Cargill Salt Ponds Meetings

The community and ECRB meetings are listed below.

Community Meetings

Cargill Salt Ponds BCDC Permit Number 2021.003.00 Community Meeting Notice – August 8, 2023

Daytime Meeting: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Evening Meeting: 7:00-8:00 p.m.

The information session slide deck and a video recording of the presentation with real time Spanish translation are:
English  // Spanish

August 8, 2023 Community Meeting #1

August 8, 2023 Community Meeting #2

Engineering Criteria Review Board Meetings

The Engineering Criteria Review Board (ECRB) to date has held two meetings to review engineering issues regarding the stability of the berms that contain mixed sea salts (MSS) at the Cargill, Inc. salt ponds Newark Plant 2. A third meeting is expected to be scheduled for Summer 2024. Meeting notices, presentation materials, and audio recordings of the meetings are listed below.