BCDC launches Leadership Academy for S.F. high schoolers

In January 2025 the Bay Conservation and Development Commission and the Port of San Francisco launched the San Francisco Shoreline Leadership Academy, a 15-week training program for high school juniors and seniors. Participants will get to tour parts of the San Francisco shoreline and be trained by subject matter experts on a variety of topics including sea level rise, flooding, beneficial reuse of sediment, economic development, and more.

The Academy is an opportunity for high schoolers to meaningfully engage with issues related to the Bay environment and shoreline, and to practice how they can be changemakers in these spaces, individually and collaboratively. In addition to weekly in-person meetings and discussions, participants will be able to create and present a final project that combines their learning.

BCDC selected 17 participants from San Francisco high schools out of 177 applications. Each participant receives a $1,800 stipend upon completion of the Academy (as well as food and travel stipends throughout) and will have a chance to apply for a summer internship with the Port of San Francisco.

San Francisco Leadership Academy for high schoolers