill

Yerba Buena SX80: it won’t make any difference in analysis other than it sort of looks

Yerba Buena SX80: funny to me.

Yerba Buena SX80: If you go to the next slide slide 11, there’s bay mud that’s above

Yerba Buena SX80: above

Yerba Buena SX80: elevation 0 also. But I think that one I can defend as as being. There’s probably a mud wave it looks like, because bay mud is lower on the left.

Yerba Buena SX80: and when Phil was placed it may have pushed the bay mud up

Yerba Buena SX80: in that spot where it’s too high. So that seems reason why I wouldn’t change that. But anyway.

Yerba Buena SX80: nitpicky stuff just to prove that we read the materials.

Yerba Buena SX80: more substantive, perhaps. Qc, testing on the Dsm, I think I read some place. There’s a pilot program planned.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, so that’s all good. I think I didn’t see anything, at least about a Qc. Program for the Dsm seems like,

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, 20 psi is

Yerba Buena SX80: probably pretty achievable. but it’s, you know, if it’s what your assumptions are, you need to document somehow, that not just in the pilot program, but that you have some sort of a Qc. I think it needs to be emphasized somewhere in

Yerba Buena SX80: the reports that Qc. On the Dsms. Is important.

Yerba Buena SX80: Along the same lines. I guess I in the drawings it looks like Dsm, kind of is sitting on top of what’s the bottom? That’s rock, I think right?

Yerba Buena SX80: And it seems like there should be some discussions at least you probably wanna tow a foot into it or 2 feet into it. I’m not sure how you know that you’re on top of bedrock unless you push hard enough to grind into it a little bit.

Yerba Buena SX80: And so probably some discussion about how you know that you’re in bedrock, when how you know you’ve reached the maximum depth required for the Dsm.

Yerba Buena SX80: Just document that it’s required that you you feel the rock and add a foot or 2 or something like that doesn’t need to be a lot, I think. But

Yerba Buena SX80: settlement, I think. Cameron, you said that you might get a couple of feet of settlement under the Msc. Which is why you’re putting the Dsm. In.

Yerba Buena SX80: but the fill behind the Mse is almost as high, so presumably the settlement of the fill behind the Mse would still be something like 2 or 3 feet, and I didn’t see that discussed any place

Yerba Buena SX80: and that’s gonna affect

Yerba Buena SX80: may affect drainage may affect

Yerba Buena SX80: I mean the grading it. I mean it more than a few inches. You’re gonna start to affect the way sidewalks cross it or way drainage happens the way things pond behind the Msc. Wall. If it rains heavily. Something

Yerba Buena SX80: curious.

Yerba Buena SX80: How if that’s how that, how that has been addressed since I was one of the 5 critical geote Geo technical issues. I didn’t really see that addressed.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yes, thank you. So definitely, we will do the pilot program for Dsm.

Yerba Buena SX80: During the pilot program. We will develop some sort of the Qc. Also that to go with it there

Yerba Buena SX80: the athletes to fit into the bedrock. We were thinking that maybe have one foot, but then we during the pilot program, we will develop some sort of the pressure that they have to place it there, or the dragging, and everything’s there.

We do, of course, getting some course

Yerba Buena SX80: during for that and test it, and and during the courting we can figure out that if they are penetrating into the bedrock or not. That so all that sounds good. I’m just saying that should be documented. I didn’t see it. Maybe I didn’t read everything word for word through all your large presentation, it will all gonna be into the project specifications there for the Dsl.

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah. So anyway. So I think what your plan is sounds good, but just documented in in the geotech report, or in the drawings, or someplace. Jim, could I follow up on something you said? Were you saying that you’re concerned about the settlement where the gravel is being placed between the

Yerba Buena SX80: in the kind of marine railway.

Yerba Buena SX80: the the gravel beach, or the

Yerba Buena SX80: whatever is behind the Msc. Which is not just gravel, is, it’s oh, there’s some engineered filling behind. Yeah, you know. I was wondering a little bit about that, too, in terms of placing the engineer. So down in the lower parts where you it’s kind of low or inner title.

Yerba Buena SX80: and as I guess there’d have to be some sort of coffee damning or something. But

Yerba Buena SX80: There was a project just recently across the way at Haron’s Head, where gravel was placed on, on mud and fill. and on the on the mud. There were places where it it, you know, sank immediately, and there are little mud waves and mud boils and interesting things. So that is something to be aware of.

Yerba Buena SX80: So if that if you’re placing a lot of Phil, is it? Is it going? It must be going directly over bay mud, in some places at least, right, and so the whole bay, the whole mud wave criteria should be addressed and talked about pretty carefully. And you know, research that because there’s

Yerba Buena SX80: lots of old experience about

Yerba Buena SX80: placing thick fills on top of bay mud and developing mud waves where, you know, you can get multiple feet of settlement at the beginning of the fill. And then multiple feet of heave in front of where the fill is being placed, and then you place it in it.

Yerba Buena SX80: But

Yerba Buena SX80: Much of the time it may not matter, but it may have impact on stability analysis, if the mud wave is happening under the toe bubbles upright. Yeah, but it.

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, obviously. to some extent, once that happens, you have something that continues to move as you place more fill.

Yerba Buena SX80: I I’m not a Geo. Technical expert, soft and bay mud strength instead of sensitive strengths which are weak but but not softened.

Yerba Buena SX80: What? He said, thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah. So so probably should be some discussion about mud wave prevention, you know. Start with some thin levels of layers of fill to try and get it all held down. And

Yerba Buena SX80: maybe you even need to. Hmm.

Yerba Buena SX80: Maybe you can potentially put geote textiles that may not prevent ways from happening, or I mean, for the first few lifts at least, the geotext. I won’t help it would help after you get the

Yerba Buena SX80: the first couple of lifts, and if you put the geotextile under the first couple of lists. it’ll help for the subsequent lists.

Yerba Buena SX80: But so there should be probably some discussion about how to prevent mud ways from happening.

Yerba Buena SX80: Sure, yes, we will.

Yerba Buena SX80: that’s what I had for new stuff, Jen, did you want to talk about combined that email you sent me just before the meeting. Did you want us to talk about it?


Yerba Buena SX80: the app can ask me, we are unclear as to which scenarios, with both earthquake and flooding, should be analyzed, and what analysis should be. Request is being requested to the ecrb. Please expand on this.

Yerba Buena SX80: Oh.

that’s it.

Yerba Buena SX80: Okay, take that back. Strike that from the record.

Yerba Buena SX80: So

Yerba Buena SX80: any other new topics. And we’ll talk about what needs to be required. If we’re gonna have any requirements to add to what you said about the

Yerba Buena SX80: mud wave, I mean, you can also consider the use of lightweight material right?

Yerba Buena SX80: Reduce the thickness of the pill

for lightweight. My techno, we have to just make sure it doesn’t coming up. But yeah, like, maybe lightweight aggregate or something like that. Yes.

Yerba Buena SX80: or what’s been used most reliably in the bay mud. Marginsville is municipal waste.

Yerba Buena SX80: The one thing about the lightweight. That was an engineering joke.

Yerba Buena SX80: One thing I like but about the the lightweight aggregate.

Yerba Buena SX80: it’s not gonna be as stable under way. So the upper layers probably have to be a denser gravel, or

Yerba Buena SX80: the aggregate is going to have to be sized so appropriately for the way of exposure given if if it has a lower density. But I think your coastal folks can sort that out.

Yerba Buena SX80: I don’t see any other comments from the Ecr, go ahead, Katherine. Yeah, I just had a clarifying question. From our team here related to the monitoring. We just wanna understand. Is the monitoring a requirement

Yerba Buena SX80: for the project because it may influence our design? Or is it monitoring for

Yerba Buena SX80: another kind of purpose?

Yerba Buena SX80: Well, the seismic monitoring which is within the purview of the Ecrb

Yerba Buena SX80: is for the benefit of the future. Science and

Yerba Buena SX80: ongoing profession.

Yerba Buena SX80: monitoring of displacement

Yerba Buena SX80: is you know, it’s not as not an explicitly

Yerba Buena SX80: mandated direction or not a directive that we have as the ecrb and it probably won’t change your design because you won’t find out about the displacements till after the fact.

Yerba Buena SX80: I

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m not sure. And you know, II

Yerba Buena SX80: we we can discuss it amongst the board here. Somebody wants to chime in, whether we have the authority to require that sort of a thing, because it won’t change the design, and it won’t protect things right now. There’s some good ideas. There’s some interest, there’s some, you know, potentially, if we think there’s really gonna be some hazard and life safety types of things

Yerba Buena SX80: that are gonna be moving. We wanna know about it early in the deformation.

Yerba Buena SX80: Hey, Joe? If I if I understood the question.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think

Yerba Buena SX80: you’re asking whether. if I understood the question you were asking whether it’s something that’s gonna meant to influence a structural designer. If it’s just something you’re required to do for other purposes.

Yerba Buena SX80: Is that really what

Yerba Buena SX80: cause? I mean? I think you, I think you and and was it, Jim? Sorry? Yeah. Understood the question correctly. It’s just basically, yeah, yeah, it’s trying to. It’s it’s really not.

Yerba Buena SX80: Every project has to has to. It’s like an opportunity for the state to increase our seismic network. So really, that’s why you’re being

Yerba Buena SX80: required to do it. It’s not

Yerba Buena SX80: to change what you’re doing on your project. But it does affect your project. Obviously, because

Yerba Buena SX80: you have to accommodate it. And there are issues, especially with power and things like that. So it’s it, can’t. It can be a

Yerba Buena SX80: you. You wanna be careful in how you how you do it. You know you don’t want it to become a

too huge of a burden that it

Yerba Buena SX80: drives everyone nuts, so

Yerba Buena SX80: in in general, I don’t have in front of me the language that gives us the directive to implement ground monitoring. But my recollection is on the way. We’ve always done it in my.

Yerba Buena SX80: however, many years as I’ve been on the the ecrb.

Yerba Buena SX80: It’s been to put in accelerometers.

Yerba Buena SX80: you know, site response, type of instrumentation. And I don’t know that we’ve ever

Yerba Buena SX80: required

Yerba Buena SX80: inclinometers physical or or

Yerba Buena SX80: fiber

Yerba Buena SX80: And I’m not sure if

Yerba Buena SX80: where that fits.


Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, thank you. I was gonna mention there, we do have a safety of sales policy number 3. It says, to provide bodily needed information on the effects of earthquakes on all kinds of soils.

Yerba Buena SX80: Insulation of strong motion seismographs should be required on all future

Yerba Buena SX80: major landfills. In addition, the Commission encourages insulation of strong motion seismographs and other developments on problem soils and in other areas recommended by the

Yerba Buena SX80: Us. Geological Survey for purposes of data, comparison and evaluation

Yerba Buena SX80: displacement in there. And it was worse. Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: still. So I think, monitor. yeah. I mean, I think the way we need to look at it, though, is. you know, they are simplifying assumptions that yeah. we are making

Yerba Buena SX80: with respect to something which is is really a system.

Yerba Buena SX80: You know, we break it down to make it easy to analyze. And it’s it’s food, and to verify that the assumptions, the way you expect this system to behave is the way it’s behaving.

Yerba Buena SX80: Because if there should be failure, the impact is significant. Right? So you have an opportunity to react. If you see that something is happening.

Yerba Buena SX80: and I think that falls on the, you know, kind of you can interpret that to mean that we don’t want failure. We don’t want the failure placed into fail.

Yerba Buena SX80: You don’t want to jeopardize life, you know, and so, monitoring what you have put in, based on your analysis, I think it’s

Yerba Buena SX80: It’s important

Yerba Buena SX80: it could just like remain. And then your next. I reread this sentence that includes seismographs.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think both sentences included seismographs. But I guess I’ll just read it again. So to provide vitally needed information on the effects of earthquakes on all kinds of soils. Insulation of strong motion seismographs

Yerba Buena SX80: should be required on all future major landfills.

Yerba Buena SX80: In addition, the Commission encourages installation of strong motion seismographs in other developments on problem soils and in other areas recommended by the US. Geological Survey for purposes of data comparison.

Yerba Buena SX80: an evaluation. And I’ll put it in the chat as well. if

Yerba Buena SX80: yeah, I’ll do that.

Yerba Buena SX80: So let’s see what what is your inclination?

Yerba Buena SX80: Oh, I’m sorry that was Nick. Nick. Sorry.

Yerba Buena SX80: I mean.

Yerba Buena SX80: I don’t have an objection to your

Yerba Buena SX80: proposal, if you will, but I think

Yerba Buena SX80: the directive is really about

Yerba Buena SX80: recording earthquakes rather than

Yerba Buena SX80: than ground deformations. Yeah, yeah, that’s right. And and and the other thing about

Yerba Buena SX80: your point about failure. If we’re talking about static movements of the ground being an issue, that’s a completely different. I mean, we we cannot have that. That’s their design should be robust enough that

Yerba Buena SX80: that issue is not

Yerba Buena SX80: even part of the discussion that should issue should be

Yerba Buena SX80: address as part of their design.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, I think I would just add to that, maybe by saying, if you agree with your design criteria. and I’m not sure additional monitoring.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m I’m not sure that that

Yerba Buena SX80: can be an additional requirement.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think there may be cases where it might be but

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m not sure that’s the case right now. Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: Nick.

Yerba Buena SX80: Well, okay, yeah.

Trying to understand this. First. First of all, I don’t see this as a major fail.

Yerba Buena SX80: It is a film. It’s not a Major. okay, I don’t see this as a major structure. This is actually a relatively minor structure. It has impact on the shoreline.

Yerba Buena SX80: As we discussed. You know, there are elements of we want it to perform as designed. Because it is in a challenging environment. You got way by action. You got title action. You got currents and all of that, and that affects the Short Line, and we already discussed the shoreline protection. So from the standpoint you know the question is, do we insist on instrumentation just because we can put instruments in there? Or are we trying to get something useful

Yerba Buena SX80: in terms of displacements. I was worried about seismic displacement. We have very little data on seismic displacement.

Yerba Buena SX80: We have a lot of acceleration records. Of course, you can get displacements out of acceleration records no question about it. But then II as I said, I pointed out, you show me where you want to put those instruments and get information that actually can be interpreted in any useful way. And that’s my concern. I know lot of lot of instrumentation in California

Yerba Buena SX80: in places that is being used that actually serves no useful purpose. When you actually look at the location of the instrument.

Yerba Buena SX80: I can name any number of dams

Yerba Buena SX80: where we have a lot of instruments that only confuse, but don’t improve. So my concern here is, if we’re going to put instrumentation there, somebody should look very carefully

Yerba Buena SX80: where it’s located. so that the information obtained

Yerba Buena SX80: actually serves the purpose that it’s supposed to, which is inform about size week

Yerba Buena SX80: response. So that that would be my comment, and frankly, from my perspective, II am challenged to suggest where we would put it. You can certainly put it on the breakwater and see how the breakwater behaves. But

Yerba Buena SX80: that’s a very unique situation, anyway. And you you’re saying that about seismographs specifically commenting on strong motion instruments. You know the the thing is

Yerba Buena SX80: how to put it. You can publish it in the journal of your producable results.

Yerba Buena SX80: If that’s what we get, then that’s not helpful. And so all I’m saying is that then very careful attention should be to put the instrument someplace where the results will actually

Yerba Buena SX80: serve to enhance the database in in a useful way. So that’s all.

Yerba Buena SX80: So what we talked about earlier was potentially having them talk with Usgs and negotiate what to put in.

Yerba Buena SX80: Would you say they don’t need to do that even, or encourage them that they they would talk to us Usgs or Cgs, whoever? It’s gonna yeah. Cgs, whoever’s gonna be monitoring things. Yes.

Yerba Buena SX80: thank you. Brief.

Yerba Buena SX80: Anybody. Wanna speak differently than what Nick just said. It sounds reasonable to me.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think we’re we we love data.

Yerba Buena SX80: And this is II mean, so the the language that they just provided says major projects. And it says, or other projects on problem soils, and I think we might fall under. Not necessarily, major fills, although this is one of the biggest fills I’ve seen in a dozen years on the board recently, and we don’t put any very massive fills in the bay anymore.

Yerba Buena SX80: in part because of BC. DC. Is blockade, I suppose, but and concern, for you know there’s plenty of base

Yerba Buena SX80: 100 years old.

Yerba Buena SX80: We’ve filled in what? A third already. So I think I think it makes sense that we go on record as recommending that they talk with Cgs.

Yerba Buena SX80: and we would support whatever the Cgs

Yerba Buena SX80: would would request

Yerba Buena SX80: on this anything new. I think maybe we’re done with new topics that we can go on to figure out. What do we need to summarize for requests. And or do we want to see the project again?

Yerba Buena SX80: I’ll summarize what I’ve got, I think, so far.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think, from Remine’s early comments. We wanna advise the team to re-look at some of the

Yerba Buena SX80: what? What accelerations you’re putting in to the liquid analysis and relook at

Yerba Buena SX80: some of the blow counts and susceptibility, and you’ve already talked about discontinuity. Maybe thin layer correction would be a part of that discussion, maybe presence or absence of gravels would be a question.

Yerba Buena SX80: No.

Yerba Buena SX80: maybe the you know, influence of of plast plastic materials on driving blow counts down, which make the blow counts go down, but the plasticity itself makes them not liquifiable. So

Yerba Buena SX80: the

Yerba Buena SX80: summarize your concern more or less with that collection of of concerns at least, and

Yerba Buena SX80: I need for us to see it again.

Yerba Buena SX80: Or I mean, there’s there’s 2 options I get, I mean 3 options. We can say.

Yerba Buena SX80: do it and and resubmit it in your materials. But we don’t need to see it again. We can say, Do it and submit it to Jen, and she’ll distribute, and

Yerba Buena SX80: you know one of us will take a look at it and say, Yeah, looks looks good, or we can say no. The we, as the Board want to see the project again.

Yerba Buena SX80: I mean, in my view, is. if the conclusions and recommendations are gonna be changed because of these particularly valuations, and

Yerba Buena SX80: for sure it has at least document has to come to us. Sure. Well.

Yerba Buena SX80: so that part of it would be then that we would like to have the results resubmitted whether or not it comes as before, a regular board meeting.

Yerba Buena SX80: and that could be potentially evaluated by staff, I guess, in particular, potentially and

Yerba Buena SX80: consultation with the chair or somebody.

Yerba Buena SX80: That was point 1

Yerba Buena SX80: art, suggested that free board be looked at. So I think we’re gonna recommend that you look at freeboard. fema is probably rolled out. But what do you say, Bob? Coastal Commission

Yerba Buena SX80: may have some input on free board requirements.

Yerba Buena SX80: I’ll I’ll let Justin respond to that. But I was thinking that the City county, San Francisco is because of their participation in national flow insurance program would

Yerba Buena SX80: be the ones that would identify and articulate any coastal floodplain management requirements

Yerba Buena SX80: for development in the floodplain. Yeah, it may just be a matter sort of looking at the design elevations and and the projected timing of impacts with sea level rise

Yerba Buena SX80: with the run up component and and just sort of

Yerba Buena SX80: discussing how your sort of sea level rise. Lifespan of the project might change with consideration of

Yerba Buena SX80: wave run up as well.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah. Could if I could just make a comment on that clarifying. I use the term total water level before and total water level in the sense of fema is the

Yerba Buena SX80: the bay water level plus the wave run-up

Yerba Buena SX80: or the wave crest above the water level. Total water level in the Bcd Sea adapting to rising tides is a slightly different definition.

Yerba Buena SX80: So I’m referring. And I think Justin is referring to.

Yerba Buena SX80: although it’s your fault that

Yerba Buena SX80: art doesn’t include waves. Right? Yeah.

Yerba Buena SX80: oh, that’s an another engineering joke. Sorry. But

Yerba Buena SX80: so we’re talking about the wave run up over and above the still water, even though the waves are supposedly small. Your documents indicate a 3.7 or something foot wave in a 50 or one wave event. So that’s not.

Yerba Buena SX80: you know. Nothing. Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: Sorry, Jim. I was just trying some notes for myself. That was good. Thanks, Bob.

Yerba Buena SX80: a.

Yerba Buena SX80: And then we had talked about inclinometers. I think we kind of established that we don’t have that’s not within our purview to require. But I think we wanna just go ahead and be documented as saying, we think that some sort of defamation

Yerba Buena SX80: instrumentation is a cool idea.

Yerba Buena SX80: The potentially could be useful.

Yerba Buena SX80: I think it is within our purview to request you at least talk with Cgs about a strong motion instrumentation, and we have suggested 3 potential locations. One would be the

Yerba Buena SX80: the peer.

Yerba Buena SX80: One would be on top of Msc. Slash, Dsm.

Yerba Buena SX80: And want to be somewhere on soft ground.

Yerba Buena SX80: And, Jim, I just wanted to make sure we didn’t forget the the I think the Board recommends

Yerba Buena SX80: that city county, San Francisco, and perhaps are consultants.

Yerba Buena SX80: Consider the operational constraints on public access to the

Yerba Buena SX80: floats and along the gangways, due to wave-induced float motions and wave and water level induced flooding.

Yerba Buena SX80: So they had said that they’re gonna put a gate up there which is kind of keeping people out

Yerba Buena SX80: by suggestion.

Yerba Buena SX80: I guess I mean said already that people can jump over gates if they want to, or over over chains if they want to, and I thought you had said more or less. That was a a good enough response. Well, I’m not sure II don’t. I don’t want to be on the record, supporting or not supporting that response.

Yerba Buena SX80: I would just say that the city county, San Francisco is responsible for it, as their design consultants are, and in my view, and that

Yerba Buena SX80: I’m okay with not understanding what the operational criteria are and how that’s managed. As long as it’s clear that

Yerba Buena SX80: they have to take care of it, whether it’s a chain or maybe something else. I think it’s the issue of the operational control rather than what the devices? Yeah, yeah, that’s kind of where I was going. So

Yerba Buena SX80: I think it’s a. It’s an important issue that I think should be on the record. And II know that you heard it, but I just feel like we should write it down specifically different than I understood previously. I just didn’t catch it is that I think our recommendation is that they go to City county and

Yerba Buena SX80: work it out well. I think the reason why I say City can in San Francisco is because reckon Park is the app the owner applicant. Is that correct?

Yerba Buena SX80: So that’s why I said that. But I think also their consultants are professionally responsible for for that without having analyzed those motions. I mean it could.

Yerba Buena SX80: If you found that it would be frequently unusable. Maybe there’s a design change that could be made

Yerba Buena SX80: to make it safer.

Yerba Buena SX80: so it might be worth looking at in the design phase as opposed to just waiting to see how it does, and closing it when it’s dangerous.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, II agree. That would be perhaps a more detailed response. And I don’t know why I’m being so easy on everyone today, but that would be the typical action would be actually address. Like, if you’re designing a ferry berth, there are operational limits on the motions based on the waves, and then the ferry operators shut down the facility, if not the ferries themselves. In that condition

this is a little different.

Yerba Buena SX80: but I would recognize that. Not only do you have people that might come on from land, you have people that may approach from the water, so maybe some signage is, or some sort of notice to mariners, or there may be a number of items that make sense that may evolve. Actually, as you figure out how people are. Gonna use this

Yerba Buena SX80: I think, in the Design Review Board meeting I mentioned having a docent or somebody that’s kind of close to a harbor master that might just be aware of what’s going on and at least have an emergency response capability.

Yerba Buena SX80: But I think the operational limits are important for the general public on the water.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thanks.

Yerba Buena SX80: II think if I if I may your point your point, that operational limits, if, in fact, the facility has to be shut down more than 50% of the time because of wave action, then it doesn’t serve the purpose that it was intended for. And I think that’s the that’s the direction from which it should be looked at. What percentage of time would the conditions be so adverse that you would have to limit access

Yerba Buena SX80: to the public to to protect their safety. And, as I said, if it exceeds 50 of the time.

Yerba Buena SX80: it becomes a red herring as opposed to a useful facility.

Yerba Buena SX80: So I think that’s that’s a good point. Yeah, thank you. That that’s a better way of saying it appreciate that. Thank you.

Yerba Buena SX80: And then, you guys are, gonna look into the basis of the 40 to 50 year design life.

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, that’s actually based on the life of the or what we expect, the life of the floats would be

Yerba Buena SX80: float, float the

Yerba Buena SX80: right because they’re aluminum, and they move around maximum.

Yerba Buena SX80: I should be. It just should be documented somehow. I mean formally. It’s not

Yerba Buena SX80: not that I don’t trust your judgment, but it shouldn’t be your judgment. I mean, the owner should know. What’s what do you think the life is?

Yerba Buena SX80: Well, I think there’s 2 things we’re talking about. There’s the talk, the the lifespan of the actual material. The flow which he just mentioned is 40 years. And then there’s the anticipated lifespan of the the park features, and and that’s something that we can look into as a department, and what Rec. Park

Yerba Buena SX80: usually uses as our our criteria for design longevity and and get back to you.

Yerba Buena SX80: And you were, gonna look into 100 year versus 50 year Wave.

Yerba Buena SX80: You gotta include a document documentation somewhere of the Qc. Program for the

Yerba Buena SX80: the The Dsm

Yerba Buena SX80: and include documentation about the tow embedded. How that’s going to be determined and controlled in the field

Yerba Buena SX80: and discussion of settlement behind the MSE.

Yerba Buena SX80: Wall of the engineered film.

Yerba Buena SX80: and it seems to me that what we’re looking for is to have it be resubmitted. Some of this stuff, Doc. Redoc the new documentation and discussions. You missed a couple for me.

Yerba Buena SX80: Sorry I had 2 other recommendations. One was

Yerba Buena SX80: the seating of the gangways to verify the seating on the gangways. They need to add that to their design criteria, and the other was to include buoyancy.

Yerba Buena SX80: uplift, uplift. to look at the uplift that needs to be

Yerba Buena SX80: put into the criteria. Okay. thanks. Anything else I missed.

Yerba Buena SX80: seems to me that what makes sense is that we that it be resubmitted to the to staff.

Yerba Buena SX80: and we don’t de facto, we we’re not determined that we need to see it again. But we may depending on how the impact of some of these relooks goes, and

Yerba Buena SX80: that can be determined by staff. And or, you know, staff potentially discussion with

Yerba Buena SX80: one or more of us on the board, although they’re limited to how many people they can talk to because of Bagley keen act. So, Mr. Chairman, may I move that once the report is finished that you resubmit a quick

Yerba Buena SX80: summary of the major

Yerba Buena SX80: changes so responses to the questions that were raised.

Yerba Buena SX80: and that the staff evaluate

Yerba Buena SX80: the need to consult the whole board

Yerba Buena SX80: based on

Yerba Buena SX80: substance of the changes.

Yerba Buena SX80: Second, that

Yerba Buena SX80: okay, it’s been moved and seconded. Do I need to restate the motion that that when they just said that, Bill, you’ll resubmit in re with responses to what we just summarized here

Yerba Buena SX80: to this to staff and staff will evaluate whether how whether you see our me needs to look at it further.


Yerba Buena SX80: present school?

Yerba Buena SX80: Yeah, that clear enough to you, Jen. Yes, okay, it’s been moved and seconded

Yerba Buena SX80: any further discussion on the motion.

Yerba Buena SX80: hearing none. All those in favor say, aye, aye.

Yerba Buena SX80: a post the motion carries

Yerba Buena SX80: it’s been moved to June. Is there a second second? It’s been a second and third and fourth, and a fifth we have a motion before us to adjourn all those in favor all opposed.

Yerba Buena SX80: We are adjourned.

Yerba Buena SX80: Thanks, all nice present to you.

Learn How to Participate

Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act

As a state agency, the Commission is governed by the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act which requires the Commission to: (1) publish an agenda at least ten days in advance of any meeting; and (2) describe specifically in that agenda the items to be transacted or discussed. Public notices of Commission meetings and staff reports (as applicable) dealing with matters on the meeting agendas can be found on BCDC’s website. Simply access Commission Meetings under the “Public Meetings” tab on the website and select the date of the meeting.

How to Provide Comments and Comment Time Limits

Pursuant to state law, the Commission is currently conducting its public meetings in a “hybrid” fashion. Each meeting notice will specify (1) where the meeting is being primarily held physically, (2) all teleconference locations, which will be publicly-accessible, and (3) the ZOOM virtual meeting link. If you would like to comment at the beginning of the meeting or on an item scheduled for public discussion, you may do so in one of three ways: (1) being present at the primary physical or a teleconference meeting location; (2) emailing comments in advance to public comment until 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting; and (3) participating via ZOOM during the meeting.

If you plan to participate through ZOOM, please use your ZOOM-enabled device and click on the “raise your hand” button, and then wait to speak until called upon. If you are using a telephone to call into the meeting, select *6 to unmute your phone and you will then be able to speak. We ask that everyone use the mute button when not speaking. It is also important that you not put your phone on hold. Each speaker may be limited to a maximum of three minutes or less at the discretion of the Chair during the public comment period depending on the volume of persons intending to provide public comment. Any speakers who exceed the time limits or interfere with the meeting may be muted by the Chair. It is strongly recommended that public comments be submitted in writing so they can be distributed to all Commission members in advance of the meeting for review. You are encouraged to submit written comments of any length and detailed information to the staff prior to the meeting at the email address above, which will be distributed to the Commission members.

Questions and Staff Reports

If you have any questions concerning an item on the agenda, would like to receive notice of future hearings, or access staff reports related to the item, please contact the staff member whose name, email address and direct phone number are indicated in parenthesis at the end of the agenda item.

Campaign Contributions

State law requires Commissioners to disqualify themselves from voting on any matter if they have received a campaign contribution from an interested party within the past 12 months. If you intend to speak on any hearing item, please indicate in your testimony if you have made campaign contributions in excess of $250 to any Commissioner within the last year, and if so, to which Commissioner(s) you have contributed. Other legal requirements govern contributions by applicants and other interested parties and establish criteria for Commissioner conflicts of interest. Please consult with the staff counsel if you have any questions about the rules that pertain to campaign contributions or conflicts of interest.

Access to Meetings

Meetings are physically held in venues that are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance or have technical questions, please contact staff at least three days prior to the meeting via email. We will attempt to make the virtual meeting accessible via ZOOM accessibility capabilities, as well.


December 6, 2023
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


Yerba Buena Room First Floor of the Metro Center
 375 Beale Street,
San Francisco, United States
+ Google Map